Jimmy Carter Appreciation Thread

I thank Jimmy Carter, because he gave us Ronald Reagan. Reagan taught us to believe in the American Spirit. Reagan also showed us that this great country is truly the beacon of light for the world. It is the shining city on the hill. This was not possible without Jimmy Carter.
And Ronald Reagan gave us Jimmy Carter, so it's a wash.
And Ronald Reagan gave us Jimmy Carter, so it's a wash.

And Jimmy Carter appointed Paul Volcker as chairman of the Fed, and de-regulated 3 major industries, which were huge catalysts for the economic boom of the 80s (and the deregulation continues to benefit us to this day).

I guess we need to thank Ronny for this.
And Jimmy Carter appointed Paul Volcker as chairman of the Fed, and de-regulated 3 major industries, which were huge catalysts for the economic boom of the 80s (and the deregulation continues to benefit us to this day).

I guess we need to thank Ronny for this.
Carter did some good for sure. I don't know whether Ford would have done the same regarding deregulation.
I wouldn't assume ANYBODY would, since it's the most sweeping deregulatory legislation we've ever seen in a presidential term.
Deregulation had been gaining support for a while before the bill was signed. I didn't remember whether Ford was on board with it or not. According to the linked article, he was.
Deregulation had been gaining support for a while before the bill was signed. I didn't remember whether Ford was on board with it or not. According to the linked article, he was.

In no way am I claiming Carter led the charge on any of this, but he did sign off on all of it. Nobody else can claim anything like that. It's like the Clinton thing and the balanced budget...sure, Republicans drove all of that, but BC still signed off on it. We don't really live in a world where presidents allow an opposing congress to have victories like that. Carter put traditional liberal politics aside three times.

If Ford is president, I'm not even sure congress has the same motivation to try to pass them all in the first place.

I'm not sure any president has signed off on such important deregulation in any one industry, and it happened in three (airlines, trucking, finance).

I don't think Carter was that smart. I just love the idea that he kinda went along with things and ended up being a good POTUS (tho not at all revered because of the optics of his presidency). It's like Mr. Deeds getting elected President.

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