Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

Holy crap! That really just happened. He actually posted that 8 minutes BEFORE he expressed condolences.
Admittedly, not a great look for him... but are you really this sensitive or just this partisan? There is a jackass in this thread named NEO in a festive mood. Did you reply to the crap he was saying or just let it go?
Well she is to blame for that, she should have retired 5 years ago.
She knew that the minute Trump won.
She fell into the trap of overestimating the goodness and decency of the American public.
Admittedly, not a great look for him... but are you really this sensitive or just this partisan? There is a jackass in this thread named @NEO in a festive mood. Did you reply to the crap he was saying or just let it go?
Spare me the lecture. I’ve already deleted every single one of those posts.
Apparently from pancreatic cancer. She had been battling it for a while. Bless her heart. The good kind.

Whether you agree with her opinions or not (and I didn't), I respect her for the position she held as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. She deserves the honors that go with that office.

RIP Justice Ginsberg.
The woman was incredible and achieved monumental success In her field.
Gonna be a warp speed nomination and thread.

She knew that the minute Trump won.
She fell into the trap of overestimating the goodness and decency of the American public.

She thought way too much of herself and her importance, she should have retired while Obama was in office and could appoint her replacement. Her hubris will be the cause of her seat moving right.

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