Its hard to believe Knoxville has allowed one of its best football school become a recruiting stronghold for Clemson. Clearly they recruit Knoxville talent that is steered away from TN. I sure hope Pruitt can clear whatever poor taste that lingers with their coach after he left the TN program as a transfer to Memphis in the early 90s or that he is removed from Knoxville soon.
Sorry intended this for the recruiting forum.
I have to offer my opinion here. I'm a huge UT fan and have been for a long time. My first UT game was the 1966 victory over Kentucky in Neyland.
My relationship with Knoxville Catholic started 15 years ago when family was enrolled there. I've had more than one child enrolled there for the past 7 years and have will have another 5 years involvement with the school before I'm done.
Disclaimer: I'm no "insider" and claim knowledge of Cade Mays choice!
I do however claim direct knowledge of the school and its leadership.
In my interaction with coach Matthews I detect absolutely zero anti-Tennessee bias. Assuming he's butt hurt from some imaginary slight by UT when he was in college is just that- imaginary. He's a Vols fan.
The school president (principal) is very pro-UT and deeply involved in the athletics of the school (Catholic that is). The athletic director is Jason Surlas- UT guy through and through. To think they would allow something like that?
Insinuating or claiming that a Catholic/Clemson "pipeline" exists is just out and out wrong.
Amari Rodgers never considered UT to begin with. Whether it was his father steering him away, whatever, some sort of issue kept him from considering UT long before Clemson came into the picture- please recall he was a USC commit before Clemson.
Cade Mays is an entirely different scenario with (from what I see) no high school influence/bias at work. I'm sure Amari has/had been recruiting him (just like he turned Higgins), but it's more a family issue with Mr. Mayes.
Please remember that Cade attended Webb before and was set to go to high school there. His dad abruptly transferred Cade to Catholic after some issues with other parents and a "Webb Centric" traveling baseball team that I won't get into here (one of the issues that lead to the cancellation of the Webb-Catholic rivalry). Anybody see a pattern there?
Ask yourself: if UT had gone 8-4 or 9-3, would we be discussing Cade and Clemson? I personally think that winning takes care of a lot of problems in this case.
Cade has some maturing to do. I had a lot of maturing to do when I was seventeen and would bet that 99% of us here were in the same boat.