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Yeah, mostly Republican governors seemed scared to exercise their authority, because Trump didn't seem on board.

But OK, Justin... Trump loves you, and would do exactly what you wanted him to, if he only had the power.

In pledging not to issue a stay-at-home order, Gov. Kristi Noem said this: "I have all the faith in the world of the people of South Dakota," Noem says. "They've been absolute rock stars in working to protect their communities and their families." The South Dakota Medical Association sent Noem a letter last week asking her to issue a stay-at-home order but there's no indication she has any plans to reverse course.
South Dakota’s coronavirus cases have begun to soar after its governor steadfastly refused to mandate a quarantine.
The number of confirmed cases in the state has risen from 129 to 988 since April 1 — when Gov. Kristi Noem criticized the “draconian measures” of social distancing to stop the spread of the virus in her state.
Noem had criticized the quarantine idea as “herd mentality, not leadership” during a news conference, adding “South Dakota is not New York.”
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In pledging not to issue a stay-at-home order, Gov. Kristi Noem said this: "I have all the faith in the world of the people of South Dakota," Noem says. "They've been absolute rock stars in working to protect their communities and their families." The South Dakota Medical Association sent Noem a letter last week asking her to issue a stay-at-home order but there's no indication she has any plans to reverse course.
South Dakota’s coronavirus cases have begun to soar after its governor steadfastly refused to mandate a quarantine.
The number of confirmed cases in the state has risen from 129 to 988 since April 1 — when Gov. Kristi Noem criticized the “draconian measures” of social distancing to stop the spread of the virus in her state.
Noem had criticized the quarantine idea as “herd mentality, not leadership” during a news conference, adding “South Dakota is not New York.”
Another society to compare America's numbers once this is behind us.
Yeah, I agree with all that.

And it would be an unusual demand, coming from any authority.
Agreed. From both a shutdown and reopening angles.

Its just funny that a few weeks ago you had a letter sent to Trump from 20 house Democrats asking him to put in place a nationwide shutdown. And around the same time Joe was also stating a national shutdown should be in place. Of course that come out after it was pretty evident Trump was gonna let the Govs make the call which was political theater at that point.

Politics aside, I dont think any president should be able to force an opening. And Trump is wrong if he thinks that's souly his call. That said, what Joe said should happen and what the house Democrats were asking him to do shouldnt happen either.

Reality should be states making the call with a lot of info and help from several places.
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Stupid. How do u think fighting COVID will go here when its raging in Central America and sub-saharan Africa? You are only strong as your weekest link. This will cause 2nd and 3rd wave in US. Trump is employing his usually tactic when he screws up...scapegoating and deflect. What was WHO supposed to do? They couldn't force their way into China.
This wont cause a 2nd wave or 3rd wave. WHO and China botched this from the beginning and they are the reason Europe is in their situation. Their incompetence cost lives across the world with something that should have been regional. WHO was more interested in maintaining Chinas propaganda than saving lives. Look up the past of the guy in charge. If you still think that WHO deserves the world's support, I'm happy you arent close to being in charge.
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In pledging not to issue a stay-at-home order, Gov. Kristi Noem said this: "I have all the faith in the world of the people of South Dakota," Noem says. "They've been absolute rock stars in working to protect their communities and their families." The South Dakota Medical Association sent Noem a letter last week asking her to issue a stay-at-home order but there's no indication she has any plans to reverse course.
South Dakota’s coronavirus cases have begun to soar after its governor steadfastly refused to mandate a quarantine.
The number of confirmed cases in the state has risen from 129 to 988 since April 1 — when Gov. Kristi Noem criticized the “draconian measures” of social distancing to stop the spread of the virus in her state.
Noem had criticized the quarantine idea as “herd mentality, not leadership” during a news conference, adding “South Dakota is not New York.”
We need immunity and it won't happen sitting in our houses. SD is not NY
I know it’s not uncommon for virus strains to mutate. I’m wondering if China released additional strains to muddy the waters so it makes it more difficult to determine the origin of the outbreak. I think it’s clear China is operating with malicious intent.
Our comparison will lack precision but hopefully it will be close enough.
The article I read..... I wish I could find it again.... stated that there had been over 3,000 cases in New York retroactively counted as “probable” corona deaths....I am not really for sure what that means or if it was accurate.
Chloroquine gave Rita Wilson, Tom Hanks ‘extreme’ side effects

After getting the chloroquine, Wilson became “completely nauseous” and experienced vertigo and weakened muscles, she warns.

