Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

And PPP funding doesn’t register with most Democrat voters, so Nancy Pelosi will sit in her mansion in SF and take pot shots for 3 weeks while my numbers tank and I figure out how to pay people.
Don't know why you're so huffy. Please remember, "you didn't build that business".
NYC, for better or worse, is a great data source because of the degree of testing. Currently NY state is testing around 25,000/1million people. That’s better than most all countries. For example, everyone’s gold standard of South Korea is testing at 10,500/1 million people.

So, taking the population of NYC under 65, the total population is 7,322,785. Of those, 84,836 (1.1%) have tested positive. Of the positive tests, 15491 (18%) have been hospitalized. Of the positive tests <65, 1674 (1.9%) have died. Of those that died <65, 84 (5%) have had zero underlying medical problems. So overall, if you live in NYC and are under the age of 65 and contract COVID-19 and have no other medical issues, you have a 0.01% chance of death.
I just think it's significant enough to occasional point out.
If UGA had a higher per pupil rate of sexual assault every year than GT, then I would think GA Tech was a little better in that regard, even though GA Tech's numbers were not zero.
See???????? Ridiculous

I can practically see you smugly proclaiming to your friends how your daughter attending GT was good because the sexual assault rate was a little better than UGA. Truth is, you wouldn't bring it up because unless it is zero it is TOO much.
NYC, for better or worse, is a great data source because of the degree of testing. Currently NY state is testing around 25,000/1million people. That’s better than most all countries. For example, everyone’s gold standard of South Korea is testing at 10,500/1 million people.

So, taking the population of NYC under 65, the total population is 7,322,785. Of those, 84,836 (1.1%) have tested positive. Of the positive tests, 15491 (18%) have been hospitalized. Of the positive tests <65, 1674 (1.9%) have died. Of those that died <65, 84 (5%) have had zero underlying medical problems. So overall, if you live in NYC and are under the age of 65 and contract COVID-19 and have no other medical issues, you have a 0.01% chance of death.
but but but the chicken littles have said the sky is falling. We must force our country into another Great Depression to save tens of millions of lives.

Capitalism let's things, people, ideas, fail. There is no "too big to fail" or "no child left behind" or "social blankets".

Under capitalism you can expect people, ideas, things to fall thru the cracks. You can expect the whole system to go thru highs and lows. Its mimicking the natural cycle of life. And over the long term that allows things to naturally evolve into a better thing. And it's all driven by things internal to the system going thru natural processes, highs and lows. In a perfect capitalistic system your place in the world is driven almost entirely by what you do. Corporation gets greedy and just pays dividends to shareholders then faces economic calamity, it falls. Down with the greedy. If someone applies themselves and creates something nice they get to profit, no matter their skin color or upbringing. Capitalism doesnt care, it's a process.

Our government (socialism) has inserted any number of corruptions into the system. Red tapes that favor corporations vs small guys, keeping the small small, and the big big. Bailouts, handouts, subsidies, again favor the big vs the small. Taxes again favor the big vs the small just like individual taxes do. Because the government, socialism, tied itself to these big guys it has become inter-dependent on each other. To the point it's hard to say who is buying who. And that means we now have corporations, and government entities " too big to fail". That's all because of socialism. Under capitalism the government wouldnt care one iota if Delta failed because they refuse to reinvest money in its company.

And thus Deltas hypothetical misdoings wouldnt be tied to the public support and those who.made bad decisions would be punished with failure. That begins to create a pattern of bad behavior being punished, and good behavior rewarded, all without trying public interests into it.

Instead, what we have because of the government performing socialistic interventions is that the bad behavior never gets punished. The natural cycle never completes, and we are stuck on the edge of collapse. Technically socialism should be able to fix the issues, but we have seen time and again it's easier for the government to literally just make up money than deal with reality and allow the bad behaviors to be punished. Why? Because they are getting kick backs, donations, cushy jobs for them and their family.

So instead of small corrections under capitalism we get apocalyptic socialist responses like shutting down the economy then trying to pretend we didnt with trillion dollar stimulus checks. That again dont actually fix the underlying problem, so once one batch of made up money is gone, the problem comes back. And the government and idiots who dont understand the situation act shocked and say well we have to do "something, for the greater good". Ignoring that it was similar measures that got us here.

