I've hesitated to post this thread, but someone has to speak out.

Of course as I read through (yet another) online abortion „discussion“ I once again find myself thinking that the number of people who have changed their opinion on the subject due to such discussions remains about the same as the number of Lawrence Welk songs played out loud during the BLM/George Floyd demonstrations
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Strangely I kinda agree. Remove the government from abortion and I dont have a political argument against it.

I still have a very big moral issue with abortion. But in this country I would settle for any government not funding any of it, nor having laws against or for. Just leave it up to the individuals involved. If you can find a street corner doc with a coat hanger, have at it. If you cant find a hospital that will treat you afterwards, too bad.

I would prefer abortion didnt exist at all. But governments making big moves either way is a restriction on people. Too broad of brushes, too many loopholes or unintentional consquences.

Highlighted statement does seem to mesh as a complete thought. If the government was completely out of it, why would legitmate doctors not perform the procedure vs someone with a coat hanger?? Also, if not for laws, why would the hospital not treat the person?? I am sure there are objecting doctors and hospitals, but I don't believe either of those groups are 100% against doing it. You seem to imply the only reason they are preforming them now is because they are forced to do so by current law. Seems only laws against (which you are not suggesting) would drive it completely underground as you seem to think would happen.
Just be aware I will not debate the abortion topic or respond to argumentative posts.
The government should not be allowed to determine what a woman (or man) does with her/his body. To me, thats what it comes down to.

I'm betting most of you guys screaming anti-abortion were the same ones against covid vaccine mandates because it should be a "personal choice left up to the individual." The same reasoning should apply here. No matter how late it keeps you up at night.
Yeah, women should be able to mutilate themselves or inject (or refuse to inject) themselves with whatever they want!
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It's amazing how the right claims to stand up for individual rights but then passes a law that forces women to bear the children of rapists.
Actually, those people are really the only ones that are standing up in total support of their beliefs. I am not saying I agree with the legislation, but is the "child of a rapist" any less human? Is that child any less innocent than any other? It has actually always struck me as odd that pro life will say that abortion is murder - except - when it is as a result of incest, rape, etc.... To me that has always seemed hypocritical.
The government should not be allowed to determine what a woman (or man) does with her/his body. To me, thats what it comes down to.

I'm betting most of you guys screaming anti-abortion were the same ones against covid vaccine mandates because it should be a "personal choice left up to the individual." The same reasoning should apply here. No matter how late it keeps you up at night.
I somewhat agree. If she wants to kill her baby that is between her and God. It is also between her and her private financial backing as to who pays for it, because... like forced vaccination I want no part of it.
Not prior to 22 weeks. which 98% of abortions are performed before.

Where do you get these falsehoods? It's well known that viable fetuses are 100% killed in late term abortions. I highlighted the 5 most common reasons for late term abortions for you. 0/5 had anything to do with viability.

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So we agree rape arguments are dumb given it’s not a thing (less than 1% of abortions) and that morning after pills exist
No, we agree that the rape argument is completely valid. Who would ever claim that all rape victims have access to the morning after pill the day after being raped. We agree that is an absurd position.
No, we agree that the rape argument is completely valid. Who would ever claim that all rape victims have access to the morning after pill the day after being raped. We agree that is an absurd position.

Would you agree if the morning after pill was offered for free to rape victims, that the access argument no longer applies, and then rape is not a valid argument?
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Would you agree if the morning after pill was offered for free to rape victims, that the access argument no longer applies, and then rape is not a valid argument?
Of course not. That in no way covers all scenarios.
We will soon see that all this consternation is for naught. The Supreme Court is not going to allow an all out ban of abortions in any state. They may uphold the Mississippi law and allow a ban after 15 weeks but they won't go any further than that. Therefore this law will be null and void as of sometime in June. Much to do about nothing
So it might as well be me.

The Oklahoma house just passed a bill banning all abortions regardless of the cause of the pregnancy. It's a clone of the Texas law. If their Senate also passes the bill and the governor signs it into law, which I expect they will do, it will be a sad day.

I see this act as an affront to every woman that is, has been, or supports the Lady Vols in any sport. At this point, I would hope the NCAA will act to relocate the Women's College World Series out of Oklahoma. To hold it in Oklahoma City would be beyond ridiculous.

I hope you will join me and many other supporters of women athletes to let our voices be heard.

Finally, I didn't post this topic to launch a discussion of abortion. If you have a different point of view that's fine. Just be aware I will not debate the abortion topic or respond to argumentative posts.

Too funny , I’m going to post my opinion on one of the most hotly debated topics in the county , on an open forum , but I didn’t do it to start a discussion and I refuse to talk about it .. and it got two liberal likes .
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I believe 100% are happy to leave the decision to the host.
Riiiight, most Life forms I have encountered really have no sense of self preservation and don’t really care if they live or die 🙄
Let’s do a little experiment shall we? Make abortion retroactive. Select 100 random people and ask them if they are okay with their then „host“ terminating them today. Get back to me with the results
Where do you get these falsehoods? It's well known that viable fetuses are 100% killed in late term abortions. I highlighted the 5 most common reasons for late term abortions for you. 0/5 had anything to do with viability.

View attachment 445563

I assume you just pulled this without actually reading the research itself. Per the paper, the 5 profiles only fit 80% of the group which means 20% had other reasons. Viability and life endangerment were also specifically excluded from study.

Profiles of Later Abortion Patients - Our analysis identified five general profiles of women who sought later abortions, describing 80% of the sample. Forty-two percent of later abortion patients fit only one group; 38% belonged in two or more groups.

Discussion - Our study has several important limitations. Our data are limited by the exclusion of women who sought later abortions on grounds of fetal anomaly or life endangerment. Because of waiting time for testing and diagnosis, delay in seeking care among that population likely differs significantly from the delays faced by women in our study.

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