Knoxville Mayor attends Drag Queen Christmas

You really did get picked on a lot when you were a younger child, didn't you?

I'll let the other mods know since I'm too busy collecting urine samples.

Maybe I did, maybe I didn't.

Still didn't grow up to be a papyrus-skinned p*ssy and live in constant fear of the world around me. That's all that matters, cretin.
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Maybe I did, maybe I didn't.

Still didn't grow up to be a papyrus-skinned p*ssy and live in constant fear of the world around me. That's all that matters, cretin.
Yeah that was me. I shut down my business, double masked, and wouldn't let my kids out of the house for 2 years. LOL. There are plenty of thin-skinned p*ssies running around (or sheltering in place), but I'm not your man.
Yeah that was me. I shut down my business, double masked, and wouldn't let my kids out of the house for 2 years. LOL. There are plenty of thin-skinned p*ssies running around (or sheltering in place), but I'm not your man.

Two sides of the same stank-ridden coin.
This thread has become just like the abortion debate. When one side thinks it's OK to kill a human baby, there's just no middle ground.

You guys that think it's OK to expose children to pornography and kinky sexual acts can answer for that down the road.

We just aren't going to see eye to eye.
I love how these dorks thought their "GOTCHA!" moment was re-posting pictures from a link in the genesis of this thread, from a different show, and still without evidence of children in attendance.

Y'all suck at the internet. Lol.
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This thread has become just like the abortion debate. When one side thinks it's OK to kill a human baby, there's just no middle ground.

You guys that think it's OK to expose children to pornography and kinky sexual acts can answer for that down the road.

We just aren't going to see eye to eye.

I would advise avoiding downtown/metro areas. Let us wallow in our decadence.

Don't worry. I won't be house hunting in Finger, Tennessee anytime soon. Y'all can keep Crossville.
Typical southern Christian.

"Have fun at the drag show. You'll just go to hell for it later."

If I'm wrong and all that sh*t is real, don't be sad or surprised when we're in the sulfur jacuzzi together.
Nope, comparing the inconsistent outrage. You really are just a hateful, lying knuckle dragger.

LOL. If I'm a hateful knuckle dragger because I call out liberals for their depravity by exposing children to this filth I'm good with that. You on the other hand defend it, which makes you as guilty as the scum that do it.
LOL. If I'm a hateful knuckle dragger because I call out liberals for their depravity by exposing children to this filth I'm good with that. You on the other hand defend it, which makes you as guilty as the scum that do it.

Still lying. Damn. I have clearly stated that I do not think the show I saw depicted was any place for children. Yet you continue to lie. You are a lying hateful knuckle dragger because you have no consistency to your arguments other than "liberals bad."
Bunch of "conservatives" in here begging for the state to take these children over a drag show.

We're okay with violence and hetero sex depicted in movies/video games though, right?

I am, of course. Sheltered upbringings are hardly beneficial.
I disagree with that last part. I have sheltered my daughter and I believe that she is better off for it. Every kid and situation is different which is why decisions like that should be up to each child's parents
This thread has become just like the abortion debate. When one side thinks it's OK to kill a human baby, there's just no middle ground.

You guys that think it's OK to expose children to pornography and kinky sexual acts can answer for that down the road.

We just aren't going to see eye to eye.
I went to a death metal show a couple of weeks back that the venue determined was appropriate for all ages. Honestly, I wouldn’t have wanted my 13 year old in attendance. It had nothing to do with the music, but the people were the problem. Bunch of drunk idiots with some getting a little too aggressive on the dance floor. Not a safe environment for kids however a few (not many) parents brought their children. I also wouldn’t take my kid to a drag Christmas play. Parents need to decide what is best for their kids. Some parents will be disappointed by the boundaries society has created.
You can take a child to an R rated movie.

Your line drawing is a bit odd. Just acknowledge the obvious hypocrisy and move on.

This is where it gets really murky. You know how many R rated movies I saw with my Dad? I mean, look at True Lies...Jamie Lee Curtis keeps her clothes on and that thing was too hot for a 12 year old, forget about all the boobs and stuff in other R rated movies. Hell, PG movies had boobs when I was a kid.

So where do we draw the line, nanny state warriors? Should the governor be threatening Cinemark too?

Let's not even get into the dangers of allowing the internet into our homes, which invites far worse things....worse than any of us would even want to think about.
Love seeing the guy that finds name calling detestable, go all in on name calling.

I am only responding in kind. And it's not name calling that bothers me per se. It is the name calling based upon immutable traits. Racial slurs, homophobic slurs, sexist slurs. It lacks any semblance of creativity or original thought. It's lazy. InVOLuntary, could ditch his knuckle dragging ways, but instead embraces it.
I am asking your opinion. Do you have any original opinions of your own?
Yes I do. My minor child is not watching 9 1/2 weeks in my home. If he goes to a neighbor‘s home and THEY allow him to watch it. We are going to have some „words“.
If you let your child watch it, i will think you are a terrible parent but you have nothing to fear from me or from the law as it has already been determined that the said movie can legally be shown to your child if you allow it.
Since there is no objectively defined „rating“ for the drag show, then, short of relying on the show‘s producers‘ word that it is age appropriate, it then becomes the legitimate purview of the courts to make that determination
This thread has become just like the abortion debate. When one side thinks it's OK to kill a human baby, there's just no middle ground.

You guys that think it's OK to expose children to pornography and kinky sexual acts can answer for that down the road.

We just aren't going to see eye to eye.

Probably not, but it is because you still believe in slavery and forcing a woman to be enslaved to a fetus.
I am only responding in kind. And it's not name calling that bothers me per se. It is the name calling based upon immutable traits. Racial slurs, homophobic slurs, sexist slurs. It lacks any semblance of creativity or original thought. It's lazy. InVOLuntary, could ditch his knuckle dragging ways, but instead embraces it.

Whatever helps you.

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