Lakers preparing massive offer for Dan Hurley

Doesn’t firing your coach a year removed from making the WCF count as drama? Maybe not for most teams these days, but they’re not the Lakers. People are always going to speculate as the reasons why there is that quick of turnover despite having success. You have Lebron’s window closing. Whether it’s real or not, the noise about Bronny being drafted is kind of there, which makes people question who is really running the organization. AD isn’t boring. The bottom line is that It’s the Lakers and it’s Lebron and drama always follows both. Both good and bad because they’re interesting.

It's totally normal operations at this point, especially an unproven HC on his first job that wasn't highly sought in the first place (and won't be after the fact). He couldn't manage the Westbrook thing. Besides the WCF and in-season tourney, nothing else went that great. He couldn't get **** out of the role players this year. This year's modest success was a result of AD and Lebron playing out of their minds and somehow both staying healthy. If he's not coaching up the ancillary players, what is he even doing?

Coaches get fired when there are high expectations. The drama is that they didn't win enough.
It's totally normal operations at this point, especially an unproven HC on his first job that wasn't highly sought in the first place (and won't be after the fact). He couldn't manage the Westbrook thing. Besides the WCF and in-season tourney, nothing else went that great. He couldn't get **** out of the role players this year. This year's modest success was a result of AD and Lebron playing out of their minds and somehow both staying healthy. If he's not coaching up the ancillary players, what is he even doing?

Coaches get fired when there are high expectations. The drama is that they didn't win enough.
I’m not saying he shouldn’t have gotten fired. Just pointing out that any time there is a coaching change when LeBron is on that team it will be a huge story. Danny Hurley, the best coach in college basketball being publicly courted by the Lakers adds to that story . It’s been the lead story everyday since the news broke, other than the morning after The Finals game 1 and 2.
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I don’t see it as a win for the Lakers. They get publicly turned down by a college coach. Again. Celtics about to pass Lakers for most championships in the same week. Still don’t have a coach. There are other ways to spin how the Lakers front office is faltering .
It’s a cartoon puppet regime all subject to the mercurial whims of it’s elite player. At least one beta test completed in the never ending comparison to Jordan. He was never empowered to make disastrous personnel decisions as a PLAYER…he had to wait to be a GM and owner. 😏
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Nobody else can get Hurley so it doesn't mean anything. He already evaded the biggest brand in college and now the biggest brand in NBA. He's staying where he's comfortable and I'm always surprised that more coaches don't do this.
That's conjecture - we don't know that for sure. And even if that is true, the Lakers are an elite brand who think they can get anybody, hence the bad look. A lot of this is perception and not necessarily reality, but it isn't like reality for the Lakers is all sunshine and rainbows. LBJ is old/can opt out, AD has been injury prone and eats a ton of cap space, and the roster beyond him isn't great.
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That's conjecture - we don't know that for sure. And even if that is true, the Lakers are an elite brand who think they can get anybody, hence the bad look. A lot of this is perception and not necessarily reality, but it isn't like reality for the Lakers is all sunshine and rainbows. LBJ is old/can opt out, AD has been injury prone and eats a ton of cap space, and the roster beyond him isn't great.

Lakers definitely aren't in the best place. That's the bad look. It's not that Hurley said he wants to stay at UConn. It's that they are not in a strong position to contend in the next 5 years. That was the look before the Hurley news. Hurley saying no didn't change any of that. They're in the same place they were last week, except now they can tell Lebron they (one of the poorest ownership groups) ponied up to try to get his guy. You guys don't buy this tradeoff, but I certainly see way more positive value in appeasing Lebron than whatever minor status they might have lost.

It's a business and Lebron is still the biggest basketball name in the world
The nba is a drama driven league and the Lakers are the biggest player in said league.

More people know about the happenings of the nba offseason than the actual regular season
It’s a cartoon puppet regime all subject to the mercurial whims of it’s elite player. At least one beta test completed in the never ending comparison to Jordan. He was never empowered to make disastrous personnel decisions as a PLAYER…he had to wait to be a GM and owner. 😏

MJ did throw his weight around. Where do you think Lebron got it? MJ was literally recruiting guys like Jayson Williams before they landed Rodman. Famously, MJ told the FO he's retiring if they didn't bring everybody back. He was trying to pull the exact same strings.

Also, I don't get when haters try to attack him over this when the result is Lebron the GM has 4 titles, and at least one for every franchise, so pretty good work. Lebron wasn't playing GM early on and it went terribly. Tell him he's doing it wrong.

A puppet regime that wins titles? As a fan of two NBA teams who have 0 titles, I'll take that.
MJ did throw his weight around. Where do you think Lebron got it? MJ was literally recruiting guys like Jayson Williams before they landed Rodman. Famously, MJ told the FO he's retiring if they didn't bring everybody back. He was trying to pull the exact same strings.

Also, I don't get when haters try to attack him over this when the result is Lebron the GM has 4 titles, and at least one for every franchise, so pretty good work. Lebron wasn't playing GM early on and it went terribly. Tell him he's doing it wrong.

