Lab-Grown Meat Coming to a Restaurant near you THIS YEAR and is due to Hit Grocery Stores by 2028

But the science doesn't seem to indicate any issue with GMO's. It's a concern based on ideas not science. We have problems with our diets. We know high calorie, high sugar, high fat diets are really bad for us. GMO's/pesticides allow us to feed the world on a grander scale than ever before. Let's change our habits that we know are wrecking us before we blame things that may have been some of the greatest achievements of mankind.

The problem with GMO crops, like corn for example, is that they alter the nucleus of the seed so much that the trend is the we are losing the parental heritage in seed because they are not being grown and perpetuated. The growers are forced to use super hybrid seed that cannot be saved, and can only be purchased from the seed companies at prices that drive up food production costs, and higher prices at the stores. These open pollenated seeds go by the wayside, and there is nothing left that can regenerate itself outside a lab. It is a huge problem. That's why there are people and foundations so passionate about seed banks pushing the preservation of open pollenated/heritage/heirloom seed.

Sure GMO feeds the world, but it is changing many other things in harmful ways generations from now. It's also racketeering.....
I can post articles and horrific pics all day long. But nobody here wants to see that. And it certainly won’t sway you as your livelihood seems to be directly connected to the industry of growing and slaughtering animals.

I have no doubt that you can, activists have been posting false propaganda for decades and it's all over the internet for the consumption of the small minded.
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I'm all for alternatives for people that want them, 100% against the government putting it's finger on the scale and forcing alternatives onto the market.
I wouldn't consider allowing the sale of lab meat "forcing alternatives onto the market." Like I said if it tastes good and is actually feasible, the world as we know it will change.
I can post articles and horrific pics all day long. But nobody here wants to see that. And it certainly won’t sway you as your livelihood seems to be directly connected to the industry of growing and slaughtering animals.
Are you employed by PETA?
I wouldn't consider allowing the sale of lab meat "forcing alternatives onto the market." Like I said if it tastes good and is actually feasible, the world as we know it will change.

I'm all for allowing it to come to market. I'm against the .gov passing regulation hurting competition so that it has a market.
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I have no doubt that you can, activists have been posting false propaganda for decades and it's all over the internet for the consumption of the small minded.

I don’t think that you understand what an activist is. But you should be an expert on small mindedness.
I don’t think that you understand what an activist is. But you should be an expert on small mindedness.

I know very well what an activist is. They are generally people blinded by emotion and not very well versed on the subject of their activism.
Arrogant farm hands help keep this country fed bro.

Arrogant farm hands can also be dumb. But, I didn’t say that they are all dumb, did I?

Acouple of my great aunts owned hundreds of acres of farmland in Iowa. The really good dirt. For keeping this, and other countries, fed.
So... vegans and vegetarians who are eating in that manner because of the cruelty to animals angle will be able to eat lab grown meat, right?

That might depend on "why" they were vegans. Some argue meat is bad period and under that doctrine I don't think it would matter. If it's based on the animal cruelty model then they should be at least open to the idea.
I imagine to grow cells into tissue and to get the correct texture and taste profile there will be plenty of additives.

I'm not against it per se; just seems to be over hyped and the issues seem to get white-washed.

We heard the same hype about the fake meat products from Beyond and Impossible but the realities haven't lived up to the hype.

With Beyond and Impossible, you heard marketing hype because those are marketable products right now. This is not even close to being ready for market and I feel like they are so far from being comparable to lab-grown meat that you might as well be comparing it to the new Velma show being overhyped (and disappointing). It's not a meat substitute. It is meat.

IDK. When I hear someone talk about lab-grown meat, 90% of what I hear in return is pushback, so I don't look at it as overhyped at all.
So... vegans and vegetarians who are eating in that manner because of the cruelty to animals angle will be able to eat lab grown meat, right?

Right. I know some people just don't think it's healthy, period. But I figure a lot of the people doing it on moral grounds will come back.

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