Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

So the same would hold true for universal health care....sweet.
Why do you guys insist on calling it socialized medicine?

I don't call it that, but it could be, as in Cuba. That 'sweet' system is the product of socialism because it is a socialist economy in which government owns the production and price of healthcare goods/services, distribution, and wages in their health system. It is the employer, the non-profit Marxist corporation endowing no one. Except Castros and cronies.

So long as we're a market economy and if we'd uni healthcare, government would be taxing the hell out of everyone to pay for it. It would not own facilities, determine supply and pricing, wages, or how the system is distributed. That's how the Nordics do it, relatively low corporate taxes and high personal income taxes.
Point was, I said I loved it you are the one who went out of your way to highlight the fact that a conservative wrote an opinion piece. So, what's your point? Did I provide the meme and say yeah screw CNN? No, just said I loved it.

lmao. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were just a connoisseur of CNN headlines. Carry on.
Pulling up an awkward teenage pic and claiming that makes someone ugly is a bit retarded. Several celebrities and athletes look awkward and goofy in their youth but go on to be attractive

See, this is why I wasn't sure how to respond at my last reunion when people said, "OMG, you look just the same as you did in high school!"
So, now I know what they really meant. They're not wrong, though....I'm still awkward and goofy.
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Point was, I said I loved it you are the one who went out of your way to highlight the fact that a conservative wrote an opinion piece. So, what's your point? Did I provide the meme and say yeah screw CNN? No, just said I loved it.
There was a high road and a low road, I see which one you took.
Just call both sides on their BS, I don't like Republicans or Democrats because I think both sides are equally FOS

That’s fair but that meme is part of the BS.

The idea of the meme is that CNN shifted their position after Trump adopted a policy. They, in fact, did not.

CNN is dogshit, but publishing competing viewpoints is what opinion media should be doing, not something they should be criticized for.
Obviously you don't see the sense the last point made since there is no information coming from china that is going to have a bearing on our social distancing or stay at home orders. We have our own numbers to work with and the numbers coming out of China was crap to begin with. Trying to put the WHO in cahoots with china is far fetched.

Which is the whole damn point of the World Health Organization involvement.

We agree the numbers from China are junk. The early information was junk. Most of which was relayed by and propped up by the WHO, which points to "cahoots". Their further backing of China's response to virus after the fact (even tho we all know doesn't add up to the real statistics) furthermore points to "cahoots".

Apparently that's inconvenient for some reason, but it is, what it is.
That’s fair but that meme is part of the BS.

The idea of the meme is that CNN shifted their position after Trump adopted a policy. They, in fact, did not.

CNN is dogshit, but publishing competing viewpoints is what opinion media should be doing, not something they should be criticized for.
You're right, it was 100% BS. I just like to troll, argue and have fun. There ya go Mick I have been exposed
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Really? What is the flaw? Are you not responsible for your own wealth generation?

See, and this is VERY typical thinking for people infected with modern liberalism, you want to blame your inadequacies on someone else and punish them for it. I'm going to give you some advice and I feel a bit weird since you're old as sh!t and I am not..but focus on yourself. Worry about your own problems. Reflect on all the mistakes you have made in life and see if you can remedy them. If not, try to let your kids know about your failures so they aren't doomed to repeat them. Stop being upset, jealous, full of envious rage, whatever, of someone who made a billion dollars. Its pathetic.
Sure people are responsible for their own wealth generation. Have you ever once heard me state otherwise? Nope.
The thing is 79, and maybe it's just youthful ignorance on your part, but some people are not capable of generating their own wealth.
And another point which you seem to miss, not all societal needs are met through individual wealth generation.
But you see, that is very typical thinking of narrow minded and shallow conservative "capitalist".
And thanks for the advice, always interesting to hear interpretations of cave drawings.

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