A puppet regime that wins titles? As a fan of two NBA teams who have 0 titles, I'll take that.
They won ONE in a bubble during Covid. Resume slurping apologist stance. 😏 Jordan pushed for a lot of moves that didn’t happen. Krause, reviled as he was, chose wisely a majority of the time without fear of being catapulted. Not the same luxury happening in LA. What he wants, he gets and WHEN it inevitably doesn’t work? SOMEONE ELSE takes the heat. It’s an untenable, losing situation that won’t end until he gives it up. It’s a legacy of his whims being empowered at the cost of stability.
They won ONE in a bubble during Covid. Resume slurping apologist stance. 😏 Jordan pushed for a lot of moves that didn’t happen. Krause, reviled as he was, chose wisely a majority of the time without fear of being catapulted. Not the same luxury happening in LA. What he wants, he gets and WHEN it inevitably doesn’t work? SOMEONE ELSE takes the heat. It’s an untenable, losing situation that won’t end until he gives it up. It’s a legacy of his whims being empowered at the cost of stability.

So wait, only one title for the Lakers is supposed to be a failure? Bro, LAL had been dog **** for like 8 years. They coukdn't even get meetings with top FA's and then Lebron saved them. People were saying, "I guess old man Lebron wants to make movies?" And 22 months later they had a title and have been playing with house money ever since.

Now they just finished year 6 and he's still got them taking the defending champs down to the wire with role players who can't hit open *****. This is way more than fans and FO ever bargained for.
So wait, only one title for the Lakers is supposed to be a failure? Bro, LAL had been dog **** for like 8 years. They coukdn't even get meetings with top FA's and then Lebron saved them. People were saying, "I guess old man Lebron wants to make movies?" And 22 months later they had a title and have been playing with house money ever since.

Now they just finished year 6 and he's still got them taking the defending champs down to the wire with role players who can't hit open *****. This is way more than fans and FO ever bargained for.
Didn’t belong on the same floor as Denver in two successive seasons. ONE playoff win against the Nuggets in TWO seasons is “down to the wire” with you? This argument isn’t even fair to you. 😅 Poverty franchise due to his whims. That didn’t work today…get rid of him yesterday. Needed a truncated season to get a title and no danger of adding to it.
This stuff is weird. Everyone played the same season and they won the championship, people who act like that’s somehow less of a championship are clowns
K…skip this circus, then. Acting like a full season with home and away matchups is the same as playing in a bubble with V/R images of fans obviously qualifies you as a professor. 😏
This stuff is weird. Everyone played the same season and they won the championship, people who act like that’s somehow less of a championship are clowns

Yeah, IDK if it was an easy or a hard title. It doesn't compare to anything else, and people are constantly trying to impeach its value. You heard a lot of players, including vets, complain about what an absolute mental grind the bubble was. So isn't it impressive that they were the team to survive the grind? I don't get it. No fans in attendance so it's not impressive? Why?

I heard people say because they didn't have to we care about who can overcome travel the most? That's what we care about in a title team?

The Lakers were the #1 seed and had no home-court advantage. Only team ever that had to deal with that.

Some things about the bubble were easier. Some were harder. Every team played under the same rules and the Lakers won. What's to denigrate?
K…skip this circus, then. Acting like a full season with home and away matchups is the same as playing in a bubble with V/R images of fans obviously qualifies you as a professor. 😏
The options aren't limited to "it's somehow less of a championship" and "it was the exact same as every other season," that's a false binary you made up
The options aren't limited to "it's somehow less of a championship" and "it was the exact same as every other season," that's a false binary you made up
Working with what you provided. “No less” equals the same.
Working with what you provided. “No less” equals the same.
Equals the same value in a championship, sure; that doesn't mean it has to be the exact same circumstances, which is again something you're making up. The following season wasn't "the same" either and no one cares
Equals the same value in a championship, sure; that doesn't mean it has to be the exact same circumstances, which is again something you're making up. The following season wasn't "the same" either and no one cares
Easier accomplishment = lesser accomplishment. Don’t care if you care.
The thing is, in today's NBA, you have to look at teams like the Nuggets, T-Wolves, Thunder, Grizzlies....teams who built slowly and developed teams slowly but surely. The Thunder are in position to run this league for years to come, we saw flashes this year.

I don't think the Lakers fan base could handle the pains of a slow rebuild that is sustainable. They tried a few years, and botched it. Had some good pieces...Lonzo, Kuzma, Brandon ingram....but just never could give it enough patience. I just don't know that LA knows any other way than just "buy a superstar or two and hope for the best." I say that as a Lakers fan. If they lose LeBron and AD, they have nothing. Reaves maybe. Thankful for the championship in 20, but it is just not gonna work like that again.
The two teams in the finals...they are built around guys those teams drafted. Yes the Mavs brought in Kyrie, but they were built through development and smart moves. Not big splash desperation trades.
I thought I read where he had already signed with the Lakers, and was a bit surprised to hear yesterday that he was staying at UCONN. The Lakers must also have been surprsed.

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