Jameis Winston (FSU) merged


From another team's board….

"Not sure how accurate, but a friend in the know says the family has been read or made aware of the details in the un-redacted original police report and they are not pretty. Seems the girl "downplayed" details to her family. They are even more livid. the were not given a copy for fear of leaks.
As to the report itself, Sounding as if one or more football players were hitting on her and she didn't know their names. Flirting and dancing lead to the event. Obviously something happened, but she made ID of Jameis from a football program at a later date. The bruises and pictures are said to be disturbing, and police only vaguely cautioned her when she said "football players", the next day as she didn't know their names (Maybe nicknames?) Supposedly.

Again, my friend is connected, but it is all hearsay & what not right now. He is in the legal industry and connected well.

Said he has heard there has been signs that a high end private investigator has been digging into the girl's past searching for information as well as a rumor that Jameis has been advised to seek his own counsel in this matter ASAP.

Best one is, that TMZ got the tip from some guy out of Quincy, FL who talked to some lady that told him a cop was spilling stories about how important he was to the on goings of FSU football & trying to hit on her and spilled the beans about this case. The guy then phoned it in to get a reward for the tip. TMZ investigated...and boom...here we are.

Stay tuned, I only hope the truth comes out fairly for both parties, but this is about to turn into a white hot firestorm driven by the national media."

Also hearing:

"The FSU AD and Vice Provost office knew of the situation and worked with the investigators to hide his identity and make sure charges were not brought."
He said she said. End thread please. He will never be convicted. Happened in Dec and reporting it now? How convenient. No agenda here.
He said she said. End thread please. He will never be convicted. Happened in Dec and reporting it now? How convenient. No agenda here.

Well guys, volger said he won't be convicted. We don't need any evidence other than this person's word. Let's move on.

/end sarcasm.
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So, because the police did everything they could to not pursue the case, the victim should give up on seeing justice done against her assailant?

At this point it seems to be a he said she said. Unless more evidence is produced then I'm not buying a decision either way (to convict or exonerate him). Yes, I believe they had sex. But proving rape or not seems difficult at this time.
State attorney interviews Jameis Winston accuser - ESPN

Still don't think there is a chance they had a relationship?

"The woman, who says Winston sexually assaulted her at an off-campus apartment on Dec. 7, 2012, was a fellow FSU student but withdrew from classes after details of the incident were released to media by Tallahassee police last week."

I understand the wanting to leave after all this is drug back up. Life would be hell if people found you. I don't understand sticking around where your alleged "rapist" is the star football player. But by all means, it's a big campus...

"It is absolutely untrue," Carroll said. "This is a victim of rape, which occurred on Dec. 7. She identified this guy sometime in January. This whole situation -- think about it, think about it -- if she wanted to ruin this guy, she would have done it a long time ago."

No, no. Think about, think about it, the time would be now to ruin him. Not when he has a 4th string QB and had yet to also star on the baseball team. I couldn't think of a better time to try and ruin someone. Convenient that all this comes out the day(s) after Oregon lost...

Cue the conspiracy theorists...
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State attorney interviews Jameis Winston accuser - ESPN

Still don't think there is a chance they had a relationship?

"The woman, who says Winston sexually assaulted her at an off-campus apartment on Dec. 7, 2012, was a fellow FSU student but withdrew from classes after details of the incident were released to media by Tallahassee police last week."

I understand the wanting to leave after all this is drug back up. Life would be hell if people found you. I don't understand sticking around where your alleged "rapist" is the star football player. But by all means, it's a big campus...

"It is absolutely untrue," Carroll said. "This is a victim of rape, which occurred on Dec. 7. She identified this guy sometime in January. This whole situation -- think about it, think about it -- if she wanted to ruin this guy, she would have done it a long time ago."

No, no. Think about, think about it, the time would be now to ruin him. Not when he has a 4th string QB and had yet to also star on the baseball team. I couldn't think of a better time to try and ruin someone. Convenient that all this comes out the day(s) after Oregon lost...

Cue the conspiracy theorists...

So, I assume you believe that he didn't rape her? Personally, I'm still in a wait and see mode.
Is Winston wealthy ? How can he afford a lawyer if he isnt ? The NCAA will be involved in this at sometime.
In the situation you're hinting at, you wouldn't be terribly likely to get as pristine a swab as the one described in the linked article.

That's not to say that any of this proves a lack of consent. But I think the Tallahassee DA is going to have a tough time explaining how there isn't enough to at least bring it before a grand jury.

Siap, just now catching up and you seem like quite the semen expert.
State attorney interviews Jameis Winston accuser - ESPN

Still don't think there is a chance they had a relationship?

"The woman, who says Winston sexually assaulted her at an off-campus apartment on Dec. 7, 2012, was a fellow FSU student but withdrew from classes after details of the incident were released to media by Tallahassee police last week."

