Kiffin to Florida?

Will Kiffin be FL's next coach?

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They fire Napier after the season when it makes sense. No one good is going to leave their program and players 3 games into the season. If anyone did it would be Kiffen though.
If they fire him without cause during or after this season, they would owe him approximately $25.67 million dollars, per Nick de La Torre of On3.
The payments would be made as follows: 50 percent paid within 30 days of termination, the remainder paid in equal installments (12.5%) over four years, with the first installment paid on the first July 15th following such termination and each July 15 thereafter until paid in full," de la Torre wrote.
That would make his buyout 2nd highest all time, behind Jimbo Fisher.

At any rate, it sure is nice to see the Gators twisting in the wind.
You can’t recruit elite high school talent to Ole Miss; Not consistently anyway and the transfer portal is not guaranteed. He’ll take the job if offered.
Money and the girls of the Grove have always made recruiting to Ole Miss doable. Now it’s even easier
I was of the opinion that Kiffin would bolt to Florida, but now I have some serious doubts. It may be hard for UF to get a top coach at all. On3 had a good article about the struggle they have. They have not kept pace with other school, like Ole Miss, in terms of facilities and their NIL collective is seriously lacking. Donors are withholding money waiting for results, which in turn, means that top players are going elsewhere, making it harder to win. To top it off, they don't have a president and the AD is on the hot seat. Kiffin may not always make wise decisions, but I think he is smart enough to avoid all that.

The Florida Gators have more than just a Billy Napier problem
If Ole Miss makes the playoffs UF will have to wait until mid January to bring him onboard. You might as well kiss the recruiting class goodbye. Who holds down the fort until than? It's crazy that some folks are talking about firing Norvell after an undefeated season. The chatter for Urban is growing.
I don't think Kiffin to UF (or any potential future high-profile job) is as much of a sure thing as people think. This isn't 20 years ago when moving from OM to UF would triple a guy's salary.

OM is good right now, and extremely good by their standards. He makes almost $9m/year. Their fans are OK with 8 and 9 win seasons, much less double-digit win seasons and being in the mix (at least) for the CFP.
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The new play offs system, NIL and transfer portal has changed the game. Five years ago I’d have agreed that Kiffin moving to Florida would be a big step up for him.

Now it’s probably a lateral move, maybe even a step down. The fact is that location is no longer as necessary as it once was for recruiting. Toss in the fact that Florida is in uncertainty hell with no president, a lame duck AD and a recruiting class that is being poached badly…I just don’t see why Kiffin would leave a program that is currently in the top five for that.

I don’t even think Kiffin is the goat like so many think he is so him going to Florida doesn’t scare me. But I just don’t see it.

Could be wrong, we’ll just have to see
The new play offs system, NIL and transfer portal has changed the game. Five years ago I’d have agreed that Kiffin moving to Florida would be a big step up for him.

Now it’s probably a lateral move, maybe even a step down. The fact is that location is no longer as necessary as it once was for recruiting. Toss in the fact that Florida is in uncertainty hell with no president, a lame duck AD and a recruiting class that is being poached badly…I just don’t see why Kiffin would leave a program that is currently in the top five for that.

I don’t even think Kiffin is the goat like so many think he is so him going to Florida doesn’t scare me. But I just don’t see it.

Could be wrong, we’ll just have to see
I don't think it would be a lateral move, and it definitely isn't a step down. UF Athletics as an entity still has more resources and potential than OM. UF running on all cylinders achieves way more than OM running on all cylinders. It's just that at the moment UF reminds me of UT Athletics circa 2012 or 2017. They will eventually figure it out like we appear to have done, and they'll compete for + win titles again. I just hope they swing and miss a few more times before doing so.

