Jameis Winston (FSU) merged


Taken from TNations thread-

Rumor from Tally is that JWs story has ALWAYS been it that it was consensual. That one of the affidavits is from the accuser’s roommate and the other is from another football player, both of whom were present (happened at HER apartment, not a bar, not a party, not JWs place). That both confirm that they had an ongoing relationship. That there are photos of the two of them together taken before AND after the initial allegation. That roommate claims she was pissed at JW for some reason that night and decided to claim rape. (perhaps because he told her his real GF was coming in town that day and to lay low). That she changed her mind after the call but before the cops got there but didn’t want to tell them she made it up. (thus the “unidentified” rapist…intentionally fabricated description) That when she later was pressed, she identified JW and was questioned about her inconsistent statements and evidence of a consensual relationship and realized she better drop it. That when the accuser met with Meggs on Tuesday, she reaffirmed that she did not want to press charges. That every bit of evidence collected points to consensual sex and there is no way charges will be brought. That TPD and SAO are only trying to figure out how to clear JW without exposing/humiliating the accuser. Also, that JW informed Jimbo about it in DECEMBER of last year after he heard of the call to the cops and told him EVERYTHING (thus JF’s continued faith in JW). Assuming any of this is correct (not that there is any proof of any of it) JW, JF and Jansens confidence is not surprising. Based on what we know now, if there are no charges by Friday, and if JW is suited up on Saturday, you can bet that there will not be any. And whoever is responsible for leaking this is certainly going to get “raked over the coals”. TIFWIW, but the sources are pretty close to the situation. Don’t go jumping off the cliff just yet.

Lulz. So not only was it consensual, but there's photos of them hanging out before and after, her own roommate says it was consensual, and Winston is such a stand up guy he reported it to the coaches, on his own. Too funny.
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Lulz. So not only was it consensual, but there's photos of them hanging out before and after, her own roommate says it was consensual, and Winston is such a stand up guy he reported it to the coaches, on his own. Too funny.

Yeah... what I get from the story, is she didn't even know him, and was only able to identify him a month down the road when she found out who he was.
A few problems with this story (in bold).

Rumor from Tally is that JWs story has ALWAYS been it that it was consensual. That one of the affidavits is from the accuser’s roommate and the other is from another football player, both of whom were present (happened at HER apartment, not a bar, not a party, not JWs place). That both confirm that they had an ongoing relationship. That there are photos of the two of them together taken before AND after the initial allegation. That roommate claims she was pissed at JW for some reason that night and decided to claim rape. (perhaps because he told her his real GF was coming in town that day and to lay low). That she changed her mind after the call but before the cops got there but didn’t want to tell them she made it up. (thus the “unidentified” rapist…intentionally fabricated description) That when she later was pressed, she identified JW and was questioned about her inconsistent statements and evidence of a consensual relationship and realized she better drop it. That when the accuser met with Meggs on Tuesday, she reaffirmed that she did not want to press charges. That every bit of evidence collected points to consensual sex and there is no way charges will be brought. That TPD and SAO are only trying to figure out how to clear JW without exposing/humiliating the accuser. Also, that JW informed Jimbo about it in DECEMBER of last year after he heard of the call to the cops and told him EVERYTHING (thus JF’s continued faith in JW). Assuming any of this is correct (not that there is any proof of any of it) JW, JF and Jansens confidence is not surprising. Based on what we know now, if there are no charges by Friday, and if JW is suited up on Saturday, you can bet that there will not be any. And whoever is responsible for leaking this is certainly going to get “raked over the coals”. TIFWIW, but the sources are pretty close to the situation. Don’t go jumping off the cliff just yet.

1. "Got there", as in "got to her house" where this version says the incident took place? Someone should have checked their facts, because the victim went to the hospital and initially spoke to the cops there.

2. Why would she be "pressed" by the cops a month later, which is when she first named Winston? Seems unlikely that the cops would go after a rape accusation that had gone nowhere for over 30 days, and then come and start putting the screws to the accuser.

