I've hesitated to post this thread, but someone has to speak out.

Doesn’t the government fund these baby murder facilities?
They'll say they don't. But places like Planned Parenthood either set up shady shell organizations or obfuscate the "women's health" money they get in several places to provide their abortion services on the taxpayer dime.

On top of that, the US funds clinics like this around the world. It's not a secret.

I'm always fascinated at the strongly "anti-racist" liberals loving abortion when it massively impacts racial minorities. And then we go out and fund it all in non-white nations.
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Then why try to make the weird ass point that a rapist shouldn't be "rewarded with a baby"?
I'll redo that. There are cases throughout the country where rapist have sued for parental rights and even custody.
So it might as well be me.

The Oklahoma house just passed a bill banning all abortions regardless of the cause of the pregnancy. It's a clone of the Texas law. If their Senate also passes the bill and the governor signs it into law, which I expect they will do, it will be a sad day.

I see this act as an affront to every woman that is, has been, or supports the Lady Vols in any sport. At this point, I would hope the NCAA will act to relocate the Women's College World Series out of Oklahoma. To hold it in Oklahoma City would be beyond ridiculous.

I hope you will join me and many other supporters of women athletes to let our voices be heard.

Finally, I didn't post this topic to launch a discussion of abortion. If you have a different point of view that's fine. Just be aware I will not debate the abortion topic or respond to argumentative posts.
This is a great troll. Can't believe it made 2 pages.
It's amazing how the right claims to stand up for individual rights but then passes a law that forces women to bear the children of rapists.

I am not surprised that the left condones and supports murder. I mean your side supports putting children on dangerous puberty blockers.
I see this act as an affront to every woman that is, has been, or supports the Lady Vols in any sport. At this point, I would hope the NCAA will act to relocate the Women's College World Series out of Oklahoma. To hold it in Oklahoma City would be beyond ridiculous.

I agree. The traffic tie ups around the stadium area are terrible on game days. Get it out!

Finally, I didn't post this topic to launch a discussion of abortion. If you have a different point of view that's fine. Just be aware I will not debate the abortion topic or respond to argumentative posts.

You don't want to be argumentative, but you felt the need to vomit out this post anyway? You haven't responded yet either to your own thread. Very LG-esque of you.

Now, if your woke ass wants to actually debate what's happened here in OK (I'm here and didn't even know it happened) and why the NCAA should throw a hissy fit and move it into a more progressive state, by all means, do tell why that should be the case.

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