I've hesitated to post this thread, but someone has to speak out.

Yes. A zygote is a living human. I'm not sure why he's spent 2 days running from that fact other than to dehumanize the act of abortion. We can debate the limits on abortion, but to do so we have to start from a factual basis. Many supporters of abortion want to downplay the act by pretending a zygote is either not alive or not a human. Obviously both are true.
I am fine with labeling the burgeoning life form whatever makes people most comfortable. Will not change my stance.

I am firmly Pro Choice.
You’ve already admitted it’s human. You’ve already admitted it’s living.

Why will you not call a zygote a living human?

If you understood what a zygote is, you wouldn’t bring up the morning after pill
Pretty simple - because it is not.
You’ve already admitted it’s human. You’ve already admitted it’s living.

Why will you not call a zygote a living human?

If you understood what a zygote is, you wouldn’t bring up the morning after pill
It keeps a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus.
An orange seed is a developmental stage of an orange tree, but an orange seed is not an orange tree or even an orange. Throwing away an orange seed is nothing like throwing away an orange and certainly not like cutting down an orange tree.
An orange seed is really nothing more than a potential orange tree.
You have no conscience or soul.
Yes. A zygote is a living human. I'm not sure why he's spent 2 days running from that fact other than to dehumanize the act of abortion. We can debate the limits on abortion, but to do so we have to start from a factual basis. Many supporters of abortion want to downplay the act by pretending a zygote is either not alive or not a human. Obviously both are true.
As is my earlobe.
I am fine with labeling the burgeoning life form whatever makes people most comfortable. Will not change my stance.

I am firmly Pro Choice.

I'm not pro-choice I'm just anti-ban. I do think there has to be a hard limit on when it's no longer an option, I just don't know exactly at what stage that is.
I view it as living cells. When it is cloned into a person, I will view it as a living person. Pretty big difference.


  1. a diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two haploid gametes; a fertilized ovum.
You can call it a living human as much as you wish. Very few will agree.
I'll call it a human diploid cell.

Pretty simple - because it is not.

You're contradicting yourself at this point. You admit it's alive and human. Therefore you have to accept that a zygote is both alive and human. It's not difficult or even controversial
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As is my earlobe.

Your earlobe is a part of you. A zygote is a separate human. Separate cells, separate DNA, will eventually have it's own heart, brain, lungs, etc.

A zygote is not a part of the woman. It is inside the woman and dependent upon the woman, no different than an intestinal worm or bacteria in that regard, but it is a separate entity.

When we talk about the anatomy of a woman we don’t say “women have two ears, and a zygote”. Because the zygote is a separate human.
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What an argument going on here! One thing caught my eye is the orange seed/tree debate. Just to throw a wrench into it, naval oranges are all clones, believed to be from the same 200 year old tree, although there is debate as to whether it was a Brazilian or Portuguese tree that was the original mutation.

So think of the possibilities! Cloning Luther's ear lobe could lead to a lot of Luther's ear clones trolling VolNation 200 years from now.
You have no conscience or soul.
Glad you edited your post.
Because I do realize you have a conscience, just not much common sense; and I'm not much of a believer in souls.

But speaking of souls, for you soul believers.....does a zygote have a soul?
When the sperm penetrates the membrane of an egg, a soul materializes?
The 75% of zygotes that do not even make it to the 6 week mark - straight ticket to heaven?
You're contradicting yourself at this point. You admit it's alive and human. Therefore you have to accept that a zygote is both alive and human. It's not difficult or even controversial
As is my earlobe - I've been completely consistent.
As is my earlobe - I've been completely consistent.

Your earlobe is a part of you. A zygote is a separate human. Separate cells, separate DNA, will eventually have it's own heart, brain, lungs, etc.

A zygote is not a part of the woman. It is inside the woman and dependent upon the woman, no different than an intestinal worm or bacteria in that regard, but it is a separate entity.

When we talk about the anatomy of a woman we don’t say “women have two ears, and a zygote”. Because the zygote is a separate human.
What an argument going on here! One thing caught my eye is the orange seed/tree debate. Just to throw a wrench into it, naval oranges are all clones, believed to be from the same 200 year old tree, although there is debate as to whether it was a Brazilian or Portuguese tree that was the original mutation.

So think of the possibilities! Cloning Luther's ear lobe could lead to a lot of Luther's ear clones trolling VolNation 200 years from now.
And at what point does my earlobe clone achieve separate human status?
Can you explain how "human" is a term of development? Especially given you admitted earlier that a zygote is human?
You asked what would keep my ear clone from becoming a separate human.
I answered - development.
I probably should have said - lack of development.
My earlobe cells are human but only become a separate human when they develop to that point - whatever that point may be.
That's why I asked you guys - when does my ear lobe clone reach separate human status?
Cut your earlobe off and let me know if you feel pain. I'll wait for your spin answer.

Trust science
I've never claimed the mother doesn't feel pain.

I'm confident that I trust science a good deal more than you.
I've never claimed the mother doesn't feel pain.

I'm confident that I trust science a good deal more than you.
I don't think so. To you 'science' means the issue is settled. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Change my mind.

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