Italy Elects Giorgia Meloni As New Prime Minister In Stunning Victory For Feminism Everywhere

Wonder when German and French citizens will get tired of supporting half the countries in western Europe while being invaded by muslims with no intention of adopting the customs and culture of their hosts? "Hosts" is a double entendre the relationship is parasitic.

Either of those 2 leaves the EU and its curtains for that failed liberal globalists boondoggle. We are so very fortunate to be born here in the US...where our greatest allies are named Atlantic and Pacific. While we have problems of our own, we do not have liberal neighbors on all sides with their hands out ...and trying to make us adopt the same socialist policies that are destroying their own countries. Nor immigration quotas or expectations of unvetted muslims. When folks with half a clue, or a tinge of honesty are in charge again we can actually secure our southern border. These countries in the EU will never be able to stop the flow of interlopers.
The quicker it collapses the better off everyone will be.

They have essentially created a central planning effort that spans far far too wide and has created nothing but division and unnecessary hardship for the citizens of the countries involved. As with similar efforts in the past, this one is doomed to fail and the protest leading up to its demise will most likely result in a governing body violently fighting its citizens to stay in power.
Depends who you ask. The media seems pretty upset.
I can tell you from personal experience, Conservative women are probably the most hated on group right now.. that’s why I try not to say anything..just vote and keep my mouth shut.. but sometimes, I just have to say something 😂.. I don’t say boo on FB, at work, nada 😂

Yeah, the media based its entire evaluation of her solely on that slogan.

Pretty much. They're that shallow.
Eventually the EU will be relegated to the dust bin of history where it belongs. 50-75 years tops.

The EU should have been nothing more than a commission of members from European countries dedicated to infrequent meetings with a charter to do very few mutually beneficial things such as allowing Europeans to travel easily between countries that are frequently no larger than our states and to enact something modeled along our Interstate Commerce Act to facilitate trade and manufacturing. Of course, we've allowed CA to spit on the Interstate Commerce Act, but in many other unnecessary things we've become a nation of shoving unnecessary law (often liberal fantasy) down the throats of all citizens, so maybe we have no reason to criticize.
Meloni dog-whistles to her neo-fascist political ancestors with the Mussolini-era slogan “God, homeland, family”. She did it in 2019, screaming from the stage at a rally in San Giovanni: “I am Giorgia, I am a woman, I am a mother, I am Italian, I am a Christian.”

What a fascist bitch
I can tell you from personal experience, Conservative women are probably the most hated on group right now.. that’s why I try not to say anything..just vote and keep my mouth shut.. but sometimes, I just have to say something 😂.. I don’t say boo on FB, at work, nada 😂
I agree. I don’t have Facebook for a reason. I used to jokingly call it the devil.
Nurses are a special breed. I work with the crazy every week.

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