I've hesitated to post this thread, but someone has to speak out.

When you called it stupid and indefensible to claim life begins at fertilization. You seem to be speaking out of both ends of your ass here, given we both seem to agree a zygote is alive.
We both agree living cells are living.
I never debated that point.
These people don't even care if the baby is actually connected- their argument boils down to "if the baby/child is still dependent on something, it is a parasite, and can be killed". This broadly applies to age groups all the way up into the teens, really- which is why the left itself isn't outraged over the attempt in California to legally kill born babies within 7 days of birth, and why they didn't care when Governor Coonman here in Virginia directly stated he was OK with killing born kids. Their disrespect of life is also reflected in how they want to mutilate, medicate, rape, and sterilize kids around the country. They don't see them as humans.

Evil. All this is driven by no consequences or personal responsibility with whatever topic one discusses. It debunks everything about "life" and afterlife.
I see more outrage about animals being slaughtered.
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So is a dandelion seed a dandelion or a potential dandelion?

A dandelion, simply in a different developmental state. Just like how a zygote and a toddler are both humans, simply in different developmental states
You referred to them as “potential life”. So is it potential life or life?
They are living but not a separate human life......isn't that the whole point of the debate.
A dandelion seed is living but not a living dandelion....it is POTENTIALLY a living dandelion.
They are living but not a separate human life......isn't that the whole point of the debate.
A dandelion seed is living but not a living dandelion....it is POTENTIALLY a living dandelion.

If we agree it’s living, the qualifier “potentially” before living is now off the table.
A dandelion, simply in a different developmental state. Just like how a zygote and a toddler are both humans, simply in different developmental states
lol.....So an orange is really one big orange with a bunch of little oranges living inside of it?
Even you have to recognize the absurdity of your position.
I'm happy to let the concept stand as the basis of your position.
My position can be represented by the concept that an orange is an orange which contains seeds that are potential oranges.
Rationalization of ones life long belief with defense using ear lobes, dandelions and oranges. Never seen such stupidity and twisted logic in my life.
Rationalization of ones life long belief with defense using ear lobes, dandelions and oranges. Never seen such stupidity and twisted logic in my life.
Never in my life have I seen those so dense that earlobes, dandelions, and oranges would be necessary to get across a point.
lol.....So an orange is really one big orange with a bunch of little oranges living inside of it?
Even you have to recognize the absurdity of your position.
I'm happy to let the concept stand as the basis of your position.
My position can be represented by the concept that an orange is an orange which contains seeds that are potential oranges.

Where’s the absurdity? If I take a fruit and bury it, more fruit will grow from it. Take a tomatoe and bury it and those seeds will grow into new tomato veins. Bury that orange and it will grow into new orange trees.

Do you disagree that a zygote and a toddler are both examples of human developmental states? Your ignorant argument seems to be based in claiming zygotes are not human, only “potential humans”. Given a zygote in a human woman cannot become anything else, can you explain why “potential” is needed here?
Are you nuts? Living cells and a human life are not the same.
An orange seed is not an orange.
Orange seeds don't grow oranges. They grow oranges trees. An orange seed is an orange tree which will then create oranges to hold the seeds that will make more.... Trees. An orange is the vessel.
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Are you nuts? Living cells and a human life are not the same.
An orange seed is not an orange.

An orange seed is an orange tree in a different developmental state.

A fetus and a toddler are both humans in different developmental states.

To proclaim a zygote, fetus, and toddler are not all human is about as anti science and disingenuous as one can be
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It was tongue in cheek doofus.
I'm mirroring the absurdity. Did you not see me say earlier that I viewed them as equally stupid and indefensible?
Should have known it was beyond your grasp........chief.
Yeah I don't believe you, amigo.
Where’s the absurdity? If I take a fruit and bury it, more fruit will grow from it. Take a tomatoe and bury it and those seeds will grow into new tomato veins. Bury that orange and it will grow into new orange trees.

Do you disagree that a zygote and a toddler are both examples of human developmental states? Your ignorant argument seems to be based in claiming zygotes are not human, only “potential humans”. Given a zygote in a human woman cannot become anything else, can you explain why “potential” is needed here?
Because an orange seed is not an orange, it is a potential orange.
Because an orange seed is not an orange, it is a potential orange.

You’re confusing developmental stages and species. They’re both the same species, oranges, or if it helps citrus sinenus. Just in different developmental states.

Toddlers, zygotes, fetuses, elderly, are all humans (homosapiens if you prefer) simply in different developmental states.

Idk how anyone could deny such a thing.
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An orange seed is an orange tree in a different developmental state.

A fetus and a toddler are both humans in different developmental states.

To proclaim a zygote, fetus, and toddler are not all human is about as anti science and disingenuous as one can be
A human zygote is a potential human fetus which is a potential human person.
An orange seed is a potential orange tree which will potential produce oranges.
An orange seed is not a potential dandelion.
A human zygote is not a potential cat.
What else can you call this stuff but outright malice?

Not that long ago, one could find videos of children being stabbed and twitching and basically being put through barbaric pain. Yet SM has banned these videos. So some defend that life is not existent yet the fetus obviously has nerves.
So disgusting and evil that it makes my stomach turn.
A human zygote is a potential human fetus which is a potential human person.
An orange seed is a potential orange tree which will potential produce oranges.
An orange seed is not a potential dandelion.
A human zygote is not a potential cat.

So we agree a zygote is a living person from the moment it is fertilized at a minimum and onward?

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