I've hesitated to post this thread, but someone has to speak out.

Can you name those things that could be done?

Life beginning at conception isn’t debatable. Nor is the fact that the life is human life. You can still make valid arguments from there for abortion, but you have to start with there, with the truth

Seems like you’re now agreeing with me on all points. A zygote is alive. A zygote is human. A zygote is a human life.

It only took you 24 hours, but we can’t all be gifted
Seems like you’re now agreeing with me on all points. A zygote is alive. A zygote is human. A zygote is a human life.

It only took you 24 hours, but we can’t all be gifted
You must be insane.
I view this as your hail Mary.
Oooops, incomplete.
Plenty of life forms lack free will. Plants have no free will. Seems you’re just trolling at this point, and many debate if we have free will

It’s fun carrying on with luther but in the end it’s like talking to a wall except the wall is way more intelligent.
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A zygote is made up of human cells and is a potential human.

A human zygote is a potential human fetus which is a potential human person.
An orange seed is a potential orange tree which will potential produce oranges.
An orange seed is not a potential dandelion.
A human zygote is not a potential cat.

That’s odd. You clearly called the zygote human here. It seems your own stance is so insane that even you’re incapable of keeping up with it. In previous posts you’ve agreed it’s also alive.

Therefore a zygote is a living human. Therefore we agree
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It’s fun carrying on with luther but in the end it’s like talking to a wall except the wall is way more intelligent.

100%. He has to be trolling but that’s fine. If he wants to public embarrass his own position and allow others to see how ignorant it is, by all means. I’ll play
That’s odd. You clearly called the zygote human here. It seems your own stance is so insane that even you’re incapable of keeping up with it. In previous posts you’ve agreed it’s also alive.

Therefore a zygote is a living human.
What in the hell are you talking about?
I differentiate between a human zygote and a cat zygote.
The same as I differentiate between an orange seed and a dandelion seed.
All 4 of those things are made up of living cells.
All 4 of those have the potential to be something they are currently not.
What in the hell are you talking about?
I differentiate between a human zygote and a cat zygote.
The same as I differentiate between an orange seed and a dandelion seed.
All 4 of those things are made up of living cells.
All 4 of those have the potential to be something they are currently not.

So we agree the zygote inside of a woman's uterus has to be human? And we agree it's alive?

But we do not agree that it is a "living human"? That's your actual argument? LMFAO
So we agree the zygote inside of a woman's uterus has to be human? And we agree it's alive?

But we do not agree that it is a "living human"? That's your actual argument? LMFAO
We agree that the zygote inside of a human is made up of living human cells but it is not a living human.
Like we agree that an orange seed is made up of living orange tree cells but is not an orange, only a potential orange tree.
We agree that the zygote inside of a human is made up of living human cells but it is not a living human.
Like we agree that an orange seed is made up of living orange tree cells but is not an orange, only a potential orange tree.

Not at all. Human is a broad category that encompasses all stages. Fetus, zygote, toddler, adult, are all stages of a human. So it is undeniably human. Thus you even agreeing and calling the cells "human". They are undeniably living. Thus you calling them living cells. Now go ask one of your geometry teachers about the transitive property.
Not at all. Human is a broad category that encompasses all stages. Fetus, zygote, toddler, adult, are all stages of a human. So it is undeniably human. Thus you even agreeing and calling the cells "human". They are undeniably living. Thus you calling them living cells. Now go ask one of your geometry teachers about the transitive property.
I'll do that after I ask the biology teacher if an orange contains a bunch of orange trees; after we finish laughing, I'll head down to the geometry teacher and have another laugh when I tell him about the guy who thinks a point is a line, a line is a triangle, and a triangle is a prism.....so a point must be a prism.
Second, any of the gun proponents on this board take pride in how careful they are to prevent their guns from being misused or stolen. They then dismiss complaints about society at large not being that good about this issue.
So in other words, because Joe Biden ***** his pants, all of America should wear diapers.

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