Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

Not to make light as any leak is environmentally unfriendly let's say 'virtually' as impact was minimal compared to the volume of flow

there is also the cultural impact. I am seeing this a lot like the interstate system and how that ruined a lot of down towns. This will be similar and they have already shown that the cultural study they did was incomplete (without any input from the tribes) and has been ignored in some very important places.

again I am for it, but they (government and companies building it) are making it a very bad thing. Treatment of the locals is unheard of. There is actual racism/oppression going on up there. Honestly if that got violent I would blame the government.

Canada isn't subsidizing the oil fields up there making it cheaper than what can be produced domestically. Also Canada doesn't have the refining capability to refine this oil nor the capacity to refine it, we do. Nothing is stopping a Canadian company from constructing a refinery and buying all the oil from the oil sands and making the pipeline useless.

We have steel mills and raw material but since our government doesn't subsidize our steel industry or restrict imports as China does the comparison falls flat.

I'm all for free and FAIR trade.
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You cant control global warming or cooling

Its done it for billions of years before man was even a thought

Didnt you study geology?

more to the environmental side than just global warming. Pollution, erosion, ground water supply etc etc. global warming is just a red herring.

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