Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

That is just unprecedented in my lifetime, and that's not on Trump(as they like to claim), that's on them.
It is 100% on Trump and his supporters.
What is unprecedented is the nomination, election, and continued support of a horrendously despicable clown.
The worst thing that could ever happen is for our country to accept "Trump" as normal.
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I knew Fauci needed to go when he claimed we should "never shake hands again."
I don't want to take advice from people so willing to have us all living in bubbles and cowering rather than kicking this thing's ass. A vaccine isn't the sole way of beating it. It's a tool. Not the only tool. Putting all our eggs in that basket is too slow and potentially doing more harm than good.

Shaking hands should die out like teh dodo bird.
It is 100% on Trump and his supporters.
What is unprecedented is the nomination, election, and continued support of a horrendously despicable clown.
The worst thing that could ever happen is for our country to accept "Trump" as normal.
No one controls your actions and reactions but you. You sound Trumpian in your inability to accept responsibility. You are what you hate.
I'm amused by all the "pearl clutching" other countries are doing regarding the US pulling of WHO funding. They think it's so important, negate Trump's action by stepping up and replacing it with funds from your own countries. I'm looking at you PRC and EU.
Naaaaah It is OUR responsibility to fund these financial black holes up until the point at which we are all as broke as everybody else. **** 'em. This is one of several reasons I will vote for Trump again. Everybody is gonna have to pay their fair share for crap like the UN, NATO, WHO and whatever other alphabet soup touchy feely group we can defund that does nothing but suck money.
Curious, what was your opinion of DT pre COVID19 when the market was at an all time high and unemployment was incredibly low?
He's a buffoon but presidents get way too much credit and blame for things like the stock market. However, if he wants to claim responsibility for the highs he also gets the lows. That's what a leader does
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I fear for this country. It doesn't matter who gets elected, a new standard has been set, and whether it's Trump or Biden in office, the opposition will hound them relentlessly.
You mean someone like a billionaire real estate developer will be questioning their birth certificate years after they take office? This isn't new
How the hell do you not remember any controversial thing a Democrat has ever done??! Yet know if Trump passed gas 2 minutes after he did it? How??!
Trump is a once in 300 year cataclysmic anomaly.
It's like asking someone how they can remember where they were on 9/11/2001 but cannot remember where they were on 8/13/2001?
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I'm amused by all the "pearl clutching" other countries are doing regarding the US pulling of WHO funding. They think it's so important, negate Trump's action by stepping up and replacing it with funds from your own countries. I'm looking at you PRC and EU.
Those countries should have a bake sale or car wash to raise money for WHO.
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You mean someone like a billionaire real estate developer will be questioning their birth certificate years after they take office? This isn't new
The level of it is. You're talking one ego driven billionaire with Obama compared to Congress under Trump. The insanity has grown exponentially.

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