Italy Elects Giorgia Meloni As New Prime Minister In Stunning Victory For Feminism Everywhere

Did 129k come in at 3am for one candidate? 5 different states?

No BS , we were still up at about 130AM due to the excitement of the election and when i closed my eyes to go to sleep, Trump was ahead in 4/5 swing states and a dead heat or slight lead in GA...with the VAST majority of precincts already accounted for. I got up for work a little over 4 hours later at 545 or 6AM....and somehow Biden won EVERY single one of those states and they were calling the election for Biden? With votes STILL being delivered and counted, the day !AFTER! The election in Mich, Wisc, etc???

If that crazy bullcrap happens again, i believe 1 of 2 things will occur:

Folks like me will take to the streets to protest by the millions...


People like me will see that the folks who say that they wont stand for sham elections will do nothing to help put an end to it... and i will refuse to participate at all in a crooked sheithole of a country apathetic about its own destruction...i will begin isolation as far from cities as possible and prepping for subsistence farming, animal husbandry, and killing any human being not family that comes on my land. For any reason. I am not riding the crazy train all the way to the last stop with all the weirdos, pedos, socialists and other worthless humans. We will go off grid entirely and make do.
The quicker it collapses the better off everyone will be.
So wait... I was called out for pointing out this fact back in 2014 when all of these people were saying Ukraine would be better off joining the EU over moving closer to Russia.

Look where we are at now. Russ has a stable economy that is integrating with The East. Meanwhile, EU can't find energy or fertilizer so will either freeze or starve or both in the next few months. 5 different states?

No BS , we were still up at about 130AM due to the excitement of the election and when i closed my eyes to go to sleep, Trump was ahead in 4/5 swing states and a dead heat or slight lead in GA...with the VAST majority of precincts already accounted for. I got up for work a little over 4 hours later at 545 or 6AM....and somehow Biden won EVERY single one of those states and they were calling the election for Biden? With votes STILL being delivered and counted, the day !AFTER! The election in Mich, Wisc, etc???

If that crazy bullcrap happens again, i believe 1 of 2 things will occur:

Folks like me will take to the streets to protest by the millions...


People like me will see that the folks who say that they wont stand for sham elections will do nothing to help put an end to it... and i will refuse to participate at all in a crooked sheithole of a country apathetic about its own destruction...i will begin isolation as far from cities as possible and prepping for subsistence farming, animal husbandry, and killing any human being not family that comes on my land. For any reason. I am not riding the crazy train all the way to the last stop with all the weirdos, pedos, socialists and other worthless humans. We will go off grid entirely and make do.
Sorry man that's just you not understanding how many of these states handled in mail voting. And this exact issue was discussed as a reason why trump might call bs on the the election ahead of time. And the prediction was right. Take Georgia for example. They couldn't start tabulating mail in votes until 8:00 on election night. They could start validating the vote, meaning where it came from etc ahead of time, but not tabulate. Every GA resident, who paid attention, knew Trump would have a large lead going to bed that night. It was a matter of would it hold. This was true for many swing states. does your comment mesh with her saying she has no intent to end access to abortion, but to provides other alternatives.
Pretty simple: I don't trust her. I don't trust any right-wing politician at the moment. Examples:

I watched three conservative SCOTUS Justices swear under oath that Roe was settled precedent: a lie.

Then watched the GOP claim that was a state's rights issue, and not two weeks later floated a national ban: another lie.

Then heard the GOP say they weren't coming after contraception, interracial marriage, or LGBT marriage: yet another lie. (Read Thomas's comments on Dodd, and the numerous GOP politicians that have commented post-Dodd)

Pardon me for not believing American conservatives and far-right politicians like Meloni, Orban, or Putin lately. They haven't given me a reason to do so. I also have a hard time trusting a pol that idolizes Mussolini, but that's just me.
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Pretty simple: I don't trust her. I don't trust any right-wing politician at the moment. Examples:

I watched three conservative SCOTUS Justices swear under oath that Roe was settled precedent: a lie.

Then watched the GOP claim that was a state's rights issue, and not two weeks later floated a national ban: another lie.

Then heard the GOP say they weren't coming after contraception, interracial marriage, or LGBT marriage: yet another lie. (Read Thomas's comments on Dodd, and the numerous GOP politicians that have commented post-Dodd)

Pardon me for not believing American conservatives and far-right politicians like Meloni, Orban, or Putin lately. They haven't given me a reason to do so. I also have a hard time trusting a pol that idolizes Mussolini, but that's just me.
Do you trust far-left politicians?
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Pretty simple: I don't trust her. I don't trust any right-wing politician at the moment. Examples:

I watched three conservative SCOTUS Justices swear under oath that Roe was settled precedent: a lie.

Then watched the GOP claim that was a state's rights issue, and not two weeks later floated a national ban: another lie.

Then heard the GOP say they weren't coming after contraception, interracial marriage, or LGBT marriage: yet another lie. (Read Thomas's comments on Dodd, and the numerous GOP politicians that have commented post-Dodd)

Pardon me for not believing American conservatives and far-right politicians like Meloni, Orban, or Putin lately. They haven't given me a reason to do so. I also have a hard time trusting a pol that idolizes Mussolini, but that's just me.

Curious why Putin is considered far-right?
How would you categorize him? Genuine question, no snark here.

Authoritarian, pseudo-dictator and as Ape said - no coherent left/right spectrum view just power grabbing. He was a long time member of the communist party and I'd hardly consider that a far-right ideology but I don't see him as either left or right.
Nope. As Fox Mulder would say:

View attachment 495406

I agree with this but it brings up an interesting to me (and honest) question. I understand your values are to the left and one common thing we see on the left is a belief that we need more government to ensure those values are enacted/supported. So how do you balance your distrust of political/government leaders with a call for providing them with more power over our lives?

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