3. If the authorities don't know how to clear the accused without identifying the accuser, then they desperately need education on how to investigate rape, as they are beyond incompetent.

4. Winston's own counsel said he first learned about the accusation in February.

So yeah... pretty much BS.
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A few problems with this story (in bold).

1. "Got there", as in "got to her house" where this version says the incident took place? Someone should have checked their facts, because the victim went to the hospital and initially spoke to the cops there.

2. Why would she be "pressed" by the cops a month later, which is when she first named Winston? Seems unlikely that the cops would go after a rape accusation that had gone nowhere for over 30 days, and then come and start putting the screws to the accuser.

3. If the authorities don't know how to clear the accused without identifying the accuser, then they desperately need education on how to investigate rape, as they are beyond incompetent.

4. Winston's own counsel said he first learned about the accusation in February.

So yeah... pretty much BS.

You sound like LG's brother of which neither are very bright.
Coming from the guy who hasn't cited a single accurate fact regarding this case?

If I'm not very bright, you're crapping-in-the-bathtub retarded.

Coming from the guy who thinks a female's panties has to be on in order for DNA to be left behind in them. LOL. LOL
Coming from the guy who thinks a female's panties has to be on in order for DNA to be left behind in them. LOL. LOL

I'm going to retract the insult I previously posted, because it's like picking on a 5 year old.

Sorry to the person who gave me the like before my edit.
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Lulz. So not only was it consensual, but there's photos of them hanging out before and after, her own roommate says it was consensual, and Winston is such a stand up guy he reported it to the coaches, on his own. Too funny.

Right. And given that Winston supposedly found out shortly after the report was filed, he must be the world's most forgiving guy to keep hanging out with someone who had called the cops to accuse him of rape. That seems totally likely.
Law enforcement has the discretion to arrest on a reported felony if they have probable cause. The DNA match is huge in that, until that became public, it seemed like Winston's camp wasn't even admitting he had ever met her, much less had sex with her. As soon as the test result came out, his lawyer said "Of course we knew it would match."

What has happened, and this is not uncommon, is that the police send their investigation to the state attorney who makes a decision on whether to prosecute, and that discretion is guided by whether they think there is probable cause. And then of course every step of the way they can change their minds if they think they cannot prove the case to the higher beyond a reasonable doubt standard.

When it gets to that phase, that's where they would consider her candor and what not, but that wouldn't come into play now. If she is making the accusation and there is anything at all to show it was forced, even if there is evidence to the contrary, then they probably have to charge him and then see how the investigation goes from there. He of course is never obligated to speak to them and surely won't.
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It's clearly turning into a "she said/he said". Which gives me the uneasy feeling that he'll be charged and things will be figured out in court.

My questions are, why did she back off back at the first of the year? Police bullying? False report and knew it'd come back around? We don't know.

Where was the aunt lawyer over the past several months? If she was promised things in April, why wasn't she fighting for it in May? Maybe she was, we don't know.

The victim is claiming no booze was involved. Why did it take a month to ID the "rapist"? Why the 5'9"-5'11" ID? Try to throw them off?

I think the two keys are the two witnesses. One is from her corner and if Jameis and the girl had a relationship before and after the alleged incident.
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So, because the police did everything they could to not pursue the case, the victim should give up on seeing justice done against her assailant?

Yes, so 25 years from now when Little Cat has a teenaged daughter, and God forbid something happens to her, the cops should let it slide because her story is just too damn difficult to prove.
It's clearly turning into a "she said/he said". Which gives me the uneasy feeling that he'll be charged and things will be figured out in court.

My questions are, why did she back off back at the first of the year? Police bullying? False report and knew it'd come back around? We don't know.

Where was the aunt lawyer over the past several months? If she was promised things in April, why wasn't she fighting for it in May? Maybe she was, we don't know.

