Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

What it isn't, is socialism, an economic system in which production is not privately owned.
The taxes that pay for the things you list are entirely generated from privately owned enterprise and labor, the market system.

As Nordic leaders have pointed out, they are not socialist but are welfare boats which capitalism floats.
So the same would hold true for universal health care....sweet.
Why do you guys insist on calling it socialized medicine?
Every administration add money to the national debt. I am not sure how one would go about running the country without the national debt being somewhat increased. I know that there were "savings" to be recognized later under both Clinton and Obama that never materialized. When people realize that the government CAN NOT be run like a business, we will make a good first step towards communicating ways to pay off the national debt.

It better start being run like a business or it will eventually bankrupt itself.
This is China News Network....

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You must feel really good about yourself for trying to shame a child’s looks. And yes I know she is an adult now. This also applies to those who attacked Chelsea Clinton when she was a child.
a 36 year old child. That picture was from when she was 18 or 19....again she's not a child.
I question your idea of beauty. Have you seen the before pics? She is not attractive.
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Pulling up an awkward teenage pic and claiming that makes someone ugly is a bit retarded. Several celebrities and athletes look awkward and goofy in their youth but go on to be attractive
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This is the prime example of what is wrong with social media. So you are passing around screen shots of stories with zero context. Took me less than a minute to look up the stories and look at the authors. The last is an opinion piece written by.....Vanessa Brown Calder from the Cato Institute. What is the Cato Institute you ask? I am glad you asked....I already know that answer. Cato Institute is a conservative think tank. So you are sharing false information as if CNN somehow reversed course or was contradicting themselves. They published a piece from a conservative writer regarding paid family leave. You should always check the validity of things before you share. Both are OPINION pieces...

Everyone should have a shot at paid family leave (opinion) - CNN

How paid family leave hurts women (Opinion) - CNN
Really? What is the flaw? Are you not responsible for your own wealth generation?

See, and this is VERY typical thinking for people infected with modern liberalism, you want to blame your inadequacies on someone else and punish them for it. I'm going to give you some advice and I feel a bit weird since you're old as sh!t and I am not..but focus on yourself. Worry about your own problems. Reflect on all the mistakes you have made in life and see if you can remedy them. If not, try to let your kids know about your failures so they aren't doomed to repeat them. Stop being upset, jealous, full of envious rage, whatever, of someone who made a billion dollars. Its pathetic.

Spot on! Last time I checked; I am responsible for creating my own success providing wealth for myself & my family.
Every administration add money to the national debt. I am not sure how one would go about running the country without the national debt being somewhat increased. I know that there were "savings" to be recognized later under both Clinton and Obama that never materialized. When people realize that the government CAN NOT be run like a business, we will make a good first step towards communicating ways to pay off the national debt.
I disagree..... I think we have bloated budgets that need to be trimmed and also that we way over pay for normal things..... I saw an idiot channel episode where the government paid 900,000 plus for 10 years for something that should cost 4 dollars.
Every administration add money to the national debt. I am not sure how one would go about running the country without the national debt being somewhat increased. I know that there were "savings" to be recognized later under both Clinton and Obama that never materialized. When people realize that the government CAN NOT be run like a business, we will make a good first step towards communicating ways to pay off the national debt.

How does that work when you re already starting from the premise there's no way to run the country without debt being added?
Lol thats cute

I had assumed confirmation bias caused you to fall for a dishonest meme.

Now, I’m wondering if your media literacy is actually so low that you don’t understand the difference between clearly marked editorials and journalism.

Please restore my faith in humanity and say something that proves you do in fact understand the difference.
It points to the idea that either she (along with many others in and outside politics) were ignoring the mounds of evidence that this was going to be an epic event, or she (along with others) were looking at a lot of the same misguided info that China and the WHO had pushed out and we really didnt know much of anything.
Even now part of the argument against the country phasing back to work is the unknown of what this virus will do next. That isnt being aided even now by China sitting on valuable information not only to the US but the rest of the globe.

I dont believe the first line of thought from any of the sides represented.

That also wont stop the "But Trump....," "But Pelosi..." "But Fauci"......etc.
I think WHO was kept in the dark by China and I don't think China has any information of value unless they have a treatment or cure.

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