Kim Jong Un Near Death?

I gotta agree here. They only reported what the intelligence was saying, not what actually happened.

Far be it from me to defend CNN, I think their coverage of this pandemic has been borderline criminal with the fear peddling and what not, and although Trump brings much of it on himself they can't help but to bash the guy and throw out any hint of objectivity...but they should get a pass on this Kim Jong Un story.

Who knows who they talked to - the original story shows very limited sourcing. It's a big claim to make without having anything more than 1 person telling you something.
Who knows who they talked to - the original story shows very limited sourcing. It's a big claim to make without having anything more than 1 person telling you something.

Props to Mr. Unnamed Source, brother of Mr. Anonymous Source. These guys have gotten the most scoops the past three years. They have really been grinding.
Who knows who they talked to - the original story shows very limited sourcing. It's a big claim to make without having anything more than 1 person telling you something.

Conversely a couple days ago Bret Baer was saying that he had 4 separate confirmations for the story of this virus originating in the Chinese Lab
CNN used one unnamed source who they said had "direct" knowledge and supplemented that with one unnamed source who was "familiar with" the intelligence (whatever that means).

The named source they used said there was no indication of the severity yet CNN's headline was that he was gravely ill.

They jumped the gun based on very limited sourcing and some sourcing that did not verify the claim they made.
I'm available as an unnamed source if there's any money or gratis in it? I can also be "reliable" or "knowledgeable."
I'm not sure what they got wrong. US officials are telling them that there is intelligence that KJU is in bad health, ranging from post surgical complications to death, and they are monitoring that information to see what's going on.

How did CNN get it wrong, exactly?

I mean, maybe the intel is wrong. That's why they monitor it, to research it and find out where things stand. Again, what is wrong reporting that?
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Its US intelligence officials. You want them to go on the record?????

Or are you actually saying that these US intel officials made it up or that CNN made up that they were told this? Come on, be real.

Plus, as I said yesterday, the point was that they leaked this on purpose.

How do you know that this came from US Intelligence officials? Counselor, in a court of law, could you answer this question w/o being embarrassed on the stand?
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How do you know that this came from US Intelligence officials? Counselor, in a court of law, could you answer this question w/o being embarrassed on the stand?

You do realize that the rules of evidence, hearsay among them, do not apply to newspapers, radio, tv, etc., correct? By definition, reporting is hearsay.
You do realize that the rules of evidence, hearsay among them, do not apply to newspapers, radio, tv, etc., correct? By definition, reporting is hearsay.

You answered my question with a question...which is no answer at all.

How can you definitively state here on VN as a fact that this came from US Intelligence officials?
I'm not sure what they got wrong. US officials are telling them that there is intelligence that KJU is in bad health, ranging from post surgical complications to death, and they are monitoring that information to see what's going on.

How did CNN get it wrong, exactly?

I mean, maybe the intel is wrong. That's why they monitor it, to research it and find out where things stand. Again, what is wrong reporting that?
‘It’s Not True’: South Korea Trashes Sensationalist CNN Report on Kim Jong-un

South Korean officials told the nation’s Yonhap news agency on Tuesday a CNN report claiming North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un was “in grave danger” were “not true” and that “nothing unusual” appeared to be happening in the communist country.

Late Monday night, CNN – an American left-wing news network with a long history of publishing poorly-sourced or false news reports – published a story titled “U.S. Monitoring Intelligence that North Korean Leader Is in Grave Danger After Surgery.” The story cited anonymous officials “familiar” with news about Kim’s health who stated only that the U.S. government was concerned about Kim’s health.

“There is nothing unusual going on in North Korea. It’s not true,” a Seoul government official told Yonhap on Tuesday. Yonhap also got a spokesman for President Moon Jae-in, Kang Min-seok, on the record to deny the report.

“No unusual signs have been identified inside North Korea,” Kang reportedly said. “There is nothing we can confirm with regard to Chairman Kim’s alleged health problem.”

'It's Not True': South Korea Trashes CNN Report on Kim Jong-un
Back to back posts 😂
North Korean Media: Kim Jong-un Busy Sending Birthday Gifts to ‘Persons of Merit’

North Korea’s state-run media outlets dedicated much of their attention on Tuesday to dictator Kim Jong-un sending birthday greetings and gifts to various North Koreans and to Miguel Díaz-Canel, Cuba’s second-in-command.

The state media reports follow a series of news reports in which American media outlets and personalities claimed, among other things, that Kim was in “grave danger” as a result of health complications; that he was “brain dead;” that he may or may not have contracted the Chinese coronavirus; and that he may or may not have undergone sensitive heart surgery recently.


North Korean Media: Kim Jong-un Busy Sending Birthday Gifts
As I said yesterday -- and many people here agreed -- my thinking was that the administration and the intelligence authorities had purposefully put this out there as part of a strategy for the US to take advantage of the situation. Perhaps signal interests in NK that we might be willing to back someone else.

So some others say that the underlying intelligence is not correct and you turn that into bashing CNN for reporting was told to them by US intelligence officials?

CNN did not report that KJU was definitely in bad shape -- just that they were being told that the US is monitoring reports of that being the case. The effort to turn this into CNN bashing seems awfully contrived.
It would be his sister so I don't agree with this.
What claim did they make, exactly?

suggested US intelligence thought he was gravely ill. One person they talked to had "direct" knowledge. Who knows who that person is and what "direct" knowledge means. There are 1000s of "intelligence officials". Other sources they talked to did not make the same assessment.
Not a medical professional but is it normal to lose 40 lbs having contacted Covid 19?

Obviously those 2 observations were unrelated.

To answer the question though, some people who have contracted the virus have reported weight loss of up to 10 to 15 pounds due to lack of appetite while they were sick for weeks at a time.
Obviously those 2 observations were unrelated.

To answer the question though, some people who have contracted the virus have reported weight loss of up to 10 to 15 pounds due to lack of appetite for weeks at a time.

I can see that having personal experience with weight loss of 15 lbs in 4-5 days. But 40 lbs is a lot

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