Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

What Kurt is doing should be criminal, this is the fear stoking that should land people in jail. This isn't free speech, this is putting out false information to cause harm

It is free speech AND false speech, whether ignorant or purposeful.

Dr. Ozmet really phrased that badly. I'm sure he is saying that as a vector point, kids will spread the virus and perhaps cause an increase of 2-3% increase in fatalities, not that 2-3% of children will die.

Thinking people would, of course, ponder what he might mean instead of leaping to the conclusion he thinks 1 - 1.7million dead kids are okay.
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China just spent the second half of 2019 putting down mass civil disobedience in Hong Kong. They disappeared coronavirus whistleblowers. They Shut down their economy so hard they were literally arresting people for going out in public.

You think they were influenced to do that by some false media narrative (which didn’t exist because they control their media)?
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China just spent the second half of 2019 putting down mass civil disobedience in Hong Kong. They disappeared coronavirus whistleblowers. They Shut down their economy so hard they were literally arresting people for going out in public.

You think they were influenced to do that by some false media narrative (which didn’t exist because they control their media)?

I have no idea what you're talking about, how it is relevant to my Edna Mode meme or what is has to do with the numbers I replied to with my typical sass.

Help a brother out.
So things like..
Police and fire services.
Courts and prisons
Roads and bridges
Parks and rec
Care for elderly and youth
Emergency services

Again capitalism isnt "for" or "against" anything. It just is. You have to ascribe other values with it to fault it. It's not a government system that you blame for not providing X. Capitalism doesnt provide anything. Capitalism is not a government system at all.

You are blaming math for a grammatical error. That's not what it does. All of your problems are with socialism. Not capitalism. Just because they end in the same three letters doesnt mean they address the same points.
And PPP funding doesn’t register with most Democrat voters, so Nancy Pelosi will sit in her mansion in SF and take pot shots for 3 weeks while my numbers tank and I figure out how to pay people.
Looks like the Senate is going to do some negotiating this afternoon with Mnuchin. Seems like the holdup is the House wanting to add funding for hospitals and local governments to the ppp package. Both sides are catching hell over it.
That’s not how it works, you can’t just discount the reported news with nothing to contradict the story. Unless your LTAC/SNF was mentioned in these pieces, I’m pretty sure this isn’t happening to you specifically but clearly there is a systemic problem. “I don’t care about news” proves nothing about the veracity of the story or its content. It also does nothing to credibly bolster your position.
The first one..... the coroner was pissed bc they report it directly to the state and leave him out....The second one they wouldn’t tell the media how many had died.... didn’t say anything about reporting the deaths to people that need to know
The third one stated that some states would not tell the media how many deaths they had and that the federal government did not separate the deaths into categories....

I don’t work at this facilities but I do know what the federal guidelines and we have to report them..... if we don’t then we face massive fines and potentially being shut down.
I had assumed confirmation bias caused you to fall for a dishonest meme.

Now, I’m wondering if your media literacy is actually so low that you don’t understand the difference between clearly marked editorials and journalism.

Please restore my faith in humanity and say something that proves you do in fact understand the difference.
Nothing in her "opinion" presented a fact on how that would be bad for women. So, again that was cute
The first one..... the coroner was pissed bc they report it directly to the state and leave him out....The second one they wouldn’t tell the media how many had died.... didn’t say anything about reporting the deaths to people that need to know
The third one stated that some states would not tell the media how many deaths they had and that the federal government did not separate the deaths into categories....

I don’t work at this facilities but I do know what the federal guidelines and we have to report them..... if we don’t then we face massive fines and potentially being shut down.

I’ve actually dealt with the coroner from the first story personally. Not my favorite person I must admit, but he’s mad because the reporting isn’t the same as what he’s seeing on the ground.
Man that’s 2 days in a row I’ve seen you get called out for talking out of your a**. Yesterday you accused someone of spreading fake news over a cnn article, now this Pelosi Chinatown timeline. Maybe you should try informing yourself of actual facts on a situation before just blurting things out to help your liberal buddies look better, might make you look like less of a 🤡. Or just keep having to backtrack and apologize, it’s pretty ******* funny 😂
I see no fault in being wrong, it's the ones that admit it that show character. What character traits are you showing?
Let’s back up: what was the point of your meme showing two inconsistent headlines with a headline about Trump in the middle?
Point was, I said I loved it you are the one who went out of your way to highlight the fact that a conservative wrote an opinion piece. So, what's your point? Did I provide the meme and say yeah screw CNN? No, just said I loved it.
I see no fault in being wrong, it's the ones that admit it that show character. What character traits are you showing?
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

There's nothing wrong with getting something wrong as part of a genuine attempt at the truth, but no one believes that is what you're doing.
I think WHO was kept in the dark by China and I don't think China has any information of value unless they have a treatment or cure.

Yeah, I don't buy that.
The WHO has been called out and put in the middle of this. Had China strung them along I don't think they would be carrying their water today.

As late as Jan 22 they were reluctant to call the virus a “public health emergency of international concern"

WHO was keen to broadcast Beijing’s message. “In the face of a previously unknown virus, China has rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history,” WHO experts said in their February report on the mission to China. The country had gained “invaluable time for the response” in an “all-of-government and all-of society approach” that has averted or delayed hundreds of thousands of cases, protecting the global community and “creating a stronger first line of defense against international spread.”


To the last point, Im not sure how that makes sense. The more information and time you have the better. Social distancing, shutdowns are not designed to kill the virus or cure it. They were put in place for 2 major reasons
1. Slow the spread so your hospitals dont get over run.
2. Buy time, while you study and examine treatments, cures/vaccines.

If you take China for their word (No reason to anymore) based on their "reported" numbers done really well by comparison to others.

In short, the WHO has aided China's misguided and lack of information to not only the US but the rest of the globe. Its best interest was not the World.
Yeah, I don't buy that.
The WHO has been called out and put in the middle of this. Had China strung them along I don't think they would be carrying their water today.

As late as Jan 22 they were reluctant to call the virus a “public health emergency of international concern"


To the last point, Im not sure how that makes sense. The more information and time you have the better. Social distancing, shutdowns are not designed to kill the virus or cure it. They were put in place for 2 major reasons
1. Slow the spread so your hospitals dont get over run.
2. Buy time, while you study and examine treatments, cures/vaccines.

In short, the WHO has aided China's misguided and lack of information to not only the US but the rest of the globe. Its best interest was not the World.
Obviously you don't see the sense the last point made since there is no information coming from china that is going to have a bearing on our social distancing or stay at home orders. We have our own numbers to work with and the numbers coming out of China was crap to begin with. Trying to put the WHO in cahoots with china is far fetched.
NYC, for better or worse, is a great data source because of the degree of testing. Currently NY state is testing around 25,000/1million people. That’s better than most all countries. For example, everyone’s gold standard of South Korea is testing at 10,500/1 million people.

So, taking the population of NYC under 65, the total population is 7,322,785. Of those, 84,836 (1.1%) have tested positive. Of the positive tests, 15491 (18%) have been hospitalized. Of the positive tests <65, 1674 (1.9%) have died. Of those that died <65, 84 (5%) have had zero underlying medical problems. So overall, if you live in NYC and are under the age of 65 and contract COVID-19 and have no other medical issues, you have a 0.01% chance of death.
Louisiana is testing at 27k/1 million

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