Justin Worley to start against Austin Peay

CBJ replaced his QB at Cinci in the 9th or 10th week. Why is it foolish to think he may want to give Ferguson a couple more months of "on the job training" before throwing him to the wolves?
Because he did not name Legaux the starter with some top secret plan to hand the job over to someone else later in the season. He benched ol' Munchie for inconsistent play and particularly poor management of the O.

Barring injury, be prepared for both Ferguson and Dobbs to RS. They got some compliments. Maybe they are exceptional for Freshmen. Hopefully if they have to play they will be. But both still need S&C before truly being ready for the SEC. They need maturity. They need time in and around a college level program. Jones may change his mind and announce one the starter tomorrow.... but by every other indication we have... neither is ready right now.

IMHO, one will eventually transfer and my money is still on Ferguson.

If Jones has success, it is also possible that the QB he signs in '15 could pass them both before they get a chance to become the starter.

I think we can all agree that Ferguson has more potential than Worley.
LOL... no we can't. All we truly have on Ferguson is his HS performances. That IS ALL. Worley was a Gatorade POY and set incredible passing records. Worley is bigger and while I am not wild about the hitch in his motion he has a stronger arm... and had a stronger arm as a Fr.

That does not mean he is the more capable starter come Week 1. However, I do think that Ferguson will replace Worley at some point this season.
Based on WHAT? Just a feeling? A wish?

This is simply my opinion and I do not think it is foolish.

An opinion stated in the form of a definitive fact based on nothing more than you have suggested here... is foolish.

We will know better tomorrow but I suspect that Peterman will be #2 on the depth chart with Worley #1. This will NOT say that the 2 Fr aren't any good or won't eventually start instead of Peterman or even Worley next year. It will acknowledge what appears to be the truth- Ferguson and Dobbs are raw and need some development.
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I have this argument just about every year. Sometimes it is the WR position or RB or whatever. But folks here just can't help but fall in love with the new kid in town.
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Not wanting to put a true freshman in and potentially destroy his confidence if it doesn't go well is a factor, imo. It's not a plan to pull Worley later. It's a plan to put the experienced guy out there, see what happens, and give the freshmen more time to develop in case it doesn't work out.

IMHO, if Worley stumbles then he slides to #2 and Peterman gets his shot. It could happen... but I think it would take pretty major disasters with both of those guys before burning the RS of either Fr.

That's assuming Peterman is still #2.

BTW, Dooley was roundly condemned for using Simms to warm the seat for Bray.
Yea that was not a suprise but I think Worley will be ready he's waited in line now its his turn to lead our vols. I really do hope it works out for him he seams like a good young man. GO VOLS!

It's refreshing to see a rational statement from a true Vol "fan".
Sure. I just think if it was going to be Worley, we could have heard about it weeks ago. Holding this announcement until this late seems like Butch was giving the other guys every opportunity to win the job, they just didn't do it. If that was bc Worley was soo good, I think he would have won the job officially a while ago.

they have known for weeks that Worley would be the starter but they had no reason to make a public announcement so they haven't until now. why did they need to say something before now?? there is no reason
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We have seen the 4 live at most twice. O&W game and open practice other than some highlights. None of us know what happened in camp and I really don't care who starts. I just want W's when it is all said and done. But I do think we will see at least two play throughout the year. #2 is a mystery though to me
Rod Wilks' spirit is starting on both sides of the ball.

I know people find the whole Rod "The Don" Wilk jokes funny. But I think it's time to let Ole Rod Wilks be. He came to his DREAM SCHOOL in TN and in my eyes is a VFL. Just think this degrading of a TN player needs to go to rest. If I were a recruit and were to look on this site and see how they totally degrade former players. It might actually make me rethink going to a school seeing at how their fans are. It was funny for a second. But it's gotten to a point where it's kinda uncalled for.
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"Worley was the Volunteers' only quarterback with game experience, having backed up former starter Tyler Bray. In the past two seasons, Worley appeared in nine games, completing 63 of 110 passes for 738 yards, one touchdown and five interceptions."


Gotta love that TD to INT ratio.

Hoping he evens up that TD to Int ratio on Saturday
Justin Worley needs to prove himself to the VOL Nation.
It's not going to be easy either.

Good luck to him in the first quarter though.
Because he did not name Legaux the starter with some top secret plan to hand the job over to someone else later in the season. He benched ol' Munchie for inconsistent play and particularly poor management of the O.

Cincinnati was 6-2 with Munchie as the starter and both of the games they lost were by less than 7 points.

LOL... no we can't. All we truly have on Ferguson is his HS performances. That IS ALL. Worley was a Gatorade POY and set incredible passing records. Worley is bigger and while I am not wild about the hitch in his motion he has a stronger arm... and had a stronger arm as a Fr.

Fair enough. "We all can" was a far too definitive and inclusive statement. What I should have said was, it seems that the majority of what I have heard from analysts is that Ferguson has greater potential than Worley. I am in line with this train of thought due to what I have seen from both. To be fair, all we really have from Worley are his high school performances as well.

Based on WHAT? Just a feeling? A wish?

I believe Worley is the more capable starter for Week 1 based on CBJ naming him the starter. I believe Peterman will replace him at some point this season due to his greater potential. It is impossible to predict the future, thus it can not be anything other than a feeling/guess. Please explain to me how you definitively know otherwise.

An opinion stated in the form of a definitive fact based on nothing more than you have suggested here... is foolish.

At no point during my post did I insinuate that what I was saying was "definitive fact." Forums are intended to be a place where people can express opinions. Therefore, it should be expected that opinions will be expressed. I can not, nor can anyone else, prove an opinion about the occurrence, or non-occurrence, of any future event. It is also impossible to prove anything that is subjective in nature (i.e., whether one individual has more potential in an area than another). You yourself have expressed thoughts which can not be proven as accurate fact. So, I suppose we are both "foolish" aren't we?
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The best thing that could happen is their able to redshirt both the freshmen qbs that means either Worley or Peterman is having a real good season. But a lot of people think only one of them will redshirt.
Maybe coach Jones wanted to wait to name a starter because competition makes them better?
I think we can all agree that Ferguson has more potential than Worley. .

We can't "all agree" on anything (except that Dooley sucked), why would we all agree on something that subjective. There's no definitive measurement of potential in a QB or Johnny football wouldn't have been a 3* out of hs.
@Vol_Football: JONES: Justin is progressing and is a work in progress in terms of leadership. There's room for growth and development there.
I know it sounds stupid, but why do we bother scheduling these cupcake games? I'm so excited for the season, but I know that the first game is going to be a blowout...

Why don't we schedule some low ranked CUSA team or something, at least a team in our division.... It seems unfair to Austin Peay and their team...:ermm:
I know it sounds stupid, but why do we bother scheduling these cupcake games? I'm so excited for the season, but I know that the first game is going to be a blowout...

Why don't we schedule some low ranked CUSA team or something, at least a team in our division.... It seems unfair to Austin Peay and their team...:ermm:
So we have a glorified scrimmage. The lesser teams do it for the money to assist their AD programs.
It jusssssssssst doesn't mattttttttttttter who starts against Saturday AP, I am sure we will see at least three QB's get significant snaps...... What is going to be interesting is who the starting QB is Florida week!

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