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It was your poll you started....and you asked who is calling for his head at this time. Those were the ones.
BTW...aren't you simply a self proclaimed CBJ negaVol...or do you just act like one?
Did you even happen to stumble across what our schedule was like last season? what about next season?
How would you have coached? What plays would you have called when and in which game? Which play would have made our WR's catch passes? Which plays CBJ could have called that made our players FASTER?
7maxims, GoVols10, Orange Daddy, orange44, Press, QVOL81, steelmagnolia, sterlingsgold, VolinSippi, whinervol1----all voted to fire him now per your FIRE BUTCH NOW POLL
865Chris, bamawriter, Batman33, bay224, Boogienite, BoostN, BoroVol20, Brianchevy, callmez, champyvol, DocVol, Eddie Vol Halen, eek006, gnm53108, happyloaf, JonWard, jortfreeTN, jro0622, jvol1982, ketron47, Merlot, northknoxvol, Ole_Virgil_Cane, orangeblood1, PackersVols91, pasadenavol, photovol, rugbyvol87, Sandvol, SDV, Spirit_of_98, State of the Vols, TAF, TGVol, tn88volfan, TnMuleman, TnTech_Vol, UTK, VeeOhElEsYes, volfalcon7, volfanecs, volonrails, volsohard99, WesternKyVol, zehr27-----all voted to fire him if we do not make it to a bowl next year.
-Rifleman-, 09dunbar, 1 in 102,455, 1725gatorhater, 2011Vol, 3 Rocky Top Cove, 54fighting, 90 Vol, 91Vols, AF_VOL, alldayvols, allsgood21, allvol38, AllVol85, allvol9, amauto, American Pig, Amsterdam, AndyW, Antwturn, Ashevolle, ATLVols, atlvolunteer, Backwards K, Bama_Hater, BBushVols, bchin2020, beachbums624, Beatlebrainiac, beefythevol, Berry4Heisman14, bham_orange, Big Orange 1, Big Orange#1, bigbadlee10, bigOG, BIGORANGEBUBBA, BigOrangeHomer, BigOrangeLoyalist, BigOrangeTrain, bigvolsfan69, BilboTN, billemert11, birdman42, bkbasketball, BleedingButch, BleedsOrange11, BlessedOmega, blitz, Bluetic, Bms4880, Boca Vol, BoColoco, born-n-raisedvol, BornOrange33, brad37128, Brewers, Brian McCat, bryhez, BSAvol, btate, BucWildVol, buford t justice, bullet20, bUTchLookin4Dimez, butzie30, byobbio, Caleb, Candlebox, Carl Pickens, CascadeVolunteer, Catbone, CaVOLry, cbrad25, CBVols, CharlestonSCVol, chinkachu, ChiroVol, ColoradoVol8, crovol, DaddyChad, daniel102081, Danron, darkskyes71, DARTH KONG, dave3171, DAVOL, DBark24, dd4vols, dederk16, DeepSpringsVol, DERELICK_MY_VOLS, Dickel#12Vol, DiderotsGhost, dillyo51, DinkinFlicka, dive_medic, DMG, DoolaidDrinker, Doyle Hargraves, Dr H Lecter, dr. moreau, Dragon18, drgreear, dstn21, dukieboy4, EastT, Easttnken, easttnvolman, EconVol92, edistodkb, englewoodcog, Enki_Amenra, Escape Goat, EZE, f77f00, Fatman Photos, FEAR-THE-PANTS, FearTheVols, feathersax, FlVols, FLVOL_79, franchuck, Fudge Pickle, gandycv, gatorhater1509, GBO97, General Jack, GFieldVolFan, GiveHimSix!, GKSS 61, GLDunlap, Glenng, GoBigOrange33, GoBigOrangeVols, golf437, gordonr24, governmentmule, govol35, govols105, govols120, govols528, govols717, GreveHaller, GreySmokey, griffdog14, GrindHARD, GrowVol, gwlyles214, hadl, HATINGBAMAISAWAYOFLIFE, Hayezb, hog88, HomeGrownVol, Honky, hubmann, I Love Lamp, I-bleed-orange, IAM410EC, Ibleedorange0013, ice, Ice_Vol, iluvsmesumdooley, immyaxl, InVOLuntary, jackcrevol, Jake Tate, jarnol32, Jasongivm6, jaxvol69, jbcollins, jbradley1382, JCSvol, JFBanicki, jglover, jgoofer, jihad_joe, JimmyCheeksBooger, jmcvol, joelkthx, John Vol