Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Kidding there, big fella. Forgot the blue font on my post.

Sorta, while I can see how you would think they are ignorant and stupid I don't. I think it's more of not being able to accept the results of the election. They had convinced themselves Hillary was going to win and when she didn't a wire short circuited and they haven't been able to recover.
Yea, what was the scandal again? I must have missed it too. Obama used autopen to sign a bill into law. Oh, the humanity.
I'm thinking it must have been one of those things Fox twisted into some big negative story on Obama. I can picture Hannity and Rush frothing at the mouth as they secretly giggle while counting their millions.
I fear for this country. It doesn't matter who gets elected, a new standard has been set, and whether it's Trump or Biden in office, the opposition will hound them relentlessly.
That is unfortunately probably true.
I would obviously blame Trump.
You will obviously blame the reaction to Trump.
If you think about it, it's sort of the same. (especially seeing as how the reaction was 100% predictable)
The Michigan Conservative Coalition organized the event. The group says they're expecting thousands of vehicles from across the state to create a traffic jam in Lansing on Wednesday.
It will create what they're calling the Operation Gridlock rally. Nearly 4,000 people have RSVP'd on the Facebook event page.
Remember when people were rightfully condemning BLM protestors for causing traffic delays, creating life and death situations by delaying ambulance rides, and generally thinking they were POS for slowing everyone down? If this group does as you describe then they are no different. Well minus the rioting and burning ****.
No one controls your actions and reactions but you. You sound Trumpian in your inability to accept responsibility. You are what you hate.
I think people should react to something horrendously despicable, dangerous, and totally unacceptable.

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