Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Can you imagine if these trains were owned by the Koch bros? They would literally have reporters following these trains like hobos.
Convenient now that it's not going to be built.

Buffett announced his support for Keystone in March 2014, before the Republicans took control of Congress.

It is still not a given that the pipeline will be built; although I am in favor of its construction.
Buffett announced his support for Keystone in March 2014, before the Republicans took control of Congress.

It is still not a given that the pipeline will be built; although I am in favor of its construction.

It's not going to be built. At least anytime soon. There isn't a will to now.
Spills create jobs.
Yep, there will be plenty of work for geoscientists in coming decades. Thanks :)
It also creates opportunities for Bart to go on his anti climate change crusade.
Among reasons that people oppose Keystone XL, climate change ranks surprisingly low
Among Americans who are familiar with the pipeline and oppose it, the most common reason wasn’t climate change. In fact, climate change ranked sixth. Just 6 percent of opponents listed climate change as their main concern with the pipeline. Even among Democrats, for whom climate change is usually a higher priority, that figure rises to just 7 percent.

In contrast, some 34 percent cited environmental degradation as their main concern, followed by water contamination (16 percent), hazardous chemicals (10 percent), “benefits Canadian consumers at the expense of US consumers” (10 percent) and “propagates dependence on fossil fuels” (7 percent).
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You have any idea how many MILES of pipeline are in operation today, carrying millions of gallons of both unrefined and refined product per day that do not leak?

Getting you panties all in a bundle over this spill is like wanting to ban cars because of a 5 car pileup in Los Angeles.
I am aware, which is one reason I'm pretty indifferent to Keystone XL. It's not in my backyard and the market for tar sands isn't looking good anyways.

This is a non-issue for me, I'm just here for the friendly conversation :hi:

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