Jones, jpiburn, jps2194, Jreed615, jtlhotspot, k-town_king, kadafi21, KBVol, kcboost, Kedp, keekeerun, Kevingarrabrant, KnoxVillain, LibertyVolance, Linds, LittleDTO, logjammin', LookinUp, LWSVOL, maddux5150, Mallicoat, MaTaLa, mccvols6, meanbass123, MedicT, MEDVOL, memtownvol, Messer85, MG1968, Miami-Beach-Vol, MikeVol44, mistermatt31, mmajaz12, Monkey Wrench, MOOOOONEY, Morpheus, MrBiggles, MSCE09, MSHrebel20, MTPVOL, MurfVol, MustafaRasta, mustbeAmoocow, NC_Orange, newandbetter, newokie03, NewYorkVolFan, nikesportsfan, NissanVol, nomads-11, norriscraftbasser, Ohio_Vol, OJ, OldGrandad, OldTimer, onthefield, OoltVol, Orange rock, orangeB, orangeblooded2, orangebloodgmc, OrangeByBirth, OrangeCeramicDog, Orangedogsrule, OrangeDonkey, orangegirl56, orangegrass, orangeluvr, orangeslice13, orangetitanfan, OrangeUTopia, orbs son, orchidvol, OrebankVol, Orlando Vol, P.O.T.S. VOL, PapaBurgundy, patriot-vol, pattiycake, PaVolsfn, peerless98, peytonwh, Phacerros, phil, phoenixvol, phowell23, possumtownVol, PowerWookie, PrattvilleVol, primmdds, PureVol, r3vo, RagingOrange, RDU VOL#14, Rechoryan, Redbone, ReelfootVol, rekinhavoc, rev_greg, rexjazz, rmvol, rob22278, rockytop114, rockytop25, RockyTop94, rockytopalabama, Rockytoptalker, Rocky_Top_Vol13, RollerVol, RossVegasVols, rote, ruffbunch, russvol, RustyBas, RWB427, Ryan Rocky Top, SaintLouisVol, SanguineVol, SC Wolfpack, SC-Vol, Schasz, scoopnscoot, Sgtmaj, Shadowboxer, ShowMeVol, SJ21XDC, sjt18, skasper06, slickstirs, SlipKidVol, slobberknocker, smokey07, smokey1969, SmokeyX, SmokinBob, smyborovol, sofflavol, SoMissVol, SouthernBelRinger, Spartacavolus, spikesglaring, sport3500, ssukonic, stevenrich2003, Stig, StillStanding, STL Vol Fan, StlCardinals2618, Stoerner's Fumble, strongj81, stuvol86, Sudden Impact, SuperableMars90, surfin' vol, SUXitduckman, SyfiC, s_hendricks, t-town, T16, T2P_Priceless, Tbam, TBtheGBwiththeTD, tdvol, TeddyYeti, TedUTfan, TennesseeJet, Ten_Titans, tgoins3, TheEndlessEnigma, TheGimp, theman21, TheManFromTenn, TheRain, theutvolunteers, Through_The_T, Titleistvol, tmodaniel, TNfaninMS, tnlacombe, tnmarktx, TNnative, TNsnyper20, TNTechVol, TNVOLNUT, tnvolsfan09, Tnwoodsman, TN_Vol_Fo_Life, tommyboy, ToptheTerrible, Trash1, TVA, UNAVol89, UrbanCryer, USNSeabee999, UTCorey, utksf7374, UTRocky, utvol83, utwls66, v0ltan, Vegas_Ferguson, VFL 24/7, Vol in, Vol in Mich, Vol knight, vol11, Vol1986, vol24/7/365, vol445, vol4life80, Volbeat, volbunch, VolDave53, voldawgforever, volfan411, volfan_89, VolGal423, volguy27, VolHeel, VolinMichigan, VOLinPride, volinSmyrna, volintears, VOLINVONORE, volley, Volman130, Volmania, VOLnMiami, Volosaurus rex, volpadre, volprof, volroadwarrior, vols1389, vols4evah, volsack7, volsare1, Volsfan2013, VOLsince68, VolsinVA, volstuckinNC, volstuff37641, volswillrise12, Vols_14, Vols_Deep, vols_fan_68, Volteacher, volunator, volunteer2, volunteer27, VolUpInCumming, Vol_51, Vol_Doc, vol_fan89, vol_sec, wfd53, white65, WillD333, Willy999, wolfej, Wolfeman_Vol, wtvfl, Wylo, xfactorutk, XIVolNinjaIX, xtnntx, zach8502, zaqhhh, Zeppelin18241, ZoeVol----all voted he needs 3-5 years
Not trying to retain Chaney. I know I know, Jake is his guy in his system. That's fine. However, I think in this situation you stick with what's working and keep the good coaches unless you have an amazing one already on your staff. I believe Worley would have played amazingly better and actually let this team to a 7-5 record.