So these are her "extreme" side effects?? That could happen with anything you take, even over the counter meds. I guess being on a ventilator or dead is way better than being "nauseous" or "dizzy."

Chloroquine gave Rita Wilson, Tom Hanks ‘extreme’ side effects

After getting the chloroquine, Wilson became “completely nauseous” and experienced vertigo and weakened muscles, she warns.

So these are her "extreme" side effects?? That could happen with anything you take, even over the counter meds. I guess being on a ventilator or dead is way better than being "nauseous" or "dizzy."

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Yep they felt nauseous, a little dizzy, and weak...... oh the horrors!
Chloroquine gave Rita Wilson, Tom Hanks ‘extreme’ side effects

After getting the chloroquine, Wilson became “completely nauseous” and experienced vertigo and weakened muscles, she warns.

So these are her "extreme" side effects?? That could happen with anything you take, even over the counter meds. I guess being on a ventilator or dead is way better than being "nauseous" or "dizzy."

View attachment 271689
I've had 'extreme' food poisoning. Been on extreme boating excursions. And had extreme allergies.

Good thing I'm tough. Just like Rita.
You can actually see the shift in the narrative now that the numbers are plateauing/dropping. It’s a shame in a time like this politicians can’t actually tell Americans the truth.

The same day CNN has an article quoting unnamed scientists that day we may have to keep doing this til 2022, Nancy Pelosi comes out and says we need to make sure we listen to the scientists.

The only bright side I can see to this mess is that come the second Tuesday in November, regardless of who wins the election, life will actually start to return to “normal.”
If O’Biden wins it will disappear right away and never return because the media knows his senile ass will need their full cooperation and help
I didn't know people became immune to it. Is that settled science in SD and not NY?
How many otherwise healthy people recover vs die from this? Is it a % worth the world economy? This country will be a smoldering crater if we continue this ridiculous game of hide and seek

The immunity idea was taken from people much more educated on things like this. If you're waiting for "settled science" then I hope you're stocked up on food and ammo
This wont cause a 2nd wave or 3rd wave. WHO and China botched this from the beginning and they are the reason Europe is in their situation. Their incompetence cost lives across the world with something that should have been regional. WHO was more interested in maintaining Chinas propaganda than saving lives. Look up the past of the guy in charge. If you still think that WHO deserves the world's support, I'm happy you arent close to being in charge.
Trump = incompetence. I get it that people were tired of the swamp, and in their desperation they turned to a reality TV star who whispered into their ears everything they wanted to hear. Mainly, "its not your fault...blame Obama, blame illegals, blame CNN, blame science". He has bankrupted every business he has ran on his own. If you have ever taken a leadership course or read a book on the subject, then you can see he pretty much contradicts every principle.

In pledging not to issue a stay-at-home order, Gov. Kristi Noem said this: "I have all the faith in the world of the people of South Dakota," Noem says. "They've been absolute rock stars in working to protect their communities and their families." The South Dakota Medical Association sent Noem a letter last week asking her to issue a stay-at-home order but there's no indication she has any plans to reverse course.
South Dakota’s coronavirus cases have begun to soar after its governor steadfastly refused to mandate a quarantine.
The number of confirmed cases in the state has risen from 129 to 988 since April 1 — when Gov. Kristi Noem criticized the “draconian measures” of social distancing to stop the spread of the virus in her state.
Noem had criticized the quarantine idea as “herd mentality, not leadership” during a news conference, adding “South Dakota is not New York.”
Not a surprise that the spike is due to the "labor pool" used at the processing plants. Guess where 75% of them are from?
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