I understand the wanting to leave after all this is drug back up. Life would be hell if people found you. I don't understand sticking around where your alleged "rapist" is the star football player. But by all means, it's a big campus...

"It is absolutely untrue," Carroll said. "This is a victim of rape, which occurred on Dec. 7. She identified this guy sometime in January. This whole situation -- think about it, think about it -- if she wanted to ruin this guy, she would have done it a long time ago."

No, no. Think about, think about it, the time would be now to ruin him. Not when he has a 4th string QB and had yet to also star on the baseball team. I couldn't think of a better time to try and ruin someone. Convenient that all this comes out the day(s) after Oregon lost...

Cue the conspiracy theorists...

Your question isn't addressed by anything else that you posted. You could have asked "Still don't think that Jameis Winston is a werewolf?" and it would have made as much sense as I read the rest of your post.

You are clearly assuming that the accuser is the source of the leak to the media. She may be, but I'd like to see what evidence you are relying on.
The hardest part for me to understand is why this kind of stuff happens to massively talented and famous athletes. Jameis Winston is the starting quarterback of an undefeated, BCS National Championship-bound football team. He is without question the biggest name on a college campus chock full of hard 10's. Why would he, or any famous athlete (Roethlisberger etc), feel the need to rape a girl when there's 10 more he could easily call? I don't mean to be graphic, but the dude is literally swimming in it down there.

He wasn't known by anyone when this happened.
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So, I assume you believe that he didn't rape her? Personally, I'm still in a wait and see mode.

Given that I am a Seminole fan, I'd like to believe he was just a 18 year old having sex and the girl got jealous playing second fiddle.

However, I also know nothing is at it seems and just because Winston has had a pristine rep so fat doesn't mean he couldn't have made a mistake.

My viewpoint right now is someone is going to pay for a mistake made. Either for sexual assualt or falsifying a police report. I really don't think there is any middle ground right now. The timeline doesn't support it
Your question isn't addressed by anything else that you posted. You could have asked "Still don't think that Jameis Winston is a werewolf?" and it would have made as much sense as I read the rest of your post.

You wouldn't be biased or anything, would ya? Maybe you leaked it all to try and derail FSU! Bama scared!

You are clearly assuming that the accuser is the source of the leak to the media. She may be, but I'd like to see what evidence you are relying on.

Yes, I think the aunt is behind it. Just my personal belief based on trying to make sense of it all.

Since we're running rumors, it's being reported TMZ paid the family $50k

No where in that post was I being immature toward's this young lady. However, I have read your posts on semen analysis pertaining to this case that I have not read in any other article. So you are either an expert on semen, you read something that I have not, or you are making things up. If you would like to provide some corroborating articles that back up what you have said about the amount of semen recovered I would more than happy to read them. If this was nonconsenual than there should be justice no matter the offender.
Who is reporting it now? Are you referring to the media or the accuser?

Media. Not sure when she first spoke up. Heisman hopeful, nearly a year after it happened. Typical media sensation.

Why wasn't this news a year ago? Oh because he wasn't a phenom then. Sad really. Hope her 15 minutes of fame is worth her reputation.

Good luck on that civil suit too gold diggers. Might get a book deal too.
You wouldn't be biased or anything, would ya? Maybe you leaked it all to try and derail FSU! Bama scared!

Between you and me, there's only one who is thinking about football when reading about this story. Since you already admitted that, it shouldn't be hard for you to guess who that is.

Yes, I think the aunt is behind it. Just my personal belief based on trying to make sense of it all.

Since we're running rumors, it's being reported TMZ paid the family $50k

If TMZ paid them, then TMZ got ripped off. The family didn't even speak to TMZ, they spoke to a reporter in Tampa on Tuesday.
Media. Not sure when she first spoke up. Heisman hopeful, nearly a year after it happened. Typical media sensation.

Why wasn't this news a year ago? Oh because he wasn't a phenom then. Sad really. Hope her 15 minutes of fame is worth her reputation.

Good luck on that civil suit too gold diggers. Might get a book deal too.

If you aren't sure when she spoke up, then you have yet to read anything that has come out this week. Which would explain most of your thoughts on the matter.
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Between you and me, there's only one who is thinking about football when reading about this story. Since you already admitted that, it shouldn't be hard for you to guess who that is.

If TMZ paid them, then TMZ got ripped off. The family didn't even speak to TMZ, they spoke to a reporter in Tampa on Tuesday.

Of course I'm talking football. It's about my favorite team. The whole timeline is chaotic.

We have no clue who the family had spoken to. We don't know why they waited 6 months to talk to anyone. Again, if you're promised something in April, you don't wait until November to follow up. But again, we don't know squat.

Like I said before, speculation is fun. Rape is not. Based on everything we know as fact, there is a reason he hasn't been charged. We have two witnesses on his side. One being female. We don't have jack from get side besides "she says this". The rape kit is going to tell all.

But hey, Meggs has gone against medical examiners advice before and cost a young man a couple of years in college. So, who knows.

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