Knoxville Mayor attends Drag Queen Christmas

You like to make up stuff as you go along, don’t you? I’ve never taken any such position. I’ve merely pointed out the hypocrisy of the protesters.

I am making nothing up.

You and others in here constantly worried about some rude comments made toward certain people but more like…eh, in regards to kids going to this show. The latter is flat out disgusting and much worse than the former.

It is disgusting for someone to take a kid to this show, right?
I am making nothing up.

You and others in here constantly worried about some rude comments made toward certain people but more like…eh, in regards to kids going to this show. The latter is flat out disgusting and much worse than the former.

It is disgusting for someone to take a kid to this show, right?

You still like making up stuff. Try reading my posts. Find one where I expressed support for exposing kids to the show from Florida discussed herein.

The show depicted from Florida, yes it is not kid appropriate. I disagree with that stance, however I find it equally deplorable to expose your kids to the protests I saw occurring.

Why aren't these people protesting movie theaters allowing parent to bring their children to R rated movies? What is the big difference in your mind? Why no threatening letters from the government? Why does Florida believe in parental autonomy in some cases, but not others?
You still like making up stuff. Try reading my posts. Find one where I expressed support for exposing kids to the show from Florida discussed herein.

The show depicted from Florida, yes it is not kid appropriate. I disagree with that stance, however I find it equally deplorable to expose your kids to the protests I saw occurring.

Why aren't these people protesting movie theaters allowing parent to bring their children to R rated movies? What is the big difference in your mind? Why no threatening letters from the government? Why does Florida believe in parental autonomy in some cases, but not others?
I agree that should children shouldn’t be at protests. Let the children be children, and let the adults protest.
You still like making up stuff. Try reading my posts. Find one where I expressed support for exposing kids to the show from Florida discussed herein.

The show depicted from Florida, yes it is not kid appropriate. I disagree with that stance, however I find it equally deplorable to expose your kids to the protests I saw occurring.

Why aren't these people protesting movie theaters allowing parent to bring their children to R rated movies? What is the big difference in your mind? Why no threatening letters from the government? Why does Florida believe in parental autonomy in some cases, but not others?

So taking kids to these is disgusting, right? Seem to be avoiding that question.

It is not equally deplorable.

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From what is being shown lately, these drag shows aren’t the innocent, silly shows the left keep claiming they are. The perverts have taken over and are pushing their evil agenda.

I have seen several drag shows. I have seen ones that were crude and ones that were a bit raunchy and I have seen ones that were just silly. I would liken it to R, PG13 and PG movies.
Serious question... Can you read? "The show depicted from Florida, yes it is not kid appropriate. "

And I disagree.

I read just fine, can you? Something can be “not kid appropriate” and not be disgusting.

Taking kids to a drag show is disgusting, right? I know, it isn’t in you. You can’t do it.
I read just fine, can you? Something can be “not kid appropriate” and not be disgusting.

Taking kids to a drag show is disgusting, right? I know, it isn’t in you. You can’t do it.

You are lumping all drag shows together. I would differentiate. I disagree with any parent that made the decision to take their small child to the show depicted in this thread as having taken place in Florida.

I notice you're not touching my R rated movie question.
Lmao. Those photos look hilarious.

Hope this thread is 18+ now, so none of you ninnies have something else to incessantly b*tch about.

Still think parents should raise their own kids however they want, barring physical harm and mental abuse.
Bunch of "conservatives" in here begging for the state to take these children over a drag show.

We're okay with violence and hetero sex depicted in movies/video games though, right?

I am, of course. Sheltered upbringings are hardly beneficial.
And again, I've yet to see evidence of children at this show. This is what all of you are pissing about. I don't see a single child in any of these photos.

Just take your ball and go home. Merry ****ing Christmas.
You are lumping all drag shows together. I would differentiate. I disagree with any parent that made the decision to take their small child to the show depicted in this thread as having taken place in Florida.

I notice you're not touching my R rated movie question.

We can end our discussion.

Taking any kid to any drag show is disgusting in my view. Not going to find much common ground with an adult that believes otherwise.
Mods please make this thread NSFW so kiddiedoc doesn't run the risk of being caught downloading more pictures of fake t*ts on a dude while performing strep tests.
We can end our discussion.

Taking any kid to any drag show is disgusting in my view. Not going to find much common ground with an adult that believes otherwise.

So, I assume you think it is disgusting to let children watch Ms. Doubtfire.

Still not touching that R rated movie question. You seem spineless and your bigotry is shining through for all to see.
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Mods please make this thread NSFW so kiddiedoc doesn't run the risk of being caught downloading more pictures of fake t*ts on a dude while performing strep tests.
You really did get picked on a lot when you were a younger child, didn't you?

I'll let the other mods know since I'm too busy collecting urine samples.

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