Jalen Hurd potential

I honestly don't think people on here realize the potential Jalen has.

I state he is 212 for a reason but another post states he's 220 to 230. Either way, his frame is massive, and he could easily gain another 25-30 pounds of muscle without even looking like a body builder.

I don't know if he will end up at rb, and honestly don't care. He's gonna be a stud wherever he lines up. We are lucky to have him.

But the kid is gonna truck some people.

There is not a linebacker in the SEC who is gonna to want to tackle this guy 30-50 times a game. He's going to wear people down. His natural size alone is going to cause him to fall forward a few yards every time he is hit.
Your last paragraph is the reason I want him at rb (which I'm sure he will be). He's got the size of an olb with the athletic ability of a scat back. He's gonna be a monster.
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Vol34 has said that he was drafted in the 4th round, ran a 4.6 at the combine, and stopped playing around 2004. That only fits one Vol that I am aware of (and he was wearing 34 Jabari's freshman year).

If he really is who he's claiming to be, holy jeepers tapdancing Christmas. One of my idols growing up.
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Needing him at RB has really nothing to do with whether he will make a great one or would not be better suited to play another position.

I am not projecting him to do anything. My direct knowledge of him is limited to a little bit of the game he played against Malone on tv and his highlight videos. In that limited viewing, he was not particularly physical or laterally quick. I hope he is the next great UT RB but do not think it is a given that he ends up at RB.

He has a play where he's pushing a pile of players then pops out the other side for a long TD. He's a a strong runner
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your talking an Eddie George redo. I hope so. I'd say we will know by the end of the Oklahoma game. He will be a shoe in to start.

He's good but he will split carries with lane. Kinda like the Hardesty/Brown situation.

Lane is plenty talented and will be the starter IMO
I guess I'll just have to take the risk that you aren't an ax murderer...

The lack of PM's on here makes it difficult haha.

care to email me at my junk email acct. blahblah@blah.com and I'll send you my info that way....that way you don't have to put your email account out here, and I don't have to put my info out here.
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I guess I'll just have to take the risk that you aren't an ax murderer...

The lack of PM's on here makes it difficult haha.

care to email me at my junk email acct. and I'll send you my info that way....that way you don't have to put your email account out here, and I don't have to put my info out here.[/QUOTE]
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So the OP is a famous UT running back who gave an honest opinion and everyone on here gave him a hard time for it? If he is legit, he probably knows more about the RB position than everyone on here put together, maybe by a factor of 10. And he certainly should not be disrespected given what he did for UT. I thought his original post was very good, even though it is just an opinion. It is certainly better than most stuff I read on this board.
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This kid looks very impressive. Although he doesn't play as highly touted highschool teams, his numbers can not go unnoticed. You can only play the hand that is given to you, and he is a man amongst boys. I have played runningback my whole life. I will say this. IF and I say IF Hurd can learn to play at 6' and keep his leverage low, and if he continues to play with that kill attitude like he has; Hurd is the kind of player that can take a team above and beyond all expectations. He has the potential to have the kind of impact that can make an average team great. Everyone talks about him being to tall, but height doesn't matter if you play low and with an attitude. He has all the potential but he must put in work. The thing I notice most is that he has massive legs, which means he has a lot of room to grow and will not lose speed. Being a running back is all about legs leverage and awareness. He has 2 of the 3. We must wait and see about his leverage. Often times he runs at 6'3 and just relies on breaking through bad tackling. With this coaching staff though I am convinced this kid will be a huge star and could become one of the sec's best backs in the past few years. He is not a 4.3 guy (high school clocks r off by a tenth or two) he is more around 4.5 but he gains speed as he runs. So he will be a homerin guy.

Nice post.Really excited about Hurd. Like you said if he keeps his leverage low he is gonna be a beast, which I think he will. Hell look at Yeldon at Ala he is listed at 6'2, George and McFadden were/are taller RB's. We have needed a bruising type back like him really since Hardesty left. Not guys that go down on first contact and can't break tackles or try to avoid contact. That is one reason I really like Lane, he has good vision and doesn't look to avoid contact. Just needs to stay healthy and work on holding onto the ball. But like our potential at RB with Hurd and Paulk moving forward and hopefully Scott as well plus Lane one more year. Hopefully Pickett earns some PT as well next season. Still makes me nervous with Marlin's health problems, Hurd coming off shoulder surgery, Paulk's knee surgery, Pickett not having played last season we really need to get Scott in Orange. But Hardesty had injury problems his whole career but stayed healthy his SR year and played great. Hoping the same for Lane and being able to not just have to throw Hurd and Pickett in there. It does help all 3 getting to go through Spring Practice, just wish Paulk could too and be able to contribute next season.
So the OP is a famous UT running back who gave an honest opinion and everyone on here gave him a hard time for it? If he is legit, he probably knows more about the RB position than everyone on here put together, maybe by a factor of 10. And he certainly should not be disrespected given what he did for UT. I thought his original post was very good, even though it is just an opinion. It is certainly better than most stuff I read on this board.

