Lab-Grown Meat Coming to a Restaurant near you THIS YEAR and is due to Hit Grocery Stores by 2028

  1. a person who does not eat any food derived from animals and who typically does not use other animal products.
    "I'm a strict vegan"
When she says she is a vegan, tell her she isn't. I know from experience that screws them into the ceiling.

Hopefully I'll never see her again to tell her.
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I’m not a farmhand, that would require way too much work.

I never said that YOU were a DUMB FARM HAND. I just said that you reminded me of one after you said that I remind you of some militant vegan with a vagina and leather shoes that’s in your clan.
Aint nothing like the real thing Mr. good ole huffy. Just me being skeptical over something synthetic trying to be passed along as the real deal.

Skepticism is fine. I'll wait on the conclusions. If you can taste a difference, it will have failed.
Do people have the right to know if their meat is real or fake? Because I can easily see the trying to mix these fake meats in with the real gradually over time without our consent or knowledge.

Surely you’re not suggesting govt agencies would do something nefarious?
Skepticism is fine. I'll wait on the conclusions. If you can taste a difference, it will have failed.

I don't know enough at this point to be sure but it's my understanding this is on cellular growth of the actual muscle tissue. As far as I can tell this would preclude interstitial fat which for flavor would have to somehow be added later. I'd have questions about that part.
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Right. I know some people just don't think it's healthy, period. But I figure a lot of the people doing it on moral grounds will come back.

There's a moral ground to not eating meat God put on earth to sustain man? I mean he did give man dominion over the animals of his creation.
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I don't know enough at this point to be sure but it's my understanding this is on cellular growth of the actual muscle tissue. As far as I can tell this would preclude interstitial fat which for flavor would have to somehow be added later. I'd have questions about that part.

Yeah, I've wondered about this kind of thing myself. How do you grow a developed muscle out of cells? I don't know enough to even know if that's a stupid question.
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I don't know enough at this point to be sure but it's my understanding this is on cellular growth of the actual muscle tissue. As far as I can tell this would preclude interstitial fat which for flavor would have to somehow be added later. I'd have questions about that part.

Good point.
You know what they call a Korean with a dog?

An animal lover.

What do they call a Korean with 2 dogs?

A rancher...

Many senior momma flight attendants are known as “cat ranchers.” I’m now a bit more concerned about their dietary habits after reading your post. I swear I’ve been in some Chinese restaurants where I’m certain I had some very questionable “chicken”.
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You can’t beat Mother Nature. She knows what she’s doing. “Man” only knows what they’re doing some of the time.
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