Lab-Grown Meat Coming to a Restaurant near you THIS YEAR and is due to Hit Grocery Stores by 2028

I agree. I tried plant based meats, they are all gross and I'd rather just go without than eat it. Hopefully this is better.

I'm all for alternatives for people that want them, 100% against the government putting it's finger on the scale and forcing alternatives onto the market.
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Why does lab grown 'meat' have to taste like meat if it is being championed by anti meat eating vegetarians? Isn't it a bit of a contradiction to make something taste like something you want to supposedly want to protect?

Good point. If you don't want to eat meat why do you want to eat something flavored with chemicals that tastes like meat?
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I try a veggie burger once or twice a decade. Not good. The in laws brought turkey bacon to the cabin for breakfast. I tried a piece. It tasted like sadness and regret.

Did you kick them out?
Yep, keep proving you know jack ****.

Just what is a "factory farm"? How is beef raised in a "factory farm", give us some hard examples of how that is prevalent in the beef industry. If you can't then STFU!

You seem mighty triggered. Google factory farms if you can’t comprehend. It’s not at all difficult to find.

The STFU reply just means you’ve failed to bring solid, factual information. I’ll keep posting whenever you post your BS on my comments.
I tried turkey bacon, tasted like shoe leather.
Turkey burgers are good on occasion....Oh what the hell am I talking about, those pour fowl raised in mass cages with the lights out just so I can smother it with gravy and the misses dressing. Just sad.
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You seem mighty triggered. Google factory farms if you can’t comprehend. It’s not at all difficult to find.

The STFU reply just means you’ve failed to bring solid, factual information. I’ll keep posting whenever you post your BS on my comments.

I'm not triggered, you are the one posting BS without any backup. No different than EL and and bunch.

Edit: at least EL links tweets so

Most of your "google" information is edited and sensationalized videos that you have fallen for.

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Fair Oaks Farms - Animal Rights Groups Use Inhumane Tactics - Protect The Harvest
Even though GMOs aren't the theme for the thread, it is the tangent I find interesting.
2 things recently have me rethinking GMO/chemical aids. First, I had a conversation with someone who seemed very knowledgeable on the subject. I asked if he eats corn, watermelon, bananas, etc...basically all the food which has been genetically modified over the millennia. He does. I asked what is the difference between those GMOs and modern-day. He draws a line between cross breeding plants and genetic splicing from other organisms into plants. I found that though compelling as I had never considered it before. Second, Europe has stricter regulations on GMO/pesticide/harvest aid chemicals compared to America. My daughter spent a month in Italy last year. And even though she was eating the same type of food she eats here which exacerbates her eczema, her skin cleared up over there. She began a diet limiting wheat about 3 weeks ago. The change to her skin has been remarkable.

A lot of vegetation (grains, some nuts, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.) contain a lot of lectin. It kills off good bacteria in your gut which is essential for overall health and helps regulate your autoimmune system. Sugar/carbs are a big gut killer too. There has been a lot of discussion lately about people with autoimmune diseases that have gone to largely a meat only diet and have had significant improvement. In many cases the autoimmune issue has subsided entirely. A lot of Vitamin D has shown to be beneficial wrt autoimmune diseases as well.
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I'm not triggered, you are the one posting BS without any backup. No different than EL and and bunch.

Edit: at least EL links tweets so

Most of your "google" information is edited and sensationalized videos that you have fallen for.

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Fair Oaks Farms - Animal Rights Groups Use Inhumane Tactics - Protect The Harvest

If there’s a tweet about something then it’s valid. You are so naive.

You are only bringing the talking points that you’ve been indoctrinated to spew. What’s next? PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals. LOL.
TGO reminds me of my wife's ex-SIL, she was a militant vegan that loved nothing better than to spew absolute BS and preach about animal abuse on farms. Yet she wouldn't trade her designer leather shoes for anything and didn't think twice about driving cars with leather seats while having a declawed cat that never left the house as a pet.
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If there’s a tweet about something then it’s valid. You are so naive.

You are only bringing the talking points that you’ve been indoctrinated to spew. What’s next? PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals. LOL.


yep, you are worse than EL and company.
TGO reminds me of my wife's ex-SIL, she was a militant vegan that loved nothing better than to spew absolute BS and preach about animal abuse on farms. Yet she wouldn't trade her designer leather shoes for anything and didn't think twice about driving cars with leather seats while having a declawed cat that never left the house as a pet.

That's animal cruelty.
I haven't been the one in favor of throwing Galileo in prison the past 3 years, so stop with your silly antics.

Was anybody here in favor of that?

Silly antics? Like dismissing science across the board because of the government's inability to manage a pandemic? JFC, dude
TGO reminds me of my wife's ex-SIL, she was a militant vegan that loved nothing better than to spew absolute BS and preach about animal abuse on farms. Yet she wouldn't trade her designer leather shoes for anything and didn't think twice about driving cars with leather seats while having a declawed cat that never left the house as a pet.
I think the current omnivore return rate for a vegetarian is 85%
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yep, you are worse than EL and company.

I can post articles and horrific pics all day long. But nobody here wants to see that. And it certainly won’t sway you as your livelihood seems to be directly connected to the industry of growing and slaughtering animals.
TGO reminds me of my wife's ex-SIL, she was a militant vegan that loved nothing better than to spew absolute BS and preach about animal abuse on farms. Yet she wouldn't trade her designer leather shoes for anything and didn't think twice about driving cars with leather seats while having a declawed cat that never left the house as a pet.

And you remind me of an ignorant farm hand.
Why tho? Will still be available.

I don't think the term processed food as we use it includes lab grown meat. The label isn't the problem with processed food, it's that they are processed with extra sugar, salt, fat. etc, which isn't how meat from cells is/will be "processed"

I imagine to grow cells into tissue and to get the correct texture and taste profile there will be plenty of additives.

I'm not against it per se; just seems to be over hyped and the issues seem to get white-washed.

We heard the same hype about the fake meat products from Beyond and Impossible but the realities haven't lived up to the hype.
This is off-topic, but I try to avoid cured meats as much as I can. I bet this lab-grown meat will have an equal amount of, if not more carcinogenic chemicals.

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