Lab-Grown Meat Coming to a Restaurant near you THIS YEAR and is due to Hit Grocery Stores by 2028

No argument from me on changing habits and GMO’s may be beneficial in part. My concern has more to do with synthetics and chemicals that were never intended for the human body. There are natural pesticides that are safe in food production, I’ve used them in my garden, but chemically derived pesticides and herbicides along with synthetic chemicals used in processed foods aren’t all benign. There’s a reason organic foods and farming have exploded in recent years. Our bodies simply weren’t made to process just any synthetic or chemical we stick inside it.


Natural pesticides are not inherently better than synthetic. It's just marketing for all we know
IDK when it will be a better product than our "natural" meat industry, but it will be someday. Imagine not needing a billion cows for slaughter. The land they live on can be repurposed. No more inhumane livestock conditions. The quality will be more controlled and eventually it will be cheaper.

Dumb beyond belief. You think synthetic lab brown crap is gonna trump nature? You are insane. Guess you have no issues with all the farmers, butchers and other who would lose their jobs right? Geez dude you are weird.
As I told you in another thread, you do you but please don't spread falsehoods and disinformation.

I'll agree that poultry and pork production could be done a little better.

And as I replied, you are the one spreading the BS.

I’ll post whatever truth and facts that I feel like. Even if it’s information that you’d like to keep hidden from the public.
And as I replied, you are the one spreading the BS.

I’ll post whatever truth and facts that I feel like. Even if it’s information that you’d like to keep hidden from the public.

You're not posting truth nor facts, your posting from a place of ignorance and misinformation. I'll gladly take anyone that wants to on a tour of our operation so I'm not hiding anything.

Are there bad practices and and bad people raising animals, yes but that is a very small minority. Abused animals don't produce as well as the ones taken care of.
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Make friends with farmers, make your own supply chain. Refuse to ever buy this mess.
I have a nephew that raises beef and I get half cow every year. I know what he feeds it and (maybe biased) but his beef his really, really, good!! The local processing plant will tell you he is one of the best around with his beef. He is already booked out to August of this year.
You're not posting truth nor facts, your posting from a place of ignorance and misinformation. I'll gladly take anyone that wants to on a tour of our operation so I'm not hiding anything.

Are there bad practices and and bad people raising animals, yes but that is a very small minority. Abused animals don't produce as well as the ones taken care of.

Factory farms crank out the meat. Keep on repeating the scripts provided by the Beef Industry Council and other industry mouthpieces. The cows, pigs, and chickens are all frolicking in the back 40. Before being mostly peaceably dissected and wrapped up for the happy housewives to buy from the refrigerated display cases all over ‘Murica.
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Factory farms crank out the meat. Keep on repeating the scripts provided by the Beef Industry Council and other industry mouthpieces. The cows, pigs, and chickens are all frolicking in the back 40. Before being mostly peaceably dissected and wrapped up for the happy housewives to buy from the refrigerated display cases all over ‘Murica.
You're making me hungry. Stop.
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Some form of this was inevitable. This is a quote from Churchill from the early 30's.

We shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken in order to eat the breast or wing, by growing these parts separately under a suitable medium.

Even if we table the idea of how "good" this might be on a small scale how well does the idea hold up under mass production? I've no idea but when (I can't even make myself say "if") this becomes a political "for the environment" football I expect there to be copious amounts of f'ery involved.
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Taste, texture, price. will ultimately be the deciding factor for lab grown meat.
Why does lab grown 'meat' have to taste like meat if it is being championed by anti meat eating vegetarians? Isn't it a bit of a contradiction to make something taste like something you want to supposedly want to protect?
I agree. I tried plant based meats, they are all gross and I'd rather just go without than eat it. Hopefully this is better.
I try a veggie burger once or twice a decade. Not good. The in laws brought turkey bacon to the cabin for breakfast. I tried a piece. It tasted like sadness and regret.
Why does lab grown 'meat' have to taste like meat if it is being championed by anti meat eating vegetarians? Isn't it a bit of a contradiction to make something taste like something you want to supposedly want to protect?
I don't think AMEVs are opposed to the taste of meat as much as they are opposed to other things involved with meat production and harvest. I mean, let's face it, meat is delicious. That's why I am so excited to taste Joe's meat.
Factory farms crank out the meat. Keep on repeating the scripts provided by the Beef Industry Council and other industry mouthpieces. The cows, pigs, and chickens are all frolicking in the back 40. Before being mostly peaceably dissected and wrapped up for the happy housewives to buy from the refrigerated display cases all over ‘Murica.

Yep, keep proving you know jack ****.

Just what is a "factory farm"? How is beef raised in a "factory farm", give us some hard examples of how that is prevalent in the beef industry. If you can't then STFU!
Factory farms crank out the meat. Keep on repeating the scripts provided by the Beef Industry Council and other industry mouthpieces. The cows, pigs, and chickens are all frolicking in the back 40. Before being mostly peaceably dissected and wrapped up for the happy housewives to buy from the refrigerated display cases all over ‘Murica.

What is the BFD?
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