Italy Elects Giorgia Meloni As New Prime Minister In Stunning Victory For Feminism Everywhere

Authoritarian, pseudo-dictator and as Ape said - no coherent left/right spectrum view just power grabbing. He was a long time member of the communist party and I'd hardly consider that a far-right ideology but I don't see him as either left or right.
That's a fair assessment. I think I'd still put him in the far-right category these days because of his shift from communism to oligarchy. At the end of the day he is an authoritarian prick either way.
That's a fair assessment. I think I'd still put him in the far-right category these days because of his shift from communism to oligarchy. At the end of the day he is an authoritarian prick either way.

How about Xi Jinping - seems pretty similar to Putin but hard to argue the leader of the communist party of China is a right winger.
I agree with this but it brings up an interesting to me (and honest) question. I understand your values are to the left and one common thing we see on the left is a belief that we need more government to ensure those values are enacted/supported. So how do you balance your distrust of political/government leaders with a call for providing them with more power over our lives?
I'm socially very liberal, a centrist on economics. and probably center-right on foreign policy. We probably agree on more things than you think. I wish we did not need government to have to elucidate basic things further like equality, equal treatment for all under the law, and a whole host of other social issues, but sadly we do. Republicans are big government too, lets not pretend they are not. I don't want government to have more control over our lives, but I do want them to protect freedoms and equality for ALL of us. I'm sorry, but that is not where the GOP is at these days. So I will continue to vote against the GOP.
How about Xi Jinping - seems pretty similar to Putin but hard to argue the leader of the communist party of China is a right winger.
I'd call Xi far-left authoritarian. I mean, they are still putting out five-year plans Soviet style, even if they are a little more friendly to business now.
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I'm socially very liberal, a centrist on economics. and probably center-right on foreign policy. We probably agree on more things than you think. I wish we did not need government to have to elucidate basic things further like equality, equal treatment for all under the law, and a whole host of other social issues, but sadly we do. Republicans are big government too, lets not pretend they are not. I don't want government to have more control over our lives, but I do want them to protect freedoms and equality for ALL of us. I'm sorry, but that is not where the GOP is at these days. So I will continue to vote against the GOP.

I have no doubt we are in agreement on many things. Agree Rs are big government too but I'm not a Republican. Given my choices I'm more likely to vote R though because D's are not about freedom either. Each side chooses the particular constituents they want to support. Of the freedoms that each side want to take away I probably align more with the R side and you the D side. Or put another way - I'm more concerned about the freedoms D's want to take away than those that R's do though I don't support either effort. That said a simpler solution is to reduce the influence of the Federal government so neither can cherry pick the freedoms they don't care about.
I have no doubt we are in agreement on many things. Agree Rs are big government too but I'm not a Republican. Given my choices I'm more likely to vote R though because D's are not about freedom either. Each side chooses the particular constituents they want to support. Of the freedoms that each side want to take away I probably align more with the R side and you the D side. Or put another way - I'm more concerned about the freedoms D's want to take away than those that R's do though I don't support either effort. That said a simpler solution is to reduce the influence of the Federal government so neither can cherry pick the freedoms they don't care about.
I'm much more concerned about the freedoms the GOP wants to strip from everyone. And while I agree that most things are best handled by states and local governments, there are some things the Feds need to step in on. Ensuring that no one is a second class citizen is the main thing.
I'm much more concerned about the freedoms the GOP wants to strip from everyone. And while I agree that most things are best handled by states and local governments, there are some things the Feds need to step in on. Ensuring that no one is a second class citizen is the main thing.

Lol. What “freedoms” are being stripped? There’s plenty of people worse than a second class citizen and deserve to be treated as such.
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Lol. What “freedoms” are being stripped? There’s plenty of people worse than a second class citizen and deserve to be treated as such.
I have no doubt you believe this and want to apply it to anyone different than you.
I'm much more concerned about the freedoms the GOP wants to strip from everyone. And while I agree that most things are best handled by states and local governments, there are some things the Feds need to step in on. Ensuring that no one is a second class citizen is the main thing.

again I'll suggest that D's create second class citizens with their policies as much as R's do.
again I'll suggest that D's create second class citizens with their policies as much as R's do.
Eh, I don't see liberals advocating for stripping voting rights, access to contraception, denying interracial or gay marriage, forcing their religion on people through government, etc. This ain't our grandpappy's party of Reagan anymore.
The heck with feminism, when are we finally going to elect a real babe as President like the Italians. Hillary's biggest problem was that I've adopted better looking stray dogs than her. Woof! And Sarah Palin, my god she must put the makeup on with a spackling tool. I actually went to grad school for a year with Michelle Bachman and had several classes with her, meh.

I could get behind a Taylor Swift for President campaign.
Eh, I don't see liberals advocating for stripping voting rights, access to contraception, denying interracial or gay marriage, forcing their religion on people through government, etc. This ain't our grandpappy's party of Reagan anymore.