In terms of a personal financial decision for Kiffin though, I am not sure it is worth it for him. Unless UF wants to offer him more money than Kirby (unlikely), he isn't getting an eye-popping raise to go to Gainesville and that job comes with so much added pressure and high expectations. He makes high-end money and they are OK if they lose to Alabama, LSU, UGA, etc. every year.
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I don't think it would be a lateral move, and it definitely isn't a step down. UF Athletics as an entity still has more resources and potential than OM. UF running on all cylinders achieves way more than OM running on all cylinders. It's just that at the moment UF reminds me of UT Athletics circa 2012 or 2017. They will eventually figure it out like we appear to have done, and they'll compete for + win titles again. I just hope they swing and miss a few more times before doing so.

In terms of a personal financial decision for Kiffin though, I am not sure it is worth it for him. Unless UF wants to offer him more money than Kirby (unlikely), he isn't getting an eye-popping raise to go to Gainesville and that job comes with so much added pressure and high expectations. He makes high-end money and they are OK if they lose to Alabama, LSU, UGA, etc. every year.
I disagree, from what I can tell UF’s facilities aren’t vastly superior to OM’s. Their NIL program is a mess and no need to point out how bad their administration is.

Yeah maybe if UF was firing on all cylinders but they aren’t and haven’t for awhile. They are in a deep hole right now and don’t really have anyone of note that seems to know how to dig them out of it. Again, no president and an AD that everyone wants to kick out the door with Napier.

I just don’t see how Florida is currently any better than OM right now. Kiffin would have rebuild entirely from scratch while navigating a dumpster fire of an administrative mess with the AD and the university as a whole while also having to re set their NIL program.

Meanwhile OM is on the rise and smooth sailing.

Really the only cache Florida has right now is legacy status. They have the past glory’s to hold up as a trophy for what they were and want to be again. Being an old school blue blood in the SEC is no joke and yeah, it’s easy to write off OM as just OM since they haven’t the accomplishments that Florida has had in the past.

But if you objectively compare current program to current program, Florida is not in any way a step up.
Not sure many schools in the SEC will allow an AD (especially one without a huge feather in his cap elsewhere) to potentially go 0-3 in hiring football coaches...

Word out of Gainesville is the reason why Napier isn’t already gone is because the BoR is looking at options to axe Stricklin too.

Hug your competent ADs a little tighter today folks.
Word out of Gainesville is the reason why Napier isn’t already gone is because the BoR is looking at options to axe Stricklin too.

Hug your competent ADs a little tighter today folks.
If it’s one lesson I’ve learned after our string of bad coaches is that the first thing you need is a good AD. Letting bad AD after bad AD pick our coaches just continued the blood letting.

Ya’ll should poach a good AD before you fire Billy. I’m 100% serious
I disagree, from what I can tell UF’s facilities aren’t vastly superior to OM’s. Their NIL program is a mess and no need to point out how bad their administration is.

Yeah maybe if UF was firing on all cylinders but they aren’t and haven’t for awhile. They are in a deep hole right now and don’t really have anyone of note that seems to know how to dig them out of it. Again, no president and an AD that everyone wants to kick out the door with Napier.

I just don’t see how Florida is currently any better than OM right now. Kiffin would have rebuild entirely from scratch while navigating a dumpster fire of an administrative mess with the AD and the university as a whole while also having to re set their NIL program.

Meanwhile OM is on the rise and smooth sailing.

Really the only cache Florida has right now is legacy status. They have the past glory’s to hold up as a trophy for what they were and want to be again. Being an old school blue blood in the SEC is no joke and yeah, it’s easy to write off OM as just OM since they haven’t the accomplishments that Florida has had in the past.

But if you objectively compare current program to current program, Florida is not in any way a step up.
I didn't say UF is better than OM right now. They clearly are not. I'm saying that if UF "gets right," their ceiling is way higher than OM's. They were behind on facilities for a number of years but caught up. They are behind on NIL, but in all likelihood will catch up. Being behind at the moment doesn't mean they'll be behind forever.

Their situation is remarkably similar to UT's. General admin dysfunction, and if @Lawrence Wright is correct they are about to can the AD and football coach at the same time. Sound familiar? If they handle this correctly, they can be good again in probably 2-3 years, and they aren't as far removed from a period of historical success as UT was.

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