Kyle Rittenhouse - The Truth in 11 Minutes

This is me, too. A lot of the stuff I just scroll past. Occasionally I will give a pro or con reply. I've just accepted that's the way the board is now.

I've seen you opine on a similar assertion directed at you if I recall.

It's not the board as much as the twitter or X universe in general. Social media at large. Everyone is an expert worth quoting. Social media and by extension the media, has created the political divide.

I am not on any social media besides this board. I'm close to adding some of it back due to family, career, and to not look extinct in an AI and technological world. However, I've been reluctant due to the worst it tends to bring out in people without naming it all. Yet is serves many useful utilities. It reminds me of the calculator times 1,000,000.
I've seen you opine on a similar assertion directed at you if I recall.

It's not the board as much as the twitter or X universe in general. Social media at large. Everyone is an expert worth quoting. Social media and by extension the media, has created the political divide.

I am not on any social media besides this board. I'm close to adding some of it back due to family, career, and to not look extinct in an AI and technological world. However, I've been reluctant due to the worst it tends to bring out in people without naming it all. Yet is serves many useful utilities. It reminds me of the calculator times 1,000,000.
You remember correctly. I've chastised a couple of folks asking them to do better. But, besides a little clutter, I'm not if it makes a difference. This board is really well run and I personally think we balance substantive discussions with conversation igniters (like X tweets).

I'm with you on no socialis besides VN. Unlike you, I doubt I will dabble in any of it.
You remember correctly. I've chastised a couple of folks asking them to do better. But, besides a little clutter, I'm not if it makes a difference. This board is really well run and I personally think we balance substantive discussions with conversation igniters (like X tweets).

I'm with you on no socialis besides VN. Unlike you, I doubt I will dabble in any of it.

Well I work in corporate America. A few more bad Biden and Harris Administration policies could cause trouble for our revenues. I can't say more than that to make sure I stay separate from speaking on the companies behalf. Their ideas and their unelected bureaucrats are bad for business and has cost that industry $100's of millions.
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Kyle Rittenhouse Changes Tune On Trump Support After Initial ‘Ill-Informed’ Comment​

Less than a day after he claimed he wouldn’t vote for former President Donald Trump, conservative activist Kyle Rittenhouse changed his tune Friday.

In a swift turnaround, Rittenhouse posted on Friday afternoon that his previous comments were unproductive. “Over the past 12 hours, I’ve had a series of productive conversations with members of Trump’s team, and I am confident he will be the strong ally gun owners need to defend our Second Amendment rights,” he wrote.

This is me, too. A lot of the stuff I just scroll past. Occasionally I will give a pro or con reply. I've just accepted that's the way the board is now.
I think that's become some kind of subconscious auto-default for most of us. Username means twitter video not clicked, outside media, not read.
In 1/100th of a second, the decision was made to keep scrolling.

I ignored most Turbo's posts and scrolled right past, but I did notice a pattern between EL's stupid tweets & Turbo's rants. No matter how debunked, outdated, or inaccurate the info from EL's tweets, Turbo would routinely incorporate it into his rants.

@evillawyer , have you done a wellness check on Turbo? Bless his heart, he was seriously putting in work for you.
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Kyle Rittenhouse Changes Tune On Trump Support After Initial ‘Ill-Informed’ Comment​

Less than a day after he claimed he wouldn’t vote for former President Donald Trump, conservative activist Kyle Rittenhouse changed his tune Friday.

In a swift turnaround, Rittenhouse posted on Friday afternoon that his previous comments were unproductive. “Over the past 12 hours, I’ve had a series of productive conversations with members of Trump’s team, and I am confident he will be the strong ally gun owners need to defend our Second Amendment rights,” he wrote.

That language about productive conversations and being confident he will be a strong ally for gun owners doesn't seem authentic to me. I suspect others wrote that for him, namely the Trump cabal.
That language about productive conversations and being confident he will be a strong ally for gun owners doesn't seem authentic to me. I suspect others wrote that for him, namely the Trump cabal.

Boy you're quick.
LG is Trump's best salesman. NOBODY puts Trump's name into as much stuff as LG does. even more than Trump himself does. which is impressive.

I, and I alone, can do it.

Along with peace in the mid-East and in the Ukraine in the first 24 hours. Also, a return to the good french fries at McDonald's.

VN Store
