Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

The level of it is. You're talking one ego driven billionaire with Obama compared to Congress under Trump. The insanity has grown exponentially.
How many non-binding resolutions were passed about ACA? Come on, this is just better documented but there is little difference
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we could use some good news.
This is irresponsible journalism! How many people are going to go eat placentas now based on this articles careless statement!

The news comes days after a report by the company showed that six critically ill coronavirus patients in Israel who are considered high-risk for mortality were treated with Pluristem’s placenta-based cell-therapy product and survived, according to preliminary data provided by the Haifa-based company.
Seen 15,000 cars are driving in to Lansing, Michigan today to protest their governor. Should be some great video out later.
The Michigan Conservative Coalition organized the event. The group says they're expecting thousands of vehicles from across the state to create a traffic jam in Lansing on Wednesday.
It will create what they're calling the Operation Gridlock rally. Nearly 4,000 people have RSVP'd on the Facebook event page.
The Michigan Conservative Coalition organized the event. The group says they're expecting thousands of vehicles from across the state to create a traffic jam in Lansing on Wednesday.
It will create what they're calling the Operation Gridlock rally. Nearly 4,000 people have RSVP'd on the Facebook event page.
Thanks Jimmy.
Then you would be comparing apples to oranges. You don't have a crystal ball and your record of accurate predictions are about on par with LGs.
See, even that sounds like a statement made out of ignorance.
I don't need a crystal ball to see what is currently obvious.
Plus, my overall prediction rate is pretty good.
The Michigan Conservative Coalition organized the event. The group says they're expecting thousands of vehicles from across the state to create a traffic jam in Lansing on Wednesday.
It will create what they're calling the Operation Gridlock rally. Nearly 4,000 people have RSVP'd on the Facebook event page.
Same thing is going to happen here, it's about damn time
You can roll the dice and "open" up our economy and walk around all normal like but all of the worlds economies are smoldering craters now. Sounds like you want to sacrifice the unhealthy just to make a buck.

The unhealthy are "sacrificed" every single flu season, up to 70-80K in more virulent years. What makes C19 fatalities more precious?
lmao I can agree Whitewater was pointless, but he lied under oath. If that doesn't get a POTUS kicked out of office, then the standard for removal is pretty damn high.
Lied about a question that never needed to be asked. It was a witch hunt that happened 25yrs ago. This isn't new
See, even that sounds like a statement made out of ignorance.
I don't need a crystal ball to see what is currently obvious.
Plus, my overall prediction rate is pretty good.

What may be obvious to you isn't to millions of others.
Yeah, I would recheck my stats if I were you.

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