Jameis Winston (FSU) merged

Also, important to know if/what the victims injuries are. I believe she went to the hospital that night and got checked out. This is getting a little more interesting.
At the risk of getting too graphic:

Winston's DNA was in the girl's underwear. The fact that her underwear never came off could lead one to conclude that it wasn't consensual.

Lol. I'll get a little graphic. Everything you put in a woman doesn't all stay in. So if she put her underwear back on more than likely something leaked out. I guess those 7 semens they found in the girl's panties that accused Kobe just slid them to the side....LOL
Lol. I'll get a little graphic. Everything you put in a woman doesn't all stay in. So if she put her underwear back on more than likely something leaked out. I guess those 7 semens they found in the girl's panties that accused Kobe just slid them to the side....LOL

As I said before, there are facts that suggest that that scenario didn't occur. But I'm not going to run the risk of going into them on here.
Lol. I'll get a little graphic. Everything you put in a woman doesn't all stay in. So if she put her underwear back on more than likely something leaked out. I guess those 7 semens they found in the girl's panties that accused Kobe just slid them to the side....LOL

Think bamas sister has been lying to him about the birds and the bees. :)
A lot of it sounds like party girl remorse after the fact & the timing is remarkably odd based on FSU & Winston's performance this year not to mention all the confidential police info being leaked. Lets not forget 2 eyewitnesses. Did they participate? Did she let them?
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A lot of it sounds like party girl remorse after the fact

She went to the hospital and spoke to the authorities within a couple of hours of the incident. That isn't a lot of time for remorse to set in.

& the timing is remarkably odd based on FSU & Winston's performance this year

She named Winston back in January.

not to mention all the confidential police info being leaked. Lets not forget 2 eyewitnesses. Did they participate? Did she let them?

We still do not know who the witnesses are. The heavily-redacted police report does not identify any witnesses. The only person who has publicly mentioned witnesses is Winston's attorney, who quoted them as saying Winston wasn't even there. So, apparently, those witnesses, whoever they are, cannot be believed.

According to the victim, Winston's roomate witnessed the incident, but was never interviewed by the TPD. Make of that whatever you will.
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A lot of it sounds like party girl remorse after the fact & the timing is remarkably odd based on FSU & Winston's performance this year not to mention all the confidential police info being leaked. Lets not forget 2 eyewitnesses. Did they participate? Did she let them?

Exactly which part sounds like that? I haven't read anything that remotely supports that statement.
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She went to the hospital and spoke to the authorities within a couple of hours of the incident. That isn't a lot of time for remorse to set in.

She named Winston back in January.

We still do not know who the witnesses are. The heavily-redacted police report does not identify any witnesses. The only person who has publicly mentioned witnesses is Winston's attorney, who quoted them as saying Winston wasn't even there. So, apparently, those witnesses, whoever they are, cannot be believed.

According to the victim, Winston's roomate witnessed the incident, but was never interviewed by the TPD. Make of that whatever you will.

So just a couple hours to mull over alleged assault?

She also said the guy was less than 6ft tall & had straight hair.

Why was Winston never charged? Why was the case inactive until now?
So just a couple hours to mull over alleged assault?

Are you suggesting that she should have spent days in reflection in order to conclude whether or not she was really assaulted?

Rape victims often don't go to the authorities immediately after the assault. It is a humiliating and shameful experience. Some "victims" level false accusations because of anger or hurt, and these accusations generally come days, weeks, or months after the supposed incident. It is generally accepted, though not guaranteed, that when a rape victim reports the crime quickly, her story is more likely to be true.

She also said the guy was less than 6ft tall & had straight hair.

As has been pointed out from the beginning, it is not always easy for a rape victim to describe her attacker with 100% accuracy. Given that it is now indisputable that Winston had sex with the girl, I think we can move on past her inaccurate assessment of his size.

Why was Winston never charged? Why was the case inactive until now?

Have you not read anything that has come out over the past couple of days?
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I think anybody that was truly assaulted wouldn't wait to go to the hospital or let a case sit inactive for almost a year.

Please read something, anything that has come out over the past couple of days. Not message board chatter, but actual reports on the story. You aren't quoting any of the facts properly.
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I think anybody that was truly assaulted wouldn't wait to go to the hospital or let a case sit inactive for almost a year.
It is estimated that 50-60% of women raped do not report the rape according to statistics. If it is confirmed that the police in this matter ignored her and told her not to pursue then maybe you can understand one of the reasons why women don't report.
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Luckily they were able to get things sorted just in time for fsu to be 10-0 & Winston was leading the Heisman race.
DNA analysis matches Jameis Winston with accuser - ESPN

I hate cases like this. Link has already been posted here but I just now read it.

Wish they would just drop the whole thing. Hard to prove anything at this point.

Good to see the local police half-assing it there.

Especially with this part:

A statement released earlier Wednesday by the accuser's family through her attorney, Patricia Carroll of Tampa, said Tallahassee police warned the accuser not to pursue the case, saying Det. Scott Angulo told Carroll, "Tallahassee was a big football town and the victim needs to think long and hard before proceeding against him because she will be raked over the coals and her life will be made miserable."

