Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Michelle Obama's school lunch plan hasn't kicked in yet. Just give it time!

2012 Election Map:


You think Oklahoma really cares about Obama Mama's school lunch plan?
Fox News Poll: 80 percent disapprove of Congress, majority supports Keystone | Fox News

Nearly 7 voters in 10 support building the Keystone XL pipeline (68 percent). That includes just over half of Democrats (53 percent), two-thirds of independents (69 percent) and almost all Republicans (85 percent). More men (73 percent) than women (64 percent) say build it.

Overall support for the pipeline has held steady over the last couple years: it was 70 percent in 2013 and 67 percent in 2012.

Those are fairly strong numbers. You might figure with that kind of bipartisan support this would be a no brainer. And again, why has it been "studied" for five years by this Administration other than to appease the enviro-nazi crowd?

And furthermore, what rationale did the Senate use for not voting for it other than a big Eff You to the House and one of their own colleagues?
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Fox News Poll: 80 percent disapprove of Congress, majority supports Keystone | Fox News

Those are fairly strong numbers. You might figure with that kind of bipartisan support this would be a no brainer. And again, why has it been "studied" for five years by this Administration other than to appease the enviro-nazi crowd?

And furthermore, what rationale did the Senate use for not voting for it other than a big Eff You to the House and one of their own colleagues?

You're asking and answering your own questions, that's tops in efficiency.
The plan is coming together. That being for the pipeline to enable North American producers to ship oil abroad for more money.

US Opens Its Shale Oil Floodgates By A Tiny Bit - Business Insider

The Obama administration on Tuesday bowed to months of growing pressure over a 40-year-old ban on exports of most domestic crude, taking two steps expected to unleash a wave of ultra-light shale oil onto global markets.
Well, there's that...

Obama will veto Keystone bill -

President Barack Obama will veto the Keystone XL bill if Congress passes a measure green-lighting the oil pipeline, White House press secretary Josh Earnest announced on Tuesday.

Oh so much lulz on this part.

Obama's objection to the legislation, Earnest said, is not based on the merits of the project so much as the idea Congress was trying to take the decision out of the hands of the executive branch.

Comedian in Chief.

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