Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Dr. Fauci told him not to prepare tests or testing? Told him to reject the tests from WHO? Is Dr. Fauci President now? When did that start? Dr. Fauci has been through many outbreaks before, now all of a sudden, he is the problem. No other Administrations have had the level if ineptitude as this one.

PolitiFact - Biden falsely says Trump administration rejected WHO coronavirus test kits (that were never offered)

Talking point from senator O'Biden false. Did not reject WHO tests.
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I got my $1,200 and it covers the mortgage for May and even a bit of my child support. It's a life saver. I never saw a physical check, and it is not a big deal that Trump's signature is in the memo line. That is kind of my point. Even at a time of crisis for our country, our president is still worried about getting credit and scoring political points over something trivial. It says something about Trump as a person that this was important to him, and he insisted on it. I heard George Will call it "colossal gall" earlier in an interview. That about sums it up.

I hope everyone else has received theirs... even if you didn't need it, it's a nice boost.

What is your profession?
The U.S. did not use COVID-19 diagnostic tests produced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in favor of producing its own.
So what happened to the production of the tests.....your dancing around the blame game. So it is the CDC's fault, the FDA's fault, and Dr. Fauci's fault. No fault to be laid at the feet of donald.
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The U.S. did not use COVID-19 diagnostic tests produced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in favor of producing its own.
So what happened to the production of the tests.....your dancing around the blame game. So it is the CDC's fault, the FDA's fault, and Dr. Fauci's fault. No fault to be laid at the feet of donald.

I guess it would be more fair to say that the US opted to make their own test (which was flawed) as opposed to adopting the WHO test.
Are you in your in stupid way trying to imply that he should have suggested that the economy be shut down? During the debate on whether there should be useless impeachment witnesses? Do you realize that Fauci during this time was saying go on about your lives? As much as you want there to be there's nothing to you Democratic Party talking points. China allowed from as far back as November people to leave Wuhan while the WHO was running block for them.
They dont want Trump to tell them what to so, get angry when he doesnt, then get angry when he does. The infantile left Trump rage is the most toxic in US politics since Lincoln...and well..we all know what they did then..

Luckily they are mostly beta natural selection refugees and really pose no threat outside of their crime infested metros.
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Maybe give them a free mattress?
It's a sad state of affairs.

For some it's all they know getting kicked out of places. Some are legitimately troubled in general. For a bunch it's hard for them to understand the idea of them being given something temporarily and having to give it up. Many have a different understanding of ownership than the rest of us.

It's impossible to give a generalized statement, except that they need help. And know one really knows what's the right way to help.
I will concede the fact if this $1200 is taken back from their checks next refund season. The check that once again several paid nothing into.

We are just talking about semantics and it's not important. I really don't care what you call it.
It's a sad state of affairs.

For some it's all they know getting kicked out of places. Some are legitimately troubled in general. For a bunch it's hard for them to understand the idea of them being given something temporarily and having to give it up. Many have a different understanding of ownership than the rest of us.

It's impossible to give a generalized statement, except that they need help. And know one really knows what's the right way to help.

Yeah, definitely not a one size fits all solution, to fix the problem.
From the dawn of creation, not all people can be provided for by everyone else. As much as the early churches were as close to what God intended than any other time in human history, it still didn't happen. People are leaving that state in droves already. If San Fran does that, they will surely clear out a much needed remaining tax base and be a Fed Sump Pump forever.
I wish hotels were a viable solution. Just from the limited experience I had had both on the hotel side and working with the homeless I dont think it is. For some it may cause more harm than good. But as someone else pointed out, it may be the stabilizer some of them need.

I just hope these businesses are ready for the aftermath so that they dont suffer from trying/being forced to help.

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