Kyle Rittenhouse - The Truth in 11 Minutes

He shot and killed a man - fired 3 shots - then ran away. A group of good samaritans ID'd him as the shooter and tried to legally detain him.

Section 75 of the Criminal Procedure Law (Enforcement Powers – Arrest) of 1996 allows anyone to detain a person who is witnessed carrying out certain suspected crimes. ... A person using these detention powers may use reasonable force if their request is not met as long as they do not cause the suspect bruising.

Rittenhouse then shot several citizens attempting to detain him legally.

He must be convicted and serve time.
👆🏼This type of thinking is why the violent protests typically occur in liberal areas
1860 election resulted in the Civil War.

Given the rift between our nation now, it wouldn't surprise me if the 2020 election resulted in another.

Sad state of affairs our nation is in.

Well, I hope you have a more useful skill than professional pocket holder. Because your side really isn't doing so hot at the moment...
It's sad too, because I have guns, ammo, and am a good shot. Can we make a rule that no shots will be fired before 10 a.m. or something?

They would probably agree to that since most of them don't leave their moms house until dark. The problem then is I'm usually in bed by 9 so we'd need to say 10am to 8pm in the rules.
They would probably agree to that since most of them don't leave their moms house until dark. The problem then is I'm usually in bed by 9 so we'd need to say 10am to 8pm in the rules.
I'm usually up until after midnight. Could we have a civil war in shifts? I don't take any naps, so I could pull a 14-15 hours, at least. I will need to pee every couple of hours.
What makes you think it would be a North vs South type of thing?
Same thought occurred to me. That is why I don't know who I need to shoot at. I am on board with shooting the wounded and the prisoners because somebody can tell me what side they are on first. Plus, the wounded shouldn't be moving too fast. If the prisoners are chained, that will be a piece of cake.
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Hate to break it to ya, but the South would just lose its ass again.

The pen is mightier than the sword, El Pepe.

And, oh, btw, the Trump base of 33% loses 100/100 times v. the intelligent world.
Actually it would be like 10 large cities vs the rest of the country. Cities would be overrun with starvation and crime within 3 weeks and surrender
It does get old, and the targets don't bleed.

Actually there are some that do bleed. Trouble is they don’t run.

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Here is a perfect example where the poster did absolutely no research but decided to convict anyways

Like calling the guy who got shot a felon when he isn't one and had the gun legally?

The kid is a punk thug murderer who slapped a girl and will get life. Good riddance.

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