I would much prefer the small pain of capitalism vs economy ending disasters of socialism.
So things like..
Police and fire services.
Courts and prisons
Roads and bridges
Parks and rec
Care for elderly and youth
Emergency services
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Obama added between 7-9 trillion dollars to the debt.... do you honestly consider that moving in the right direction?
Reducing the rate of increase is moving in the right direction when compared to increasing the rate of increase.
So in that regard, yes I do.
LA Times says Ad Revenue ‘nearly eliminated’ as it Furloughs Workers

The Los Angeles Times, claiming “advertising revenue has been nearly eliminated” because of the coronavirus, said it will furlough business-side employees and slash pay for senior executives by 5 percent to 15 percent.


The furloughs are slated to start April 19 and will last up to 16 weeks, according to a memo from the newspaper’s president, Chris Argentieri. The company said it will also suspend 401(k) contributions for non-union employees.

The cuts also apply to the San Diego Union Tribune, but not the community weeklies, according to a spokesman for California Times, which also owns the LA Times.

The cuts so far do not include the 600 rank-and-file editorial types who unionized with the News Guild and hammered out its first-ever contract at the paper only last October. The Guild said in a Twitter post that it was “troubled” by the cuts on the business side and planned to meet with management soon to “urge full support for our operations during this global emergency.”

Argentieri, in a memo to employees Tuesday, wrote, “Due to the unexpected effects of COVID-19, our advertising revenue has nearly been eliminated. While we’ve made significant progress in growing our digital subscriber base and developing other sources of revenue, it is not yet enough to offset the losses. The economy is in crisis and it’s become clear that we need to make some difficult changes in order to meet this challenge.”
They can learn to code
I don’t care what these news reports say..... I view most news as being half truths...... just like the news saying that Elon musk didn’t donate the ventilators that he said he would buy.... he came out today and provided the email confirmations, receipts, and everything else to make the journalists look like idiots once again.
I don’t like to actually discuss specifics of my job much but I work in a skilled nursing facility. We are more regulated than almost any healthcare industry that there is.... any covid death or suspected covid death is immediately reported to the state health board.... we have tested every single resident in our building and also all of the staff..... if a building has at least 2 positive test results than that building is considered an outbreak zone meaning that the facility has to do a call with the state daily going over any issues in the building related to corona.....No..... facilities will not discuss with journalist this issue bc what these journalists is doing is creating a panic making it extremely more difficult to take care of our residents.

That’s not how it works, you can’t just discount the reported news with nothing to contradict the story. Unless your LTAC/SNF was mentioned in these pieces, I’m pretty sure this isn’t happening to you specifically but clearly there is a systemic problem. “I don’t care about news” proves nothing about the veracity of the story or its content. It also does nothing to credibly bolster your position.
It doesn’t matter the amount.... is even the lowest amount good?
Every administration add money to the national debt. I am not sure how one would go about running the country without the national debt being somewhat increased. I know that there were "savings" to be recognized later under both Clinton and Obama that never materialized. When people realize that the government CAN NOT be run like a business, we will make a good first step towards communicating ways to pay off the national debt.
FFS. Rate of increase goes down as the amounts become larger when talking about the deficit and spending.
I know you don't do math well so here we go (this is literally the 100th time Ive explained this to you by the way):

Your wife punches you in the face 10 times a day for sitting down when peeing. The next day she punches you 30 times for catching you watching My Little Pony. 200% increase! THATS HORRIBLE.

Your wife punches you 9,000,000,000 times in the face for not finishing your soy milk. The next day she hits you 13,000,000,000 times for not finishing your Tofurkey. 44% increase.

Understand? Are you able to deduce which scenario might be worse?

Democrats almost always increase the deficit by the larger number. Trump will be the exception.
Spare me the kindergarten lesson.
I question your idea of beauty. Have you seen the before pics? She is not attractive.
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You must feel really good about yourself for trying to shame a child’s looks. And yes I know she is an adult now. This also applies to those who attacked Chelsea Clinton when she was a child.

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