Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

Just curious: you believe:
Epstein hung himself just at the moment that a high security prison guard took a nap, and ALL the camera's in a high security prison wing stopped working? you buy that 100%

especially when said individual had this list of contacts, and possible dirt, which yes does include Trump.

you are the one who keeps bringing up the flights in the 90s, well before ANY of this came out.
I'm saying that there is no evidence that Bill and Hillary Clinton had him killed .... but that hasn't stopped the speculation by the right-wing on here from espousing such a theory as being an established fact.

Like I said .... Cry me a river about that whole "not acceptable leap to make" thing.

but meanwhile, plenty of other high named people, including another ex-President, are named on the same list, and yet they are never brought up. I have yet to see you, or LG, even bring other names up and make similar accusations against them as you have with Trump.
For about the tenth time now .... I haven't made an accusation against Trump. I have pointed out that he was a passenger on Epstein's private jet 7 times between 1993 and 1997 ... and that he has remained publicly supportive of Ghislaine Maxwell, even since her convictions for child sex-trafficking.
Here is a YouTube video of the press conference.

"I just wish her well, frankly." -- President Donald Trump

^^^ at the :20 mark of the above video ^^^

"But I wish her well, whatever it is." -- President Donald Trump

^^^ at the :28 mark of the above video ^^^


That was just plain weird.
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Here is a YouTube video of the press conference.

^^^^ at the :20 mark of the above video ^^^

"I just wish her well, frankly." -- President Donald Trump

^^^^ at the :28 mark of the above video ^^^

"But I wish her well, whatever it is." -- President Donald Trump


That was just plain weird.

Is this your new hobby?
That's an uncomfortable video for you guys ..... I get it.

Trump was asked a question about a child sex-trafficker, but just wanted to "... wish her well, frankly."

Doesn't Sandusky get any love, Donny? LOL.

Actually it's not uncomfortable at all. I'm used to Trump saying dumb crap. With him who the hell knows what he was thinking but with you we all know exactly what you're thinking. Deflect, deflect and deflect away from your cult.
That's an uncomfortable video for you guys ..... I get it.

Trump was asked a question about a child sex-trafficker, but just wanted to "... wish her well, frankly."

Doesn't Sandusky get any love, Donny? LOL.
Bless your heart.

I wish Doe 36 well, frankly.
Actually it's not uncomfortable at all. I'm used to Trump saying dumb crap. With him who the hell knows what he was thinking but with you we all know exactly what you're thinking. Deflect, deflect and deflect away from your cult.
That's exactly why it's a tough thing to watch ..... and you had to beat me to that term, because you know it applies here. Trump's minions don't want to be critical of him for anything, even when he publicly extends best wishes to a child sex-trafficker. That was bizarre.
That's exactly why it's a tough thing to watch ..... and you had to beat me to that term, because you know it applies here. Trump's minions don't want to be critical of him for anything, even when he publicly extends best wishes to a child sex-trafficker. That was bizarre.

I've seen a few posts including mine saying it was a dumb statement.

Once again you're trying to mountain a mole hill.
I'm saying that there is no evidence that Bill and Hillary Clinton had him killed .... but that hasn't stopped the speculation by the right-wing on here from espousing such a theory as being an established fact.

Like I said .... Cry me a river about that whole "not acceptable leap to make" thing.

For about the tenth time now .... I haven't made an accusation against Trump. I have pointed out that he was a passenger on Epstein's private jet 7 times between 1993 and 1997 ... and that he has remained publicly supportive of Ghislaine Maxwell, even since her convictions for child sex-trafficking.
ah, now I see your distinction. if you are open to the idea he was killed, its a much smaller leap to jump to Bill and Hillary did it, even though at least one of them is on the list; than it is to ignore the very text of the testimony you are using to raise questions.

and to your point: so what? He rode the plane and was publicly forgiving of a convicted pedophile. nothing there is illegal. I already told you I wouldn't argue against you thinking he was a slimeball for being associated with them and still friendly with them despite what has come out. Its just a really nuanced take on a relatively small matter when we have a least a dozen names that actively participated in pedophilia, again including another ex-President. its very plank in multiple people's eye while you call out the splinter in only one person's eye. you aren't wrong but it seems misguided, and in this case an attempt at misdirection.
Its just a really nuanced take on a relatively small matter when we have a least a dozen names that actively participated in pedophilia, again including another ex-President.
Wait a minute ....