Good to know the local law considers sports success such a priority :ermm:
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here's an espn article on what happens from here, what's important, what's next, etc. A pretty good read about all this:

What we know about a sexual assault allegation against Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston is confusing because of the investigation's timing, leaks of only portions of the would-be case to the media, and conflicting stories from law enforcement and lawyers from the accuser's family.

Here are some developments to watch for and the possible turning points as the investigation continues:

Aside from the expected state attorney interview Thursday of the woman who made the complaint, the next and most important step in the investigation will be a review of the medical findings made in the physical examination of Winston's accuser on the night of the incident.

The DNA report obtained by ESPN.com's Mark Schlabach and the acknowledgement from Winston that he had consensual sex with the woman confirms the two were together early in December. The DNA test confirms that the accuser reported the incident shortly after it happened and submitted to a medical procedure known as a "rape kit," a set of examinations and sample collections that is designed to preserve evidence for use in a trial. Emergency room nurses are specifically trained in rape kit procedures and follow them automatically whenever a patient offers a history of an assault.

Florida state attorney William Meggs will study the medical findings in an effort to determine whether the incident was a violent sexual assault or consensual sex. The nature of any injury can be the conclusive factor in a prosecutor's decision. The presence of an abrasion or laceration could indicate a violent assault, and the absence of any such injury could indicate that the sex was consensual. It is highly likely that Meggs' decision whether to charge Winston will be based on the medical records of any injury.

A vaginal injury was the basis of the rape conviction of Mike Tyson in February 1992 for which he served three years in the penitentiary. The absence of any injury was the basis for the exoneration of Mark Chmura in February 2001.

In addition to scrutinizing the medical records, Meggs will interview the accuser and attempt to interview Winston. The interview of the accuser will allow her to tell her story of what happened and will give Meggs and his staff a chance to evaluate her veracity. Seasoned prosecutors want to know how well a witness will perform in court before they file any charge.

During the interview, the prosecutors may wish to determine whether the accuser wishes to follow through on a charge. The ultimate decision on filing a charge rests with prosecutor Meggs, but he will consider the wishes of the accuser as he makes his decision. Prosecutors are reluctant to file a charge when the victim of a crime is unwilling to cooperate in the prosecution.

The accuser's refusal to cooperate was a factor in the decision not to prosecute Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger in 2010, along with evidence of minimal injury.

Although Meggs will ask for an interview of Winston, Winston is not obligated to respond to the prosecutor. Winston's attorneys will delay their decision on an interview with Meggs as long as possible as they gather as much evidence as they can. Armed with available evidence, Winston and his attorneys will hope to avoid falling into any prosecution traps, intended or not. The likelihood is that Winston will say that he is cooperating and then refuse to answer any questions.

The other factors that Meggs will consider as he makes his decision will be the length of time Winston and the accuser were together; the brutality, if any, of the sex act; and the testimony of anyone who saw the accuser immediately after the incident. The post-incident witnesses, known as outcry witnesses, can be critical. If the accuser was in a state of shock after the incident, it will push Meggs toward a decision to prosecute.

There may be dramatic statements from people involved in the incident or on the fringes of the investigation, but the rape kit, interviews by the state attorney and outcry witnesses are the factors that will determine whether Winston is charged.

Developments to look for as Florida investigates Jameis Winston for possible sexual assault - ESPN
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Taken from TNations thread-

Rumor from Tally is that JWs story has ALWAYS been it that it was consensual. That one of the affidavits is from the accuser’s roommate and the other is from another football player, both of whom were present (happened at HER apartment, not a bar, not a party, not JWs place). That both confirm that they had an ongoing relationship. That there are photos of the two of them together taken before AND after the initial allegation. That roommate claims she was pissed at JW for some reason that night and decided to claim rape. (perhaps because he told her his real GF was coming in town that day and to lay low). That she changed her mind after the call but before the cops got there but didn’t want to tell them she made it up. (thus the “unidentified” rapist…intentionally fabricated description) That when she later was pressed, she identified JW and was questioned about her inconsistent statements and evidence of a consensual relationship and realized she better drop it. That when the accuser met with Meggs on Tuesday, she reaffirmed that she did not want to press charges. That every bit of evidence collected points to consensual sex and there is no way charges will be brought. That TPD and SAO are only trying to figure out how to clear JW without exposing/humiliating the accuser. Also, that JW informed Jimbo about it in DECEMBER of last year after he heard of the call to the cops and told him EVERYTHING (thus JF’s continued faith in JW). Assuming any of this is correct (not that there is any proof of any of it) JW, JF and Jansens confidence is not surprising. Based on what we know now, if there are no charges by Friday, and if JW is suited up on Saturday, you can bet that there will not be any. And whoever is responsible for leaking this is certainly going to get “raked over the coals”. TIFWIW, but the sources are pretty close to the situation. Don’t go jumping off the cliff just yet.

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