Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

You going to be a pallbearer?

No, but for just once could we honor the dead without having to politicize everything?

She was a human, after all. I might not have agreed with her opinions, but can we at least wait to dance on her grave until after she's in it? Good grief.
No, but for just once could we honor the dead without having to politicize everything?

She was a human, after all. I might not have agreed with her opinions, but can we at least wait to dance on her grave until after she's in it? Good grief.
I don't think she cares.
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If you want to burn this country to the ground then push through a justice after denying the last president that opportunity. You haven't seen riots like you will see. If you live in Kentucky you had better get the hell out now.
Trump is president and the Rs hold the senate so confirm away.
Yes, hopefully Trump nominates a far right conservative... and forces Susan Collins and Corey Gardner to make a vote before the election. Collins is still catching heat for the Kavanaugh vote... this would finish her in Maine.
No, but for just once could we honor the dead without having to politicize everything?

She was a human, after all. I might not have agreed with her opinions, but can we at least wait to dance on her grave until after she's in it? Good grief.

No, why should we? She brought this reaction upon herself, she stayed too long and put herself above the country and the importance of her position.
Admittedly, not a great look for him... but are you really this sensitive or just this partisan? There is a jackass in this thread named NEO in a festive mood. Did you reply to the crap he was saying or just let it go?
Are you seriously comparing a random guy on a message board to chuck schumer?
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If you want to burn this country to the ground then push through a justice after denying the last president that opportunity. You haven't seen riots like you will see. If you live in Kentucky you had better get the hell out now.

You mean if the Dems dont get their way they will burn the nation down? Precedent dont mean squat.
Yes, hopefully Trump nominates a far right conservative... and forces Susan Collins and Corey Gardner to make a vote before the election. Collins is still catching heat for the Kavanaugh vote... this would finish her in Maine.

The vote won’t be held until AFTER the election but before the new Senate takes office.

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