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Transparency doesn’t have anything to do with one’s level of egomania. He doesn’t hide it. Others do. Consequently, his inability to hide it is exactly what his base likes about him. All the other politicians just seemed fake af

Unreal. People openly admitting to the fact that they like an egomaniac because he's open about it. Trump is fake AF in other ways. Let's not get crazy here.
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There may be qualified candidates of both sexes, but he said he would prefer that his running mate is a woman. That is his choice. No one has a problem with that except people that hate qualified women.
Wrong. It’s an absurd starting point, or opening filter, when selecting someone. If I were a woman I would find it insulting. He didn’t necessarily choose you because you were the most qualified.
Wrong. It’s an absurd starting point, or opening filter, when selecting someone. If I were a woman I would find it insulting. He didn’t necessarily choose you because you were the most qualified.

So the idea that she may could help you win votes and possible the highest office in the land, isn't the first line of thinking?
Wrong. It’s an absurd starting point, or opening filter, when selecting someone. If I were a woman I would find it insulting. He didn’t necessarily choose you because you were the most qualified.
you know it happens everyday in the business world. He's being upfront about what he is looking for. You are wrong. Your fragile sensibilities are hurt. Put on your big boy draws and suck it up.
Wrong. It’s an absurd starting point, or opening filter, when selecting someone. If I were a woman I would find it insulting. He didn’t necessarily choose you because you were the most qualified.
Getting a candidate elected is the biggest qualification. There's nothing more to it than that
Did you even take time to read this article?????
$192 million was the ENTIRE amount spent on travel. There was some waste and abuse of travel expenses, but nowhere near the amount claimed in the article. Also, though the article itself was recent, the story is from last year discussing 2018 travel expenses. It obviously has nothing to do with why Trump cut funding.
Correct. It has more to do with either corruption or incompetence. It just happens we are funding more of that than anyone else. Poor return.
That's not entirely accurate; there is a constitutional record of framers arguing not only what should constitute impeachable offense, but whether the power should be granted to congress at all, lest the executive becomes plaything to the House. What impeachment expressly IS NOT, is 'anything congress says it is' as some have opined.

Under any circumstance, lying to a grand jury is a crime. Coercing witnesses to lie, destroy or hide evidence, and to do so oneself to conceal the crime, is obstruction of justice. Unlike the charge Trump committed obstruction, for example, by firing Comey, attempting to destroy or withhold evidence NOT within exercise of plenary power is the textbook definition of obstruction of justice.

Okay, but when you're clearly saying "SOME Christians are idiots" you are qualifying the comment and not in effect saying 'all', correct? Now you have a proper analogy to Trump's comment.

If I say black people commit more than half of murders and a grossly disproportionate amount of violent crime annually, that is an agnostic fact that will get you called racist quickly in SJW circles. If I'm not saying black people are genetically predisposed to violence but your opinion is that I'm racist anyway, that makes you a stupid person, not me a racist.

He didn't say "some are rapists". He said "they are rapists". He did say some are good people, as if that's the exception to the rule. Nobody is saying Trump said "all" or that he implied all. You don't have to say or mean "all" to make a bigoted generalization. It's still a bigoted generalization to call out a group for being "rapists". You're arguing useless semantics.
BB as I remember you said you had unfortunately as so many people have been were furloughed and I truly hope you are doing good during these times. And on the name that will be on the stimulus checks that is such an inconsequential thing in the grand scheme of things. I love a good hearted sarcastic back and forth. I grew up in a time were busting each other's chops was encouraged. But to fret about 3 little words printed on something that is designed designed to help someone during times that none of us have been exposed to is to miss the big picture now. I am as partisan as anyone but I learned a long time ago no matter how partisan I am I will be grateful for any thing that is designed to help me no matter what route it got to me.
I got my $1,200 and it covers the mortgage for May and even a bit of my child support. It's a life saver. I never saw a physical check, and it is not a big deal that Trump's signature is in the memo line. That is kind of my point. Even at a time of crisis for our country, our president is still worried about getting credit and scoring political points over something trivial. It says something about Trump as a person that this was important to him, and he insisted on it. I heard George Will call it "colossal gall" earlier in an interview. That about sums it up.

I hope everyone else has received theirs... even if you didn't need it, it's a nice boost.
The non-plan plans. I've yet to see a effing plan from a governor, except push that date out further.

Tn had projected deaths drop from thousands to under 500 and we still pushed it out. We arent getting to 0. So what the F is the plan.
Oh wait, so I was right that he said "they're rapists"? OMG, why are you even responding to dispute the fact that I mistakenly included Cent. Amer. It doesn't change my point at all.

And if you think that's on point to generalize like that, then you're a bigot.
yes i am a bigot for knowing that several illegal aliens are in fact violent gang members, drug dealers, rapists, mentally ill, unvaccinated, and sex traffickers that shouldn't be in this country.
I am 100% for legal immigration, but Trump's statement on this is 100% accurate, and that's speaking from both the perspective of law enforcement and medical executive
He didn't say "some are rapists". He said "they are rapists". He did say some are good people, as if that's the exception to the rule. Nobody is saying Trump said "all" or that he implied all. You don't have to say or mean "all" to make a bigoted generalization. It's still a bigoted generalization to call out a group for being "rapists". You're arguing useless semantics.

I'm gonna do a rare thing here, and give Trump credit for something he doesn't really deserve credit for. Although that is what people heard, and I think it was intended to be heard that way, as a dog whistle. I think the "they're" was supposed to be read "their" for plausible deniability purposes.
yes i am a bigot for knowing that several illegal aliens are in fact violent gang members, drug dealers, rapists, mentally ill, unvaccinated, and sex traffickers that shouldn't be in this country.
I am 100% for legal immigration, but Trump's statement on this is 100% accurate, and that's speaking from both the perspective of law enforcement and medical executive

It's one thing to acknowledge immigrant rapists and drug dealers exist. It's still bigoted to refer to the group as "rapists". It's still bigoted to call them out as a group for being drug dealers, as if that's representative of who they are.

"When England sends their Christians here, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." - Squanto, maybe, with a semantically accurate but bigoted statement
I haven't stopped working. Hours and pay cut back some but still working 4 or 4.5 days a week. If I were in these areas I wouldn't comply

Please, explain your rationale, if you feel so inclined. I guess you are one of those who would decline wearing a hard hat in a construction area.
A female POC who has strong name recognition because of a failed campaign for governor that saw Oprah campaigning for her. There that covers it all.

Luther, even before Biden said he would a pick a woman, you and I both know if Abrams were a white man with the same resume he would not be considered for VP by any of the candidates running. It’s identity politics.
Everyone's VP pick has always been identity politics. Up until recently, the identity had to be a white male.

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