Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I have no idea what you're talking about, how it is relevant to my Edna Mode meme or what is has to do with the numbers I replied to with my typical sass.

Help a brother out.
You’ve already made the connection to your earlier post. What is unclear about this as a response to that?
Which is the whole damn point of the World Health Organization involvement.

We agree the numbers from China are junk. The early information was junk. Most of which was relayed by and propped up by the WHO, which points to "cahoots". Their further backing of China's response to virus after the fact (even tho we all know doesn't add up to the real statistics) furthermore points to "cahoots".

Apparently that's inconvenient for some reason, but it is, what it is.
LOL, what do they know from North Korea and why?

Capitalism let's things, people, ideas, fail. There is no "too big to fail" or "no child left behind" or "social blankets".

Under capitalism you can expect people, ideas, things to fall thru the cracks. You can expect the whole system to go thru highs and lows. Its mimicking the natural cycle of life. And over the long term that allows things to naturally evolve into a better thing. And it's all driven by things internal to the system going thru natural processes, highs and lows. In a perfect capitalistic system your place in the world is driven almost entirely by what you do. Corporation gets greedy and just pays dividends to shareholders then faces economic calamity, it falls. Down with the greedy. If someone applies themselves and creates something nice they get to profit, no matter their skin color or upbringing. Capitalism doesnt care, it's a process.

Our government (socialism) has inserted any number of corruptions into the system. Red tapes that favor corporations vs small guys, keeping the small small, and the big big. Bailouts, handouts, subsidies, again favor the big vs the small. Taxes again favor the big vs the small just like individual taxes do. Because the government, socialism, tied itself to these big guys it has become inter-dependent on each other. To the point it's hard to say who is buying who. And that means we now have corporations, and government entities " too big to fail". That's all because of socialism. Under capitalism the government wouldnt care one iota if Delta failed because they refuse to reinvest money in its company.

And thus Deltas hypothetical misdoings wouldnt be tied to the public support and those who.made bad decisions would be punished with failure. That begins to create a pattern of bad behavior being punished, and good behavior rewarded, all without trying public interests into it.

Instead, what we have because of the government performing socialistic interventions is that the bad behavior never gets punished. The natural cycle never completes, and we are stuck on the edge of collapse. Technically socialism should be able to fix the issues, but we have seen time and again it's easier for the government to literally just make up money than deal with reality and allow the bad behaviors to be punished. Why? Because they are getting kick backs, donations, cushy jobs for them and their family.

So instead of small corrections under capitalism we get apocalyptic socialist responses like shutting down the economy then trying to pretend we didnt with trillion dollar stimulus checks. That again dont actually fix the underlying problem, so once one batch of made up money is gone, the problem comes back. And the government and idiots who dont understand the situation act shocked and say well we have to do "something, for the greater good". Ignoring that it was similar measures that got us here.

I would much prefer the small pain of capitalism vs economy ending disasters of socialism.

There's a flaw in comparing capitalism to Darwinism. The living things that evolved under Darwinism did not possess superior intelligence until recently. They took from the world only what they needed to survive leaving resources for others to live and thrive. This created the great diversity of life we have today. Capitalism driven by intelligence devours everything it possibly can and hordes what it cannot. It is nothing more than a game of monopoly where everyone dies out but one winner. That's not completely true since the winner allows some to survive to serve him for the crumbs that fall from his chin.
I can practically see you smugly proclaiming to your friends how your daughter attending GT was good because the sexual assault rate was a little better than UGA. Truth is, you wouldn't bring it up because unless it is zero it is TOO much.
It is too much. But the truth is, I know it will happen on every college campus.
I'm all for a balanced budget. I've expressed my willingness to cut every budget by half the percentage of the percentage cut to the military and a reworked tax code.
I'm going to try and move the conversation back to covid-19.
Again capitalism isnt "for" or "against" anything. It just is. You have to ascribe other values with it to fault it. It's not a government system that you blame for not providing X. Capitalism doesnt provide anything. Capitalism is not a government system at all.