Are you saying that there is evidence that Bill Clinton "actively participated in pedophilia?" Link?
Its just a really nuanced take on a relatively small matter when we have a least a dozen names that actively participated in pedophilia, again including another ex-President.

Are you claiming that there is evidence that Bill Clinton "actively participated in pedophilia," which was disseminated in these recently unsealed court documents?

If so, can you please provide a link to a source of information which confirms that such evidence exists, and that this evidence has been made available to the public? That would obviously be a bombshell news story.

I just spent 30 minutes running searches across two internet search engines, and found nothing which makes such a claim. I probably ran two dozen searches, and browsed about 150 articles from this week, which were reporting on the content of these recently unsealed docs. I found NOTHING which even comes close to that.

PLEASE provide a link to your source of information for that.
Didn’t she go into hiding for a bit, and then she was very visible in the public, almost like she was daring someone to try something against her? I seem to remember she threatened to have given away copies of damaging info with instructions to release it if she was harmed.
I didn't remember that, but it would have been a good strategy.
I'm saying that there is no evidence that Bill and Hillary Clinton had him killed .... but that hasn't stopped the speculation by the right-wing on here from espousing such a theory as being an established fact.

Like I said .... Cry me a river about that whole "not acceptable leap to make" thing.

For about the tenth time now .... I haven't made an accusation against Trump. I have pointed out that he was a passenger on Epstein's private jet 7 times between 1993 and 1997 ... and that he has remained publicly supportive of Ghislaine Maxwell, even since her convictions for child sex-trafficking.
You are probably right about the lack of a link to the Clintons. I'm sure you know 71+ people that have died under mysterious circumstance in your circle of acquaintance. I know I do.
Could be he is flat out wrong about her, or could be he is part of it. I certainly won't argue that Trump is a huge POS, but I won't make up stuff either like you are.
Yes, you will make things up. It took some nerve for you to post ^that^ comment earlier.

If you want to prove me wrong?


Post a link to a source of information which corroborates your claim that there is evidence that Bill Clinton "actively participated in pedophilia."
Yes, you will make things up. It took some nerve for you to post ^that^ comment earlier.

If you want to prove me wrong?


Post a link to a source of information which corroborates your claim that there is evidence that Bill Clinton "actively participated in pedophilia."

You really going to accuse someone of making stuff up? Remember the binder rings you said were in Ashley's diary?
You really going to accuse someone of making stuff up? Remember the binder rings you said were in Ashley's diary?
I'm not taking the bait ....

@LouderVol has said that he doesn't make things up. If that is true, then @LouderVol should be able to support his claim that there is evidence that Bill Clinton actively participated in pedophilia. @LouderVol , even chastised me earlier for making such an allegation, even though I hadn't actually accused Trump of being a pedophile.

However, it would seem that @LouderVol has disappeared for now.
I'm not taking the bait ....

@LouderVol has said that he doesn't make things up. If that is true, then @LouderVol should be able to support his claim that there is evidence that Bill Clinton actively participated in pedophilia. @LouderVol , even chastised me earlier for making such an allegation, even though I hadn't actually accused Trump of being a pedophile.

However, it would seem that @LouderVol has disappeared for now.
There is a chance that the four @s to louder in your post won't reach his notifications. For good measure, @LouderVol .
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I'm not taking the bait ....

@LouderVol has said that he doesn't make things up. If that is true, then @LouderVol should be able to support his claim that there is evidence that Bill Clinton actively participated in pedophilia. @LouderVol , even chastised me earlier for making such an allegation, even though I hadn't actually accused Trump of being a pedophile.

However, it would seem that @LouderVol has disappeared for now.
It's possible he was on all those flights and only participated in paying for legal age women.

Clinton loved women, according to women who would know he liked them young..... But that could mean a number of things. But the optics for him are pretty bad. Not that I think he cares.

As for what happened to Epstein is it stretch to think it has something to do with Clinton? Let's be real, if Trump had a tragic accident body count of similar proportions you'd be convinced he had hit men on retainer.
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here you go @BowlBrother85 one of the victims talking about Clinton liking them young.
Wait a minute here .....

When Trump said that Epstein liked them "a little on the younger side," I was assured by some of your right-wing brethren ( @hog88 was one of them ), that it didn't necessarily mean that Trump was talking about underage girls.

Also, do you honestly believe that serves as proof that Bill Clinton actively participated in pedophilia, as you claimed? You know who was young? Monica Lewinsky in 1996. She was 22. If that's all you have? That was some weak sauce, dude.

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