Kyle Rittenhouse - The Truth in 11 Minutes

Its evident in this case as well as many others that the evidence or facts don't trump what many want to believe or want to be the story.

It mirrors the hypocrisy of the 2 party system.
He shot and killed a man - fired 3 shots - then ran away. A group of good samaritans ID'd him as the shooter and tried to legally detain him.

Section 75 of the Criminal Procedure Law (Enforcement Powers – Arrest) of 1996 allows anyone to detain a person who is witnessed carrying out certain suspected crimes. ... A person using these detention powers may use reasonable force if their request is not met as long as they do not cause the suspect bruising.

Rittenhouse then shot several citizens attempting to detain him legally.

He must be convicted and serve time.
Sort of like the dudes legally detaining the Georgia jogger?
He shot and killed a man - fired 3 shots - then ran away. A group of good samaritans ID'd him as the shooter and tried to legally detain him.

Section 75 of the Criminal Procedure Law (Enforcement Powers – Arrest) of 1996 allows anyone to detain a person who is witnessed carrying out certain suspected crimes. ... A person using these detention powers may use reasonable force if their request is not met as long as they do not cause the suspect bruising.

Rittenhouse then shot several citizens attempting to detain him legally.

He must be convicted and serve time.
"Legally detain him". 😂😂😂.

One guy hits him with a skateboard to the throat.

Another guy pulls a gun on him and later admits he intended to murder him.

"Legally detain him". There is no limit to the amount of crap you people will make up out of thin air.
Hate to break it to you - there will be no civil war.

This is what regular Americans are associating with liberals 👇

This is what happens when the police abandon their duties whether they've been instructed to or not. People will start taking these matters into their own hands. They're nothing more than a bunch of thugs.
Like calling the guy who got shot a felon when he isn't one and had the gun legally?

The kid is a punk thug murderer who slapped a girl and will get life. Good riddance.

If you didn’t know better you might think he was black by your description.
This is what happens when the police abandon their duties whether they've been instructed to or not. People will start taking these matters into their own hands. They're nothing more than a bunch of thugs.
The map on election night may end up looking like 1984 if this continues much longer

"Legally detain him". 😂😂😂.

One guy hits him with a skateboard to the throat.

Another guy pulls a gun on him and later admits he intended to murder him.

"Legally detain him". There is no limit to the amount of crap you people will make up out of thin air.

Yep. Legal detainment by a group of citizens once the perp was positively ID'd by multiple witnesses as the shooter of the first victim.

We still live by the Rule of Law here... much to the chagrin of Donald and his league of lemmings.
Yep. Legal detainment by a group of citizens once the perp was positively ID'd by multiple witnesses as the shooter of the first victim.

We still live by the Rule of Law here... much to the chagrin of Donald and his league of lemmings.
Kyle was on his way to get the police.
Yep. Legal detainment by a group of citizens once the perp was positively ID'd by multiple witnesses as the shooter of the first victim.

We still live by the Rule of Law here... much to the chagrin of Donald and his league of lemmings.
Lots and lots of "Rule of Law" in those sanctuary cities where those violent peaceful protest have been breaking out.

"Cranium that guy!" Nice law. Where is that one written?
The boy should be convicted and spend 10+ years in prison. This was no "self defense".
I love that k town king liked this post. More evidence that he is completely unreasonable and only here to stir up arguments. Should be banned.
Hate to break it to ya, but the South would just lose its ass again.

The pen is mightier than the sword, El Pepe.

And, oh, btw, the Trump base of 33% loses 100/100 times v. the intelligent world.
Are the Democrats going to try and start having slavery again if so the Republicans will win again and Trump will be even with Lincoln.
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He shot and killed a man - fired 3 shots - then ran away. A group of good samaritans ID'd him as the shooter and tried to legally detain him.

Section 75 of the Criminal Procedure Law (Enforcement Powers – Arrest) of 1996 allows anyone to detain a person who is witnessed carrying out certain suspected crimes. ... A person using these detention powers may use reasonable force if their request is not met as long as they do not cause the suspect bruising.

Rittenhouse then shot several citizens attempting to detain him legally.

He must be convicted and serve time.

"ran away" - wrong. Video evidence posted in the OP confirms that he stood next to the guy he shot and called the cops to report it.

"good samaritans" - wrong. rioters and felons.

Section 75 - "as long as they do not cause the suspect bruising" - The first attacker threw a brick at him while someone else fired a weapon. The second attacker hit Rittenhouse in the side of the head with the narrow end of a skateboard. The 3rd attacker drew a weapon at point blank range and pointed it at Riddenhouse. All three attackers were shot as a direct result of their own actions.

"He must be convicted" - wrong. He's going free and he's going to sue US media for at least $275M.
Hate to break it to ya, but the South would just lose its ass again.

The pen is mightier than the sword, El Pepe.

And, oh, btw, the Trump base of 33% loses 100/100 times v. the intelligent world.

You think your side of this are the intelligent ones? Sad. There's a handful of intelligent (and evil) people leading the way. The rest of you are ignorant sheep. This isn't a north vs south thing or a black vs white thing. It's good vs evil. Evil lost the first war and evil will lose again if it comes to that.
I love that k town king liked this post. More evidence that he is completely unreasonable and only here to stir up arguments. Should be banned.

Nah, because every time he posts is a mix between pure comedy and the most delusional alternative reality. I have this oil painting mental image in my head of him just killing that keyboard.


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