Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Obama legacy has already disappeared. All that remains is the divided country he left us along with he piles of debt he accumulated. Everything else is history. Hopefully these two will be soon

I think that fake Bill Dance is in for quite a surprise, after his little honeymoon period ends.
Hopefully they at least find a location that doesn't piss off the locals.

Following Saturday’s brutal attack on peaceful protesters by private security mercenaries and vicious guard dogs acting on behalf of Dakota Access Pipeline interests, it has been revealed the company responsible for construction deliberately targeted documented sacred and culturally significant areas for demolition — and crews likely chose the holiday weekend in order to avoid a court injunction.
Read more at Oil Company Takes Dozers on 20-Mile Detour to 'Deliberately Destroy' Ancient Native American Sites

Oil Company Takes Dozers on 20-Mile Detour to 'Deliberately Destroy' Ancient Native American Sites

I am for the pipeline in general but they are going about it the worst way possible.
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Sure it does..hypocrisy at its finest.

it's not about hypocrisy it's about elitism. the wealthy elitists can impose drastic regulations that will not affect them. they can either afford it, or the regulations will not include them or their company. so it doesn't bother them, they are looking out for us. do as we say, not as we do.

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