I've hesitated to post this thread, but someone has to speak out.

The board members I speak of takenit upon themselves to be responsible and care for their guns, keep them out of the hands of criminals.

For those who don't at this point we need to incentive them to do so. They need to pay when they buy w gun, it's stolen, and used in a crime. Start setting some examples.
I agree. Let’s do cars and basically every personal item while we’re at it.
Didn't you just tell me you do not support abortion past viability? If so, are you not proclaiming that you would want to force your view onto others of that?

Or are you claiming their should be no restrictions on abortion? You can't have it both ways:

Option 1: there is a standard and restrictions are enforced on others.

Option 2: there is no standard and late term abortions are allowed under any scenario.
I would prefer that there weren’t late-term abortions, but I’m willing to listen to anyone who would argue for them. Personally, I’m not a fan.
I would prefer that there weren’t late-term abortions, but I’m willing to listen to anyone who would argue for them. Personally, I’m not a fan.

You still did not answer the question. Should an elective late term abortion be banned or should there be no limitations on abortion?

It's not a hard question. I would prefer people don't smoke crack, but I think it should be legal to smoke crack.
You still did not answer the question. Should an elective late term abortion be banned or should there be no limitations on abortion?

It's not a hard question. I would prefer people don't smoke crack, but I think it should be legal to smoke crack.
I wouldn’t outlaw them, but if I’m someone’s OB I don’t think I’m doing one unless there were extreme extenuating circumstances.
I wouldn’t outlaw them, but if I’m someone’s OB I don’t think I’m doing one unless there were extreme extenuating circumstances.

So legally, you support unlimited abortion until birth. Idk why that took so long to get to.

Can you tell me why it’s morally acceptable to kill a 9 month fetus inside the womb vs outside? I don’t see location as an acceptable reason for murder.

Proud killer of infants have no conscience

I’m surprised anything in there is still functioning enough to even get pregnant. Or more likely, she lied because having an abortion has become a sick virtue signal on left
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So legally, you support unlimited abortion until birth. Idk why that took so long to get to.

Can you tell me why it’s morally acceptable to kill a 9 month fetus inside the womb vs outside? I don’t see location as an acceptable reason for murder.
You’re using the extreme example of a full term pregnancy abortion. As I said, I’ve been part of thousands of procedures and never seen any abortions performed after 15 weeks gestation. The number of abortions performed that are greater than 21 weeks gestation accounts for less than 1% of total cases. I don’t find your example realistic as it seems that very few pregnant women and/or physicians participate in what you’re talking about, and the only time I’ve ever personally heard of an abortion after 21 weeks the mother was in mortal danger. Please be realistic if you want a realistic banter.
I’m surprised anything in there is still functioning enough to even get pregnant. Or more likely, she lied because having an abortion has become a sick virtue signal on left
Liberalism reminds me of toddlers making rules.
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You’re using the extreme example of a full term pregnancy abortion. As I said, I’ve been part of thousands of procedures and never seen any abortions performed after 15 weeks gestation. The number of abortions performed that are greater than 21 weeks gestation accounts for less than 1% of total cases. I don’t find your example realistic as it seems that very few pregnant women and/or physicians participate in what you’re talking about, and the only time I’ve ever personally heard of an abortion after 21 weeks the mother was in mortal danger. Please be realistic if you want a realistic banter.

Ever seen the same woman 21 times?
You’re using the extreme example of a full term pregnancy abortion. As I said, I’ve been part of thousands of procedures and never seen any abortions performed after 15 weeks gestation. The number of abortions performed that are greater than 21 weeks gestation accounts for less than 1% of total cases. I don’t find your example realistic as it seems that very few pregnant women and/or physicians participate in what you’re talking about, and the only time I’ve ever personally heard of an abortion after 21 weeks the mother was in mortal danger. Please be realistic if you want a realistic banter.

If you don’t believe this example would occur, what harm is there is banning it? Yes, I’m starting with the extreme to see if you have a line. If you have a line we can find common ground. If you support killing a baby at any point, we cannot.

If no one is attempting to abort a healthy fetus at 9 months, what’s the problem?

And c section is safer than abortion, so why would we kill a viable child?
I don’t imagine most women would be gang raped by their relatives. But in the rare case it would occur, I oppose it and believe it should be illegal.