You are blaming math for a grammatical error. That's not what it does. All of your problems are with socialism. Not capitalism. Just because they end in the same three letters doesnt mean they address the same points.
What I hear you saying is capitalism is insufficient for a total economy.
I agree, that's why I've always supported a blended economy.
What name do you give it?
Then name education, parks and rec., courts and prisons, and roads and bridges.
I'm always willing to learn some new vocabulary.

Your refusal to see it for what it is makes you look like an even bigger ****ing idiot.
They’re called “enumerated powers”. You should try reading the US Constitution.
Obviously you don't see the sense the last point made since there is no information coming from china that is going to have a bearing on our social distancing or stay at home orders. We have our own numbers to work with and the numbers coming out of China was crap to begin with. Trying to put the WHO in cahoots with china is far fetched.

At best, the WHO was incompetently trusting of China, and American Republicans aren't the only people questioning their incompetence of Ghebreyesus' potential conflict of interest. Japan’s Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso has said the World Health Organization (WHO) should be renamed as the “Chinese Health Organization” as he accused the global body of toeing the China line on the coronavirus pandemic. Media is finally unable to NOT cover Taiwan's claim they warned WHO of the infectiousness on Dec 31.
I see no fault in being wrong, it's the ones that admit it that show character. What character traits are you showing?

You think accusing people of spreading blatantly false info When you obviously had zero clue what you were talking about shows character? There’s a difference in being wrong and being full of sh**. Its been a rough few days for you on here, lots of back tracking.
LOL, what do they know from North Korea and why?

Google it. And then find the relevance I suppose.

It doesn't change the (apparent) inconvenient truth that China screwed over the rest of the globe and while the WHO backed their play and praised their efforts.

Frustrated with homeschooling, parents declare: Class dismissed

Another irony is that working parents like her are paying dearly to participate in their children’s “circle time."

“I’m not paying $2,600 a month for you to do a video chat with my kids twice a day,” she said. “I’m paying for you to watch them and provide high-quality education so I can work.”
You think accusing people of spreading blatantly false info When you obviously had zero clue what you were talking about shows character? There’s a difference in being wrong and being full of sh**. Its been a rough few days for you on here, lots of back tracking.
I'm moving forward and you're living in the past. It's funny you're trying to wear a badge of honor by trying to shame me.
People should really be more concerned with the rampant nepotism as opposed to Ivanka's looks.
There's a flaw in comparing capitalism to Darwinism. The living things that evolved under Darwinism did not possess superior intelligence until recently. They took from the world only what they needed to survive leaving resources for others to live and thrive. This created the great diversity of life we have today. Capitalism driven by intelligence devours everything it possibly can and hordes what it cannot. It is nothing more than a game of monopoly where everyone dies out but one winner. That's not completely true since the winner allows some to survive to serve him for the crumbs that fall from his chin.
Those darwinian animals took exactly what they could. And there is plenty of evidence of animals taking more than they need to suit their needs. Cats play with their food, and even what they dont end up eating. Both killer whales and various porpoises kill for sport. We've even seen what impact invasive species can have on an environment, fundamentally changing it.

Assuming humans are somehow unique is a false belief.

And the start of Darwins study was with those birds. Depending on the weather one type of nut would be more prevalent, and th birds that ate those would flourish
Until either the population outgrew the supply, or the supply diminished. Thats capitalism. You profit when you can, but if you arent smart and diversify you get hurt and the system fixes itself.

Socialism is what we did in state and national parks removing wolves. It upset the balance, even though we removed the "bad guys" it had a negative impact as the rest of the animals were no longer held in check and the animals started to out eat their surroundings. Reintroducing the wolves allowed the enviroment to fix itself.

The point is that there is both, highs and lows. Nothing is high all the time, that's just fake and it causes issues. If you let the overall system work it creates balance in the long run at the price of temporary pain. Be we as society have gotten so comfortable the idea of even the slightest set back becomes the "worst thing ever". Even though it may end up being healthy.

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