Voting should take some effort. Contraception should be personal responsibility. Nobody is denying interracial marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman, the gays can call their union whatever they like but everyone shouldn’t be forced to recognize it. The government shouldn’t promote or offer perks for any. Religion is a right and everything you posted other than voting isn’t. Just an fyi.
Eh, I don't see liberals advocating for stripping voting rights, access to contraception, denying interracial or gay marriage, forcing their religion on people through government, etc. This ain't our grandpappy's party of Reagan anymore.

on 2nd class citizens (off the top of my head)

equity programs favor some groups over others in the name of rectifying some past wrong
prevailing wage requirements and other union-centric programs favor some businesses over others; some workers over others
"proper speak" efforts favor one viewpoint over other viewpoints
Title IX provisions like the "Dear Colleague" letter that turned the concept of due process on it's head

on general reduction of rights (of the top of my head)

firearm restrictions
excessive environmental regulation (ironically the Biden administration denied the rights of Native Americans to drill on their own land)
vaccine and masking mandates
policing wrong think and pressuring social media companies to assist
rejecting school choice
ESG/social impact reporting requirements (along with excessive regulatory compliance regulations)

just a short list - both parties use their power to force their world view on all. The best solution is to reduce the government's ability to do so but both parties push to grow government power.
Voting should take some effort. Contraception should be personal responsibility. Nobody is denying interracial marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman, the gays can call their union whatever they like but everyone shouldn’t be forced to recognize it. The government shouldn’t promote or offer perks for any. Religion is a right and everything you posted other than voting isn’t. Just an fyi.
Nobody cares if you personally recognize gay marriage or not. As long as the government recognizes that equality and treats people equally, you can be as hateful and bigoted as you want. Freedom FROM religion is also a right, as much as you don't want it to be. Since you stated the government shouldn't promote or offer perks for any, lets start with churches not paying taxes, if you are being serious about it. I doubt it though.
Nobody cares if you personally recognize gay marriage or not. As long as the government recognizes that equality and treats people equally, you can be as hateful and bigoted as you want. Freedom FROM religion is also a right, as much as you don't want it to be. Since you stated the government shouldn't promote or offer perks for any, lets start with churches not paying taxes, if you are being serious about it. I doubt it though.

Religion is a right. Marriage is not. Not even legitimate marriage.
on 2nd class citizens (off the top of my head)

equity programs favor some groups over others in the name of rectifying some past wrong
prevailing wage requirements and other union-centric programs favor some businesses over others; some workers over others
"proper speak" efforts favor one viewpoint over other viewpoints
Title IX provisions like the "Dear Colleague" letter that turned the concept of due process on it's head

on general reduction of rights (of the top of my head)

firearm restrictions
excessive environmental regulation (ironically the Biden administration denied the rights of Native Americans to drill on their own land)
vaccine and masking mandates
policing wrong think and pressuring social media companies to assist
rejecting school choice
ESG/social impact reporting requirements (along with excessive regulatory compliance regulations)

just a short list - both parties use their power to force their world view on all. The best solution is to reduce the government's ability to do so but both parties push to grow government power.
I can agree on the firearm restriction part, but the rest not so much. The whole "wrongthink" thing is bs. Have you been on Twitter lately? You can basically post what you want if you don't threaten to kill somebody lol. There was never a nationwide vaccine or mask mandate. And school choice should be rejected on the public level. If you want to send your kids to a Christian school, you can pay for it. They should not get a dime from federal, state, or local funding. Not sure what ESG is.
The heck with feminism, when are we finally going to elect a real babe as President like the Italians. Hillary's biggest problem was that I've adopted better looking stray dogs than her. Woof! And Sarah Palin, my god she must put the makeup on with a spackling tool. I actually went to grad school for a year with Michelle Bachman and had several classes with her, meh.

I could get behind a Taylor Swift for President campaign.
Easy, killer. She's okay, but not a "babe".
Eh, I don't see liberals advocating for stripping voting rights, access to contraception, denying interracial or gay marriage, forcing their religion on people through government, etc. This ain't our grandpappy's party of Reagan anymore.

That is the biggest pile of horseshit I ever read on here.
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America is going to become some theocracy..Nothing could be further than the truth as its skews just the opposite.
I'm much more concerned about the freedoms the GOP wants to strip from everyone. And while I agree that most things are best handled by states and local governments, there are some things the Feds need to step in on. Ensuring that no one is a second class citizen is the main thing.

What freedoms? Dems love to derive new "freedoms" all the time. Most of us would agree that everyone has a right to publicly offered services - but our chosen economic way of life says you pay for services used. Dems are the people who drive wedges by announcing one fine day that everyone has a right to free health care - or government paid health care if some one can't or won't pay for such services. We've seen these kinds of wedge issues time and again. It's simply a means to buy support for the party.

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