I don’t imagine most women would have a 9 month abortion of a viable child, but in the rare case it would happen, I oppose it and believe it should be illegal

@OHvol40 why is that hard?
If you don’t believe this example would occur, what harm is there is banning it? Yes, I’m starting with the extreme to see if you have a line. If you have a line we can find common ground. If you support killing a baby at any point, we cannot.

If no one is attempting to abort a healthy fetus at 9 months, what’s the problem?

And c section is safer than abortion, so why would we kill a viable child?
Sure I have a line. As I told you, I don’t think abortion after (about) 24 weeks is necessary unless there are extreme circumstances. If I’m writing legislation, my stance would reflect this. This would cover roughly 99% of abortion cases and allow consideration of any extreme or unforeseen circumstances. I would be open to adjusting my opinion based on solid arguments either way… but alas I’m not a legislator.
Sure I have a line. As I told you, I don’t think abortion after (about) 24 weeks is necessary unless there are extreme circumstances. If I’m writing legislation, my stance would reflect this. This would cover roughly 99% of abortion cases and allow consideration of any extreme or unforeseen circumstances. I would be open to adjusting my opinion based on solid arguments either way… but alas I’m not a legislator.

I wouldn’t outlaw them, but if I’m someone’s OB I don’t think I’m doing one unless there were extreme extenuating circumstances.

You’re also not consistent. You have stated you would outlaw them just now and then earlier you would not outlaw them.

Your inability to be consistent has proven you would make a great politician
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Sure I have a line. As I told you, I don’t think abortion after (about) 24 weeks is necessary unless there are extreme circumstances. If I’m writing legislation, my stance would reflect this. This would cover roughly 99% of abortion cases and allow consideration of any extreme or unforeseen circumstances. I would be open to adjusting my opinion based on solid arguments either way… but alas I’m not a legislator.

So, despite your earlier "banter" (a very revealing term given the stakes), you actually would impose "your beliefs" upon others?
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24 weeks isn’t arbitrary, it is my formulated opinion on roughly when life begins. I’ve been part of thousands of births (many have moved me to tears) and thousands of D&C procedures. I’ve seen many things happen in countless scenarios. Even though I feel like I’ve seen it all, I am not going to force my belief onto anyone else that life begins at 24ish weeks. You’re welcome to believe it begins at conception, or birth, or any time in-between. Try to instill those values in your loved ones if you feel so convicted. Please do.

The difference is my stance allows people to disagree, while many on here want to deny that freedom of thought and choice. If that’s the country you want to live in, great. I’m not keen on a non-fiction version of the Handmaid’s Tale, though.

Sure I have a line. As I told you, I don’t think abortion after (about) 24 weeks is necessary unless there are extreme circumstances. If I’m writing legislation, my stance would reflect this. This would cover roughly 99% of abortion cases and allow consideration of any extreme or unforeseen circumstances. I would be open to adjusting my opinion based on solid arguments either way… but alas I’m not a legislator.

This is amazing too. You went from virtue signaling about how superior you were to me because you didn't want to force your opinion onto others, to then proclaiming that yes you would in fact force your opinion if you were writing legislation.

You should spend less time virtue signaling about how morally superior you are and more time actually thinking out your position because it seems you're all over the place.
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Your kid isn’t a kid until it can actually be a kid. Sensationalism and hyperbole are a crutch. I believe life isn’t life until it can breathe air.

Why would "termination" be needed if life isn't present? It doesn't matter how many medical degrees you can claim, this is quite simply a highly illogical philosophical position.
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You’re also not consistent. You have stated you would outlaw them just now and then earlier you would not outlaw them.

Your inability to be consistent has proven you would make a great politician
I’m not for outlawing or regulating much when it comes to personal freedom. I see you’re trying to pin me down, unsuccessfully, but nice try.

I think it’s better to leave these thing up to the individual and a competent physician, that’s the best source of information and personalized care. If I had to legislate a law that defined when life begins, I would likely say external viability but leave the door open for extreme cases past that, therefore, NOT outlawing anything and addressing nearly 100% of demand.
A druggie who gives birth to a child faces consequences but someone who murders a child before birth is good to go.
Calling a fetus that can’t live outside the wound a child is disingenuous. Nice try though.

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