According to the family, they didn't back off. They were waiting for some blood sample results to come back in April. Sample that were never collected. They claim they did keep contacting the TPD, but kept getting brushed off.

The victim is claiming no booze was involved. Why did it take a month to ID the "rapist"? Why the 5'9"-5'11" ID? Try to throw them off?

Maybe because she didn't know her attacker? And everyone seriously needs to drop the issue of the initial description. Victims of assault, specifically sexual assault, often don't give the most accurate description of their assailants. If she'd identified him as white, that would be a major discrepency.

I think the two keys are the two witnesses. One is from her corner and if Jameis and the girl had a relationship before and after the alleged incident.

There has been absolutely no word, aside from FSU message boards, that Winston had any prior relationship with the accuser. If they had some kind of relationship, I'm fairly certain his lawyer would have mentioned that, given that he's publicly acknowledged that the sex happened.
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His lawyers haven't said squat about anything. They're keeping everything zipped up, rightfully so.

In the past 20 minutes we've gone from "Meggs ready to charge within 48 hours" to "World ready to hate Tally, no charges"

Speculation is fun. Rape is not. Even with garnet and gold colored glasses, I hope justice is served.
His lawyers haven't said squat about anything. They're keeping everything zipped up, rightfully so.

In the past 20 minutes we've gone from "Meggs ready to charge within 48 hours" to "World ready to hate Tally, no charges"

Speculation is fun. Rape is not. Even with garnet and gold colored glasses, I hope justice is served.

Actually, his lawyer released a statement just this morning.
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So glad I got into the transactional side of the practice. This stuff makes you cringe. Somebody's going to get hurt badly either way it plays out. A young life (his or hers) will probably be at least temporarily ruined. There's no win-win here, no room for compromise. It's a straight up dogfight first in the court of public opinion and then perhaps at the bar.
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So glad I got into the transactional side of the practice. This stuff makes you cringe. Somebody's going to get hurt badly either way it plays out. A young life (his or hers) will probably be at least temporarily ruined. There's no win-win here, no room for compromise. It's a straight up dogfight first in the court of public opinion and then perhaps at the bar.

Well said.
So glad I got into the transactional side of the practice. This stuff makes you cringe. Somebody's going to get hurt badly either way it plays out. A young life (his or hers) will probably be at least temporarily ruined. There's no win-win here, no room for compromise. It's a straight up dogfight first in the court of public opinion and then perhaps at the bar.
Well said VH!
The hardest part for me to understand is why this kind of stuff happens to massively talented and famous athletes. Jameis Winston is the starting quarterback of an undefeated, BCS National Championship-bound football team. He is without question the biggest name on a college campus chock full of hard 10's. Why would he, or any famous athlete (Roethlisberger etc), feel the need to rape a girl when there's 10 more he could easily call? I don't mean to be graphic, but the dude is literally swimming in it down there.
The hardest part for me to understand is why this kind of stuff happens to massively talented and famous athletes. Jameis Winston is the starting quarterback of an undefeated, BCS National Championship-bound football team. He is without question the biggest name on a college campus chock full of hard 10's. Why would he, or any famous athlete (Roethlisberger etc), feel the need to rape a girl when there's 10 more he could easily call? I don't mean to be graphic, but the dude is literally swimming in it down there.

Now, now, let's not jump to conclusions. For all we know he took up the offer from one (or several) and she wasn't happy about being one of many.

We may never the true story but Jameis' will never live down the fact that a 18 year old had sex in college if charges aren't raised.
The hardest part for me to understand is why this kind of stuff happens to massively talented and famous athletes. Jameis Winston is the starting quarterback of an undefeated, BCS National Championship-bound football team. He is without question the biggest name on a college campus chock full of hard 10's. Why would he, or any famous athlete (Roethlisberger etc), feel the need to rape a girl when there's 10 more he could easily call? I don't mean to be graphic, but the dude is literally swimming in it down there.

Rape is rarely about sex.
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