You may think "It won't work in the long run its not his style". Ok, what happens if Butch had to fire Jake and get a new guy? I may be completely wrong about this but I think keeping Chaney pays off more.
Just like Kiffin. Monte is great and all, but there is NO freaking way you get rid of Chavis. Dools might still be the coach and winning a SEC champ game this year if he would have kept him too... (not sure if I'm being serious or not)
Am I completey wrong here?
So, when rebuilding, how many years should we allow before we set goals that are related to the bottom line? Five years? Seven years? If you think it is unfair to set a goal for wins in the first year of a rebuild then you completely disagree with the coaching staff which you defend. Was Butch irrational setting a goal of six wins and bowl in year one? If you call those of us that expected that goal to be met stupid, then you may as well call Butch stupid. I am sure that all of this will be conveniently ignored and swept under the rug. That's the great thing about not having goals, without them you cannot fail.
Okay, I mistook some of the things like sending a moving van to Bill Battle's house, burning mattresses when Kiffin left, calls for Cuonzo's head on a silver platter, and the vitriol unleashed at Dooley as signs of the fan base being unrealistic and impatient.Umm, can you name me another team with 3 straight losing seasons who get ~90K to show up for their games each week? Can you name me another major college program where 76% of fans polled would declare a 5-7 season a job well done, as fans did here? Can you name me another major program who would give Derek Dooley more than 3 straight losing seasons to prove he can't coach? Who would give him a contract extension with a huge buyout after his first losing season?
Don't give me this "unrealistic, impatient" nonsense. This place is heaven for bad coaches.
So we should just assume that the first year of rebuilding be successful? Yes you should set goals, but they need to be realistic ones. Like this past season, I read many places picked us to go 5-7 and 6-6 would have been great. This was before Auburn and Mizzou exploded.
So how long should a rebuild take in your opinion? Butch was not irrational in setting those goals. However I wonder if he would have made those goals if knew about Mizzou and Auburn before he said that. Things happen. Obviously you don't think we are rebuilding and also think that in year 2 we should see massive improvements. I have no problem in waiting 3-5 years to get great again. I guess that's somehow too long to wait these days.
If your standards deem 6-6 massive improvement then yes, I expect massive improvement.
I don't buy into the rebuilding safety net way of thinking. A program should be constantly building regardless if that program is an Alabama or UT. If you are not constantly showing improvement and reaching realistic goals (and yes 6 wins this past season was realistic) then you are slipping and failing.
If it takes Jones 5 years to be good at UT, then he's not a very good coach at all.
Any decent recruiter could be good anywhere in 5 years. You guys are pathetic with your low expectations.
Your patience,on the other hand,is to be commended :hi:..You waited until 7 months before his second season, to demand 5 year results.k:
If it takes Jones 5 years to be good at UT, then he's not a very good coach at all.
Any decent recruiter could be good anywhere in 5 years. You guys are pathetic with your low expectations.
Not trying to retain Chaney. I know I know, Jake is his guy in his system. That's fine. However, I think in this situation you stick with what's working and keep the good coaches unless you have an amazing one already on your staff. I believe Worley would have played amazingly better and actually let this team to a 7-5 record.
You may think "It won't work in the long run its not his style". Ok, what happens if Butch had to fire Jake and get a new guy? I may be completely wrong about this but I think keeping Chaney pays off more.
Just like Kiffin. Monte is great and all, but there is NO freaking way you get rid of Chavis. Dools might still be the coach and winning a SEC champ game this year if he would have kept him too... (not sure if I'm being serious or not)
Am I completey wrong here?
He will be on the job for his 5th year when his first class of freshmen( who were redshirted like Riley Ferguson) become seniors. By then , he will have 4 full recruiting classes on campus. His first year was kind of a rush job.If it takes Jones 5 years to be good at UT, then he's not a very good coach at all.
Any decent recruiter could be good anywhere in 5 years. You guys are pathetic with your low expectations.
Same quarterback?But did you look at our schedule?
I mean, we beat South Carolina at home but couldn't beat Vandy
One was good coaching, one was bad
Yet, if you point this out then the first sentence is thrown in your face.
If that doesn't work, then you don't understand football or you're just plain stupid