Keystone Pipeline - a red line?

reminds me of this


"the pipeline doesn't magically make it so Brent can be charged." The opinion of oil industry experts is that it indeed does. TC Energy clearly stated that in its annual report and in its prospectus for investment in Keystone XL Pipeline. Hatching out opinions cost you nothing, but we need our opinions to be based on true facts, not on uninformed imaginings.

you haven't provided any facts.

if this is the opinion of "oil industry experts" then you should be able to provide links to them asserting these opinions along with their rationale for said opinions. so far you've just made these claims tangled with accusations of nefarious dark money forces. talk about imaginings
"the pipeline doesn't magically make it so Brent can be charged." The opinion of oil industry experts is that it indeed does. TC Energy clearly stated that in its annual report and in its prospectus for investment in Keystone XL Pipeline. Hatching out opinions cost you nothing, but we need our opinions to be based on true facts, not on uninformed imagination.

Which years annual report and and what page? I really don't want to read 150-200 pages to find it.
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reminds me of this


you haven't provided any facts.

if this is the opinion of "oil industry experts" then you should be able to provide links to them asserting these opinions along with their rationale for said opinions. so far you've just made these claims tangled with accusations of nefarious dark money forces. talk about imaginings

I do not do free research or writing assignments for individuals who do not want to do the work themselves. If you will arrange for a ten thousand dollar payment for my work, we can discuss topics and terms. Otherwise, I remain free to write what I choose with my own time and labor. You can take it or leave it.
I do not do free research or writing assignments for individuals who do not want to do the work themselves. If you will arrange for a ten thousand dollar payment for my work, we can discuss topics and terms. Otherwise, I remain free to write what I choose with my own time and labor. You can take it or leave it.

True, you have every right to look foolish.
I do not do free research or writing assignments for individuals who do not want to do the work themselves. If you will arrange for a ten thousand dollar payment for my work, we can discuss topics and terms. Otherwise, I remain free to write what I choose with my own time and labor. You can take it or leave it.

Can you tell me which annual report the quote from TC Energy you referenced is in? I'll take it from there.
he's not doing the research for you even though he's already done the research
I will pay 10,000 per hour in dark money dollars.

It's fun being on ignore, or "filter". Think this might be my first ever case of someone completely done with my sh!t...besides irl family and friends.
I will pay 10,000 per hour in dark money dollars.

It's fun being on ignore, or "filter". Think this might be my first ever case of someone completely done with my sh!t...besides irl family and friends.

I think I'm on the outs with him also. Might be a first for me too.
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I do not do free research or writing assignments for individuals who do not want to do the work themselves. If you will arrange for a ten thousand dollar payment for my work, we can discuss topics and terms. Otherwise, I remain free to write what I choose with my own time and labor. You can take it or leave it.

So you cannot find supporting evidence - easier to just say that.

You seem to be confusing the notion of commodity with graded commodity. A commodity simply means that products are not differentiated by manufacturer or source however many commodities (oil included) are graded and the differentiation is between grades. Shipping a lower grade commodity to a different location doesn't change the grade of the commodity. If people are buying Canadian TS oil from Texas it's still that grade. If it is being refined then the price is dependent upon the quality of the refined product and it's entirely possible that the TS oil could be refined to produce the same grade of something like gasoline as Brent. In this case the price of the gas would be the same but that doesn't change the price differential in the input to the refinery.

Unless you can provide a "how" explanation of what causes the value of TS oil to suddenly become the same as Brent then you are simply making a statement you cannot back up.
No, it is a message board. People come here to discuss topics. You made a claim, someone asked you to back it up, and you copped out with some foolish nonsense about not doing work for free.

You looked like a fool.

And you have a right to speak about my posts with a foolish mouth. I make no claim to perfection, but unlike so many here, my posts are products of hours and days and weeks and months and years of fact finding labor. If that is something you find unacceptable, then please do put me on filter and never read them again.
And you have a right to speak about my posts with a foolish mouth. I make no claim to perfection, but unlike so many here, my posts are products of hours and days and weeks and months and years of fact finding labor. If that is something you find unacceptable, then please do put me on filter and never read them again.

No one demanded perfection, they requested you back up your statements. Which you failed to do.
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And you have a right to speak about my posts with a foolish mouth. I make no claim to perfection, but unlike so many here, my posts are products of hours and days and weeks and months and years of fact finding labor. If that is something you find unacceptable, then please do put me on filter and never read them again.

yet you cannot produce any of that labor.

we also cannot assess the quality of that labor without some semblance of the source material.
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And you have a right to speak about my posts with a foolish mouth. I make no claim to perfection, but unlike so many here, my posts are products of hours and days and weeks and months and years of fact finding labor. If that is something you find unacceptable, then please do put me on filter and never read them again.

Please feel free to post some of these facts you so laboriously found over the years and make us all look like fools.
So you cannot find supporting evidence - easier to just say that.

You seem to be confusing the notion of commodity with graded commodity. A commodity simply means that products are not differentiated by manufacturer or source however many commodities (oil included) are graded and the differentiation is between grades. Shipping a lower grade commodity to a different location doesn't change the grade of the commodity. If people are buying Canadian TS oil from Texas it's still that grade. If it is being refined then the price is dependent upon the quality of the refined product and it's entirely possible that the TS oil could be refined to produce the same grade of something like gasoline as Brent. In this case the price of the gas would be the same but that doesn't change the price differential in the input to the refinery.

Unless you can provide a "how" explanation of what causes the value of TS oil to suddenly become the same as Brent then you are simply making a statement you cannot back up.

"So you cannot find supporting evidence - easier to just say that." I did not say that, because it's not the case at all. I'm going to say this again, since you require repetition. This issue is many years old, and I've worked it from the beginning, with a letter to President Obama saying that he should approve Keystone XL. But when I looked into the issue, I found that the media coverage of it was almost entirely false, and I changed my opinion. Why don't you misrepresent yourself instead of misrepresenting me? If you are without the curiosity and integrity to follow my leads on the points at issue and do your own work, that is your mfing problem.
If the contention that Keystone allows Canadian producers to charge the same as for Brent (when other transportation methods cannot) is so clearly true it wouldn't take years, months or days to fact find. Less than an hour would do it.
"So you cannot find supporting evidence - easier to just say that." I did not say that, because it's not the case at all. I'm going to say this again, since you require repetition. This issue is many years old, and I've worked it from the beginning, with a letter to President Obama saying that he should approve Keystone XL. But when I looked into the issue, I found that the media coverage of it was almost entirely false, and I changed my opinion. Why don't you misrepresent yourself instead of misrepresenting me? If you are without the curiosity and integrity to follow my leads on the points at issue and do your own work, that is your mfing problem.

Why don't you show us some of your work?
If the contention that Keystone allows Canadian producers to charge the same as for Brent (when other transportation methods cannot) is so clearly true it wouldn't take years, months or days to fact find. Less than an hour would do it.

I've searched and can't find a damn thing saying anything close. I even went through a couple TC Energy annul reports trying to find where they said it was so it could be sold at Brent price and nada.
If the contention that Keystone allows Canadian producers to charge the same as for Brent (when other transportation methods cannot) is so clearly true it wouldn't take years, months or days to fact find. Less than an hour would do it.

Then you can do it for yourself. I already told you. I do not do message board writing assignments.

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