If...only one if?...if it's a famous legendary running back that Florida fans hate for a very good reason, I chalk this OP as a bad foray into this medium...when you go into a room and start wizzing with a purpose and get a negative uproar in response...if you suddenly pull a hero card out of your pocket, are the respondents supposed to assume guilt and apologize to you? If Peyton himself got on here and said he lived a mile from one of our commits school and starts disputing facts with people close to that commit...in a seemingly friendly objective way...but with questions to his character included along with faulty medical diagnosis....then Archie's boy's gonna get flamed on here...not exactly a daunting ordeal when compared to spinal fusion...I know :)
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So the OP is a famous UT running back who gave an honest opinion and everyone on here gave him a hard time for it? If he is legit, he probably knows more about the RB position than everyone on here put together, maybe by a factor of 10. And he certainly should not be disrespected given what he did for UT. I thought his original post was very good, even though it is just an opinion. It is certainly better than most stuff I read on this board.

Just a little opine man. Idk if anyone really discredited him or anything. But he isn't the only who has played the sport. Obviously more athletically gifted to make it to the NFL. But there are plenty of people who are knowledgeable about the game of football and the ins and outs of it.
Just a little opine man. Idk if anyone really discredited him or anything. But he isn't the only who has played the sport. Obviously more athletically gifted to make it to the NFL. But there are plenty of people who are knowledgeable about the game of football and the ins and outs of it.

Agreed. A lot of great talent don't make it due to politics. The NFL is all about politics. Until you been there it's something I can't explain, but it is the greatest game that I love and am happy to have been apart of. I would never take back anyday I had. Best times of my life.
If...only one if?...if it's a famous legendary running back that Florida fans hate for a very good reason, I chalk this OP as a bad foray into this medium...when you go into a room and start wizzing with a purpose and get a negative uproar in response...if you suddenly pull a hero card out of your pocket, are the respondents supposed to assume guilt and apologize to you? If Peyton himself got on here and said he lived a mile from one of our commits school and starts disputing facts with people close to that commit...in a seemingly friendly objective way...but with questions to his character included along with faulty medical diagnosis....then Archie's boy's gonna get flamed on here...not exactly a daunting ordeal when compared to spinal fusion...I know :)
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I don't mind criticism my man. Have had it my whole life and been told I am to small to play. It's not a big deal. I just misread you when I thought you were callin me a clown. My apologies on that. Believe me, I do not mind criticism. When your in a stadium of 90 something thousand people and the fans r calling you the n word, and every name in the book and flicking you off, spitting on you, and throwing stuff at you, and degrading you and your family, you ignore it. It goes out your ears and you go out there and shred them for over 200 yards. It's what every athlete loves to hear. So I don't mind criticism. Ha.
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Guy`s do you think Hurd could be a game changer for us?
I mean just think if we had a back like him for the UF,UGA or Vandy games. All it takes is a rb who can break one or two long scoring runs a game. Running backs like that can change a season. Win just one of the above games and we are bowling.
I don't mind criticism my man. Have had it my whole life and been told I am to small to play. It's not a big deal. I just misread you when I thought you were callin me a clown. My apologies on that. Believe me, I do not mind criticism. When your in a stadium of 90 something thousand people and the fans r calling you the n word, and every name in the book and flicking you off, spitting on you, and throwing stuff at you, and degrading you and your family, you ignore it. It goes out your ears and you go out there and shred them for over 200 yards. It's what every athlete loves to hear. So I don't mind criticism. Ha.

It seems to have been verified that you're a certain player who earned a place in Vol lore...and a particular favorite of mine...your opinions and contributions are welcome on here but as you probably noted opinions will be addressed by our fellow citizens...it can be unfair or spot-on but it's part of the fun on here that a Vol legend and a working stiff from Little Elm, TX can square off while the Volnation zoo animals hoot and holler in an audience role :)
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