If there are lessons to be learned ... then the messages from San Diego State's (SDS) trip to the final four ...
- Defensive is a huge part of the equation ... in that regard ... Barnes is on the right track. SDS has a 94 feet emphasis on defense - Barnes teams focus on just the half court ... more on this later.
- Offensively, SDS is far from a juggernaut. Interestingly they rank 265 in the number of 3s they took per game! Only 1 player averaged more than 10 points per game.
- SDS spreads their mpg out among a large swath of players - 9. Nine players AVERAGED more that 15 mpg! In fact, the only other team that did that was FAU!!!
- No player on SDS averaged more than 28 mpg!!! THIS is what allowed them to play a more frantic full court defense.
SDS full court defense was NOT more productive in producing more steals than Barnes defense ... but it may have worn on the other teams physical stamina over the course of the game.
The persistent rotation of players MAY HAVE allowed SDS to be less physically 'tired' over the course of the season. Thus, not leg weary going into the NCAA tournament.
Coaches/Teams tend to put the best players on the floor for the most amount of time.
Deeper teams can give players MORE minutes and NOT rely on one or two players (to play 30 minutes).
With the addition of JJJ, this is by far, the deepest AND most experienced team I have seen in Orange. WELCOME BACK, JJJ!!!!
If we can steer clear of injuries and get 9 to 11 players contributing 15 minutes per game ... we could see a very special season in 2023-2024
By the way, we were not far from the SDS metrics, but we had a couple of players who were VERY one dimensional. Those players dramatically affected the overall effectiveness of the team.
Finally, I still believe that Rick would prefer NOT to put players on the floor for more that 25-27 minutes per game. However, imho, I think he does have the team to accomplish this feat in the fall.