Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I'm moving forward and you're living in the past. It's funny you're trying to wear a badge of honor by trying to shame me.

😂 I’m trying to wear a badge of honor? Weren’t you the one patting yourself on the back for showing “character”? I have zero interest in appearing honorable. I called you out because you have shown a pattern of making false claims. You speak as if what you say is fact and accuse others of spreading false info, then people back up their claims and you are forced to back track and admit you were wrong. I enjoy watching you going full 🤡 daily
So are we okay with federal overreach today, or is that socialist authoritarianism violating state's rights? Difficult to keep track of the flippy gymnastics happening on the board lately.
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He never shut anything down, explain to me how he opens it up?

He might follow through with the "anyone who wants a test can get a test", promise. That would go a long way in giving confidence to companies who are hesitant to fly blind while trying to get things running again. It would take a momentous effort to scale the production of kits, but I figure he'll put that burden on the states, and pretend like he never mentioned testing for everyone.
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So are we okay with federal overreach today, or is that socialist authoritarianism violating state's rights? Difficult to keep track of the flippy gymnastics happening on the board lately.

You'd need to ask the crew who was screaming for Trump to shut everything down 2-3 weeks ago.
😂 I’m trying to wear a badge of honor? Weren’t you the one patting yourself on the back for showing “character”? I have zero interest in appearing honorable. I called you out because you have shown a pattern of making false claims. You speak as if what you say is fact and accuse others of spreading false info, then people back up their claims and you are forced to back track and admit you were wrong. I enjoy watching you going full 🤡 daily
You called me out for apologizing. What do you think you're doing? Really You interjected yourself just to ridicule me for apologizing. You didn't have 2 cents in the race but here you are trying to take a victory lap. You're a desperate man that has nothing to offer. At least create a meme to express yourself. Stick with what you know.
What I hear you saying is capitalism is insufficient for a total economy.
I agree, that's why I've always supported a blended economy.
The things you are saying arent the economy system. We could have a completely 100% walnut based economy, and it could be capitalistic. We can have the most diverse economy in the world, and not be capitalistic.

An industry does not equal capitalism. How that individual industry operates could be any mix of things. Some industries in this nation are very capitlaistic, let's say the lemonade stand industry. While some, the Military industrial complex you love to bring up, is almost completely socialist outside those nuclear bomb launching antr
Hrax producing AR14 weapons of mass destruction us private citizens buy.
People should really be more concerned with the rampant nepotism as opposed to Ivanka's looks.
I like where we are as a society. Communicating with memes without the captions.

Read your post, saw Kermit, and said to myself, "but that's none of my business".

Obviously, you and I are on the leading edge of trendsetting.
Governor's like Bill Lee don't have a backbone so the only way these governors will re-open is when and how Trump tells them to

I don’t think so. I think the governors are going to do what they feel is best for the people of their states, just as they’ve done so far. I don’t think any amount of “guidance” is going to change that since the onus has been placed on them from the beginning.
So are we okay with federal overreach today, or is that socialist authoritarianism violating state's rights? Difficult to keep track of the flippy gymnastics happening on the board lately.
We're just generally in a bad mood about most everything, rn.
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I like where we are as a society. Communicating with memes without the captions.

Read your post, saw Kermit, and said to myself, "but that's none of my business".

Obviously, you and I are on the leading edge of trendsetting.
It truly is the golden age of the internet.
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So are we okay with federal overreach today, or is that socialist authoritarianism violating state's rights? Difficult to keep track of the flippy gymnastics happening on the board lately.
Just wait, we are all about to assume the positions we started this thread in. Consider it more